Full-time sword repair

Chapter 865 Fight against Zhao Lao 9!

Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng had expected this battle to happen.

They wanted to try their best not to do anything, and it would be best if they could steal it and run away. After all, this old guy is really difficult to deal with.

Lin Jichen knew it was tricky when he saw the opponent's attribute panel.

More than 4000 defenses gave Lin Jichen quite a headache.

Among the Nascent Soul cultivators he had fought against, only Wen Renxun was stronger than him.

But now that he has been exposed, he can only plan for the worst and fight!

Zhao Laojiu was the first to attack Lin Jichen, especially when he saw Lin Jichen returning to a man's appearance, he was particularly motivated.

He thought that Baili Canfeng was already the prettiest boy he had ever seen.

Unexpectedly, there is another Lin Jichen, who is even more beautiful than Baili Canfeng, and the more he looks the more charming, he is simply fascinated!

Zhao Laojiu made up his mind that neither of these two boys would try to run away today.

He wants to arrest both of them, and then train them to become his own furnace!Teach them to be 'good sisters', and serve me together in the future, jie jie jie~

"Shattering finger!"

Zhao Laojiu pointed out that the majestic mana surged out like the Yellow River breaking its embankment.

A finger of black light, mixed with the aura of crushing everything, passed through Lin Jichen's cave!

"Ghost Slash!"

Lin Jichen slashed with his sword, and the two energies crossed and collided in the air!

Naturally, Baili Canfeng behind him would not sit idly by, taking advantage of Lin Jichen holding Zhao Laojiu back, and began to retaliate wildly against Zhao Laojiu.

He wants to wash away the humiliation of the disgusting things that Zhao Laojiu did to him just now!

The three fought fiercely in the air.


Violent movements resounded from the top of the mountain.

The mansion on the mountain had already been destroyed. Zhao Laojiu's subordinates looked at the sky in shock. They couldn't believe that someone dared to come to provoke Zhao Laojiu, or were they two juniors with spirits?

This is really the lighting next to the toilet!

And Jin Buhuan hid in a pile of ruins and shivered, not daring to come out or make a move, for fear of being discovered by Zhao Laojiu's subordinates.

At the same time, he paid attention to the battle above his head with great concern. If Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng were no match, he would die without a place to bury him.

In the sky, Zhao Laojiu had one against two, but he still had the upper hand.

He is powerful and has extremely rich combat experience, so he is not afraid of the two joining forces at all.

However, he also found that these two spirit juniors were very powerful, even stronger than many Nascent Soul realm monks.

He had the upper hand, but he didn't take much advantage at all.

Seeing that it might not be easy to end this battle, Zhao Laojiu didn't talk about martial arts, just shook people directly.

"What are you still looking at, Ding Qiu! Huang Gang! Hurry up and lead someone, and hold this Faxiu boy!"

When the subordinates heard the words, they didn't dare to disobey, and immediately took action, flying up one after another, and surrounded Baili Remnant Feng.

Baili Canfeng's face darkened, he was not afraid of these little guys, he was worried that Lin Jichen was left alone, and he might not be able to deal with Zhao Laojiu.

"Brother Lin, you..."

Lin Jichen seemed to know what he was worried about, and interrupted directly: "Don't worry about me, concentrate on doing your job well, and end it as soon as possible!"

Baili Canfeng gritted his teeth and had no choice but to deal with these subordinates first.

But Lin Jichen lost his most important helper, and faced Zhao Laojiu alone.

Zhao Laojiu sneered, and said: "No one can help you now, the old man will give you a way to survive now, abolish your dantian, and be my exclusive male pet in the future, and I will treat you well in the future, otherwise, wait for me to get you If it is abolished, the treatment will be completely different.”

Lin Jichen didn't change his face, just curled his lips, and replied: "I really don't know what you're barking at, so stop talking nonsense and hit me if you want."

Zhao Laojiu narrowed his eyes, stopped talking, and suddenly jumped forward, his sleeves fluttered, and he pointed out!

"Devil's finger!"


The air seemed to be pierced by this finger, and there was a dull sound in the void, like a giant wheel crushing the sky.

Lin Jichen dodged it, but unexpectedly, the experienced Zhao Laojiu had expected it, took the opportunity to use his agility, leaned close to him, and pointed his finger again!

The decisiveness of the shot and the tricky timing were all grasped just right, hardly giving Lin Jichen any chance to react.

However, Lin Jichen was not a vegetarian either, when the other party pointed it out, his Moji Zhenyuan Jue was instantly activated!

However, Moji Zhenyuanjue's shield still couldn't resist the opponent's fierce attack.

Lin Jichen was blown away, a finger-sized hole appeared on his shoulder, and blood flowed out from his chest.


Fortunately, Lin Jichen's defense is not as low as before, otherwise this finger will lose at least [-] blood bars.

Lin Jichen looked down at his wound, his fighting spirit soared, and he was completely in a fighting state.

Since you can't hide, let's fight!


Lin Jichen gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, and the Yushuang sword seemed to sense the master's fighting intent, and made a clear sword chant.

Zhao Laojiu's offensive didn't stop at all, and he attacked again in the blink of an eye.

Lin Jichen stood firm and fearless, his long hair moved without wind, and his spiritual power gathered in the blade of the sword in his hand.

"Phoenix Feather!"

At this moment, dozens of white sword qi shot out like feathers.

Zhao Laojiu didn't notice it for a while, and hurriedly growled, and pointed out with five fingers in a row, trying to counteract the sword energy.

However, although most of it was scattered by him, there were still seven or eight sword qi across his body.

"-17000! Trigger disabled!"

"Cripple: Any part of the enemy will be a weak point for 15 seconds."

Zhao Laojiu suffered from pain, but this aroused his fierceness even more.

The finger cot on his hand glowed with a golden light, and a golden finger breath was as fast as lightning!

"Golden Light Finger Explosion!"

Without giving any time to react, it suddenly exploded on Lin Jichen.

"-18000! Trigger burn!"

"Scorching: 1500 points of blood loss per second for 15 seconds, and the healing effect is -30%."

Lin Jichen was blown more than ten meters away, and there were more than a dozen wounds on his body, and there were still traces of burns on it.

Before Lin Jichen had a chance to catch his breath, Zhao Laojiu entangled him again like a ghost.

"Muscle and bone overpowering body!"

Zhao Laojiu's skin suddenly turned black, like a rolling shell, hitting him hard!

Lin Jichen didn't panic at all, his eyes froze, and his figure suddenly split into five!

"Shadow raid!"

Five clones, scattered in all directions!

Successfully dodged Zhao Laojiu's flying body.

The next moment, Lin Jichen's five avatars shot at the same time, and the five swords stabbed backwards.


Unexpectedly, the black substance on Zhao Laojiu's body was as hard as scales and could not be pierced.

Lin Jichen didn't want to fight immediately, and manipulated the other four clones to entangle the opponent first, while he retreated to the side.

After Zhao Laojiu dealt with the four avatars, he heard the crisp sound of sword chant echoing in the air, and when he looked up, he saw a huge light-white sword shadow emerging in the void.

"Splitting Mountains and Breaking Seas Sword!"

At this moment, it was as if a galaxy was falling, and the shadow of the sword fell, and the black armor on Zhao Laojiu's body could no longer hold it, and it was all split!

Zhao Laojiu finally let out a scream, fell from the sky, and smashed into the ruins.


Two more~

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