"The old man has never seen such a handsome young man, hahaha, he is really thin and tender, with a good skin, the best~ Jie Jie Jie~"

Zhao Laojiu hugged Baili Canfeng, couldn't put it down, so excited that he didn't want it.

Baili Canfeng's face turned pale, he struggled hastily, and explained: "Senior, I'm a man, my sister is over there, look quickly, there she is!"

Zhao Laojiu said indifferently: "I know, what's so good about a woman, it's just a pink skull, what I like is a man, especially a good-looking man, hehe."

As he said that, Zhao Laojiu pinched Baili Canfeng's chin and smiled obscenely.

But he sniffed again, frowned and said, "Why do you smell like shit?"

Baili Canfeng seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and quickly explained: "Well...I'm born with body odor, why don't seniors find my sister, my sister is very fragrant!"

But Zhao Laojiu shook his head and said: "It's okay, if it stinks, it stinks. I don't care, I just like you. I'll take a bath for you later, and I promise to wash you clean, hehe."

At this moment, Baili Canfeng's heart is full of ten thousand horses galloping past.

Jin Buhuan was also dumbfounded.

Fuck, I never expected that this Zhao Laojiu is actually Long Yang!

Only Lin Jichen, who was disguised as a woman, did not change his face, and even slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Why does this kid think he is disguised as a woman?

Want Lao Tzu to sacrifice Hue?Committed to this pervert?dream!

This kind of matter should be left to Brother Baili, anyway, he said before, it is duty bound!

The more Zhao Laojiu looked at Baili Canfeng, the more he fell in love with him, and the desire in his heart was already unbearable.

He impatiently said to Lin Jichen and the two: "Go down first, don't hinder the old man's good deeds!"

The other subordinates left very tactfully.

Jin Buhuan recovered from his astonishment, and looked at Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen calmly motioned him to leave with him.

"Lin... Lin... help me... help me..."

Seeing that Lin Jichen was about to leave, Baili Canfeng hurriedly called for help.

However, Lin Jichen gave him a helpless look, and responded with his lips: I wish you good luck.

Afterwards, Lin Jichen was very resolute and left.

Baili Canfeng looked at Lin Jichen's receding figure and the gradually closing door, as if mourning his concubine, his face ashen...

After Lin Jichen and Jin Buhuan left the room, they were taken to a backyard to rest by his subordinates.

"You guys have a good rest. It is also a blessing for your friend to be favored by my master. You can rest easy here in the future."

The men left after speaking.

Jin Buhuan asked Lin Jichen weakly, "Senior, what should we do now?"

Jin Buhuan thought that he would work with Baili Canfeng, but unexpectedly, it was replaced by Lin Jichen, the world is unpredictable~

Lin Jichen quickly took off his women's clothes and changed back to his original clothes, and said, "What else can I do? At that time, I hurriedly looked for the Millennium Yingguo. I guess there must be a treasure house in this mansion, and there must be someone guarding it. You and I will separate and come to notify immediately after we find it." I."

"Okay..." Jin Buhuan agreed anxiously, he really didn't dare to go, but he had to go.

The two separated immediately and began to search the house.

And Baili Canfeng in the house is trying to survive...

"Little baby, come on, let's go to bed and talk about life, hehehe~"

Faced with Zhao Laojiu's "enthusiastic" invitation, Baili Canfeng only felt nauseated, and wished he could directly attack this pervert right now.

But he also knows Zhao Laojiu's strength, he is not an opponent, and he should not tear himself apart as a last resort.

He had no choice but to suppress his nausea and began to flatter him.

"Senior, that... I'm not ready yet, why don't I give you a massage first."

Zhao Laojiu readily agreed.

Baili Canfeng walked behind Zhao Laojiu, squeezed his shoulders and thumped his back aggrievedly, but he was touched twice by Zhao Laojiu's salty hands, which drove him almost crazy.

"If I had known I would have disguised myself as a woman, brother Lin, how could he be so lucky!"

Baili Canfeng was crying in his heart, of course he didn't know that Lin Jichen had seen through everything a long time ago, and he was still regretting that he should have snatched the job of women's clothing!

In fact, he can also wear women's clothes~

But now it's all over.

Now he can only pray that Lin Jichen will quickly find the Millennium Baby Fruit, and he will find a reason to run away.

Outside the house, Lin Jichen searched all over the mansion. Just when he thought there was no treasure house, he suddenly found two monks guarding a room outside.

Lin Jichen thought about it, took out a disguise mask, and turned into Zhao Laojiu.

Zhao Laojiu can't be fooled, and it's no problem to fool these little guys.

Lin Jichen swaggered over.

When the two subordinates saw that it was Zhao Laojiu, they quickly saluted.

"Okay, you guys go down first, I'm going in to get something."

The subordinates quickly followed suit.

Lin Jichen pushed the door and entered, but found a barrier blocking his way.

He knew that this was an enchantment produced by some kind of defensive magic weapon.

Sure enough, the treasure house is not so easy to open.

However, Lin Jichen couldn't be troubled by this.

Lin Jichen took a deep breath, moved his dantian, opened his mouth, and a ray of spiritual light shot out from his mouth!

Tiangang Lingyu!

The spirit jade is like a shuttle, and it goes straight through the barrier!

The enchantment immediately cracked and turned into nothing.

Lin Jichen smiled in satisfaction, he was not joking about the celestial magic weapon.

The barrier was broken, and Lin Jichen walked into the house without hindrance.

The room is full of beautiful things, filled with spirit stones, pills, and equipment.

Lin Jichen was not polite, and put all the spirit stones into the ring first, there were more than 100 million low-grade spirit stones, and more than 1 middle-grade spirit stones.

Even Lin Jichen found more than 100 high-grade spirit stones.

The number of these spirit stones is richer than that of the Han Yuan Treasure House. Sure enough, the family background of Nascent Soul is rich.

Especially this kind of evil cultivator, who specializes in burning, killing, looting, killing and extorting money, naturally has an extremely rich family fortune.

After collecting the spirit stones, Lin Jichen began to choose others.

His ring space is almost full, and it's not realistic to take them all away, so he doesn't want everything.

After some selection, Lin Jichen's rings were packed to the brim. There were more than 200 pieces of equipment, and they were all around the Mysterious Grade.

As for land products, there are not many, only less than ten.

However, Lin Jichen searched around but didn't see the Millennium Baby Fruit, presumably it wasn't in it, it should be in that old freak's storage ring.

Just as Lin Jichen was about to leave, a small box that was almost ignored caught his attention.

Lin Jichen opened it curiously, and there was a golden human face fruit lying inside.

The whole body of this fruit emits golden light, and it is shaped like a villain, exuding a strong aura.

Lin Jichen told the truth, from his previous life to now, he had only heard of it, but had never seen the Millennium Baby Fruit.

After reading the game's information introduction, he realized that this was what he was looking for!


One more~

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