Seeing that Lin Jichen still didn't believe it, Gu Qingcheng could only sigh and confess the truth.

"To tell you the truth, because the situation of righteous demons has been tense in the past few years, the seal of the demon-sealing land was broken a while ago, causing evil spirits to stir up trouble everywhere. The Supreme Elder of our sect has always disagreed with me leaving the sect."

"Elder Taishang?"

Lin Jichen was puzzled, why did the elder have such a powerful voice?Dare to command the head?

Gu Qingcheng smiled wryly, and said: "The Supreme Elder is my father, do you understand?"

Lin Jichen suddenly realized that this is what happened after a long time.

The father doesn't let his daughter go out to play around, and the daughter wants to go out for a walk, so he invites Lin Jichen to come out and perform a play.

"My suzerain hasn't left the sect for many years, I haven't even bought a new dress, I haven't even watched a favorite pear show, I haven't even heard a favorite song, and I haven't even bought a new dress." ..."

Gu Qingcheng chanted like this for a long time, until she almost cried.

Lin Jichen, on the other hand, couldn't laugh or cry, why is this sect master different from other sect masters... The painting style is so strange...

"If that's the case, I agree."

Lin Jichen was afraid that the master would really make himself cry, so he quickly agreed.



Gu Qingcheng smiled slyly, and said: "Then it's settled. After the matter is completed, I will strictly abide by the agreement. You go to Ling'er Han'er first, and let them take you around our Fazong. We will wait for you in the afternoon. Let's talk about it after the sect has a meeting."

"I understand, I will take my leave first."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he left the hall, leaving Gu Qingcheng, who had a happy face and even hummed a little song, to laugh alone.

As soon as he walked out of the Fazong hall, Lin Jichen met Mu Lingbing and Gu Zihan arguing outside.

"No, sister, you can't go in."

"Why can't you go in?"

"My mother is chatting with Brother Lin, it's inconvenient for you to go in."

"Hmph! I'm going!"


Gu Zihan saw that he couldn't stop him, so he planned to cry and make trouble, but Lin Jichen came out by himself.

"Brother Lin, have you come out? How is my mother? Does it smell good?"

Seeing Lin Jichen, Gu Zihan immediately ran up and asked triumphantly, making Lin Jichen so tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

Mu Lingbing looked at him resentfully, and said, "Lin Jichen, you and my master..."

Lin Jichen's head was a little big, so he had to say: "I just chatted with Master Gu for a while, she asked me about Jianzong, nothing else."

"Really?" Mu Lingbing was overjoyed.

"Of course, I'm the master of the sect, how could I fall in love with a young boy like me? You are too worried." Lin Jichen said in relief.

Mu Lingbing breathed a sigh of relief, it's good that Master didn't like it

Gu Zihan looked puzzled, scratched his head and said, "Mother didn't like Big Brother Lin? No way, I didn't like this? No, I'm going to ask my mother!"

After saying this, Xiaobudian rushed to find Gu Qingcheng to find out what happened.

Lin Jichen was afraid that Gu Zihan would be angry with him when he found out that he had rejected his mother, so he quickly asked Mu Lingbing to take him away.

Mu Lingbing was also afraid that his master would go back on his word and come back to rob him, so he readily agreed, led Lin Jichen and ran away.

When Gu Zihan came back again, he hadn't seen the two of them for a long time.

He was so angry that he had no choice but to sulk on the spot.

"Senior sister is too hateful. She deliberately took Brother Lin away. Brother Lin also rejected my mother. It must be that the two of you are not familiar with each other, so Brother Lin is shy. No, I have to work harder. I must Make Brother Lin and my mother together!"


On the other side, Baili Canfeng, who had escaped into the forest, had been eagerly looking forward to Lin Jichen's return, but after waiting for a long time, no one was seen.

There are many snakes, insects and monsters in this mountain forest, and Baili Canfeng accidentally ran into a monster attacking him without knowing his life or death.

He can only shoot to kill it.

Unexpectedly, when he made a move, an elder of Fazong happened to pass by, and he saw a surge of devilish energy below.

The elder immediately went down to check and found that Baili Canfeng was a demon cultivator, so he immediately attacked him.

Baili Canfeng had no choice but to run away. In this mountain forest, he embarked on a desperate escape.

Because he was afraid that Lin Jichen would not find him when he came back, Baili Canfeng didn't dare to run far, so he could only hide in the middle of this mountain forest.

In order to hide himself, Baili Canfeng passed by a skunk's lair, hesitated for a moment, got into the skunk's lair, endured the stench, and jumped into the skunk's cesspool...

Elder Fazong searched for a long time but couldn't find Baili Canfeng, thinking that the other party had escaped, so he gave up and left.

Baili Canfeng didn't know about it, so he could only continue to hide in the cesspool.

There was only one thought in his mind: "Brother Lin, when are you coming out..."

At this moment, Lin Jichen had no idea that Baili Canfeng could be so unlucky.

He is leisurely traveling with Mu Lingbing to the Yuanji Dharma School, admiring the beautiful scenery, being with a beautiful woman, so happy.

It's a pity that the beautiful days were broken by a disciple who sent a message.

"Elder Sister, the Sect Leader has an order to invite Lin Jichen to the meeting hall."

Mu Lingbing frowned a little dissatisfied, and said, "Isn't the master in a meeting?"

"Um, yes, but the master still asked me to invite Lin Jianxiu over."

The disciple answered honestly.

Mu Lingbing's heart tightened, she always felt that her master wanted to steal her sweetheart...

"Okay, I'll take him there."

Mu Lingbing could only compromise, and said anxiously to Lin Jichen: "My master called you, but don't worry, as long as you don't want to, my master will not force you."

Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry, of course he knew why Gu Qingcheng was looking for him.

"I understand, let's go, Ling Bing."

"Yeah." Mu Lingbing smiled sweetly.

The two rushed to Fazong's main hall, which was already full of elders of the sect.

"Master, you said that Master Leng of the Tianyan Sword Sect invited you to be a guest of the Sword Sect to discuss the joint fight against the Demon Sect. Is this true or not?"

A great elder asked suspiciously.

Gu Qingcheng, who was sitting in the chief seat, replied calmly: "Of course it is true, I can still deceive you."

The Great Elder smiled wryly, thinking that you have lied to us many times...

"It doesn't make sense. The Tianyan Sword Sect is far away in Muxian Prefecture, thousands of miles away from Yongning Prefecture. How could they invite us to discuss the matter of resisting the Demon Sect? Besides, our Yuanji Fazong has never had anything to do with the Tianyan Sword Sect. Nothing to do, nothing to do."

The other great elder was also puzzled.

A trace of guilt flashed in Gu Qingcheng's eyes, but he remained calm.

"Is the suzerain talking nonsense about such things? Lin Jichen, the only direct disciple of the sect master Leng, has already visited our sect. If you don't believe me, you will know when he comes."

Amidst everyone's doubts, Lin Jichen stepped into the hall.

As soon as he came in, Gu Qingcheng exchanged a look with him, tacit understanding.

Lin Jichen, let's start!


two more

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