Full-time sword repair

Chapter 812 Let go of my bear!

"To tell you the truth, this was just a misunderstanding. I had been to the Ten Thousand Monster Territory, but because I couldn't get in, I could only use the mystical method to entrust my primordial spirit on my pet and control it to enter the Ten Thousand Monster Territory. .”

"Later in the Peacock Demon Kingdom, I saw a peacock demon clan bullying two little foxes, so I acted righteously. The little foxes were very grateful for my life-saving grace."

"Afterwards, it may be that I discovered that the bear is my pet, and I mistakenly thought that I enslaved the bear, and that's why the next thing happened. Now, do you understand?"

Lin Jichen told Bai Nu exactly what had happened.

Only after hearing this did Bai Nu understand what was going on.

"So that's it. Doesn't it mean that this silly bear is not the Enxiong that the little fox is really looking for? You are the stupid bear?"

"I'm... okay, yes, so it's all a misunderstanding, you can let me go now."

Lin Jichen didn't want to talk nonsense, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" Bai Nu stopped him.

"What else?"

Bai Nu stubbornly said: "Although I know about what happened, I haven't paid back my favor yet."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, I still want to take your pet to the Fox Monster Clan and return my favor."

"Damn! Why do you want me to sacrifice pets for favors? You have a good idea!"

Lin Jichen refused on the spot.

But Bai Nu didn't give Lin Jichen a chance to react, and rolled up the bear with a wing.

Lin Jichen didn't even have a chance to take it back.

"You fucking let go of my bear!"

Lin Jichen was furious, and he directly sacrificed the Yushuang Sword to fight this white-haired chicken!

But Bai Nu said leisurely: "No matter what you say, this matter started because of you, and naturally you have to finish it yourself. Since I was entrusted by the fox demon, I must naturally get things done. They entrusted me to do it." The most important thing is to bring back your pet, as for your entanglement with the Fox Clan, that is your business, you have to solve it yourself."

After speaking, Bai Nu looked like a bear, flapped his wings, and disappeared immediately.

"Sloppy! Damn you old Lu bird! I'm so confused!"

Lin Jichen was so angry that he cursed loudly, and immediately used his sword control technique to chase after him at full speed.

However, with his speed, even the shadow of Bai Nu could not be seen.

But Lin Jichen still stubbornly chased after him, what he wanted was not to chase after Bai Nu, but to go to Xuanyizong!

Damn, if you can't beat it, then sue!

Today I have to let this bird show its bear appearance!

Lin Jichen ran all the way out of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and immediately tore up the teleportation talisman. After several twists and turns, he finally appeared at the foot of Xuanyizong Mountain.

The players were all surprised when they found out that it was Lin Jichen.

Especially when he saw Lin Jichen's distressed appearance, he was even more shocked. Who could beat the number one master like this?

Lin Jichen didn't care about the eyes of others, and rushed straight to the mountain gate.

The disciples at the foot of the mountain stopped him immediately.

"Stop, this is the Xuanyi Sect. People who are not members of our sect are not allowed to enter unless invited."

"Please inform me, I'm here to find your suzerain."

"I'm sorry, fellow daoist, our suzerain is in retreat and can't see you at all."

"Shut up?"

Lin Jichen obviously didn't believe it, so he contacted Gu Qiuxue directly.

After a while, Gu Qiuxue ran out from the sect.

"Xiaochen, why are you like this? What happened?"

Seeing that Lin Jichen was in such a mess, Gu Qiuxue hurriedly treated him immediately.

Lin Jichen didn't have time to explain, so he hurriedly asked, "Sister, where is your master, take me to see her quickly."

"My master was in retreat a while ago." Gu Qiuxue replied.

Lin Jichen really believed it now, it was impossible for his sister to lie to him.

Damn, it's no wonder this white-feathered chicken dares to be so presumptuous. Feelings are closed by the master, and no one cares about it.

After a while, Fang Qingzhu also heard the movement and rushed over.

Seeing Lin Jichen who hadn't seen her for a long time, she was very happy, but she could tell that Lin Jichen didn't come here to catch up with her.

"Xiaochen, what happened?" Gu Qiuxue asked curiously.

Lin Jichen didn't hide anything either, and said, "Your master's pet bird kidnapped my pet bear."

"Huh?" Both women looked shocked.

Lin Jichen smiled wryly: "So the most urgent thing is to find your master and let her take care of her pets. There is really no tiger in the mountains and a chicken is the king."

"But... my master has really retreated, and has been in retreat for more than a month."

Gu Qiuxue said in embarrassment.

Just when Lin Jichen was feeling a little desperate, a crisp voice rang in the ears of the three of them.

"Who do you say is a tigress? Who is a chicken?"

Lin Jichen's body trembled, and his heart shook. The voice was a little familiar, and the momentum was absolutely correct!

"It's the master/suzerain who has left the customs!" Fang Qingzhu and Gu Qiuxue were both overjoyed.

But Lin Jichen couldn't be happy, Yun Lanyi offended others just after leaving the customs... Can this bear look be returned...

But no matter what, he will try.

"The younger generation, Lin Jichen, a disciple of the Tianyan Sword Sect, has come to ask to see Sect Master Yun, and discuss matters."

Lin Jichen clasped his fists far away inside the sect, and opened his mouth to express his intention.

Yun Lanyi didn't give face, and said coldly: "I said before that you and Leng Feiyan have long been blocked by my Xuanyi School and are not allowed to step into the gate of my Xuanyi School. You will not forget, right?"

"Er..." Lin Jichen was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, both Gu Qiuxue and Fang Qingzhu stood up to speak for themselves at this time.

"Master, my brother's pet was taken away by Bai Nu, that's why he came here."

"That's right, suzerain, no matter how you say it's Bai Nu's fault this time, why don't you let Daoist Lin come in to see you?"

The two women's persuasion made Yun Lanyi not so unkind.

"It's only this time, it won't happen next time."

The two girls were overjoyed, and immediately thanked their master, and then brought Lin Jichen into the sect.

Lin Jichen traveled unimpeded all the way, and came to the main hall of the Yunlan Sect, where Yun Lanyi was sitting at the head, drinking tea calmly.

After the three entered the main hall, Gu Qiuxue and Fang Qingzhu saluted immediately.

Lin Jichen didn't dare to make mistakes, and bowed respectfully: "My junior, Lin Jichen, has met Sect Master Yun, but I haven't seen him for a long time. Sect Master Yun looks very good. I think it will be very rewarding to come to Sect Master Yun's retreat. This junior congratulates you in advance."

After Lin Jichen had finished his good words, Yun Lanyi did not see any joy on his face.

"Don't talk nonsense. If my two favorite disciples hadn't pleaded with me, I would never have seen you. If you have something to say, hurry up and leave."

Lin Jichen coughed a few times in embarrassment, so he had no choice but to get straight to the point and tell what happened.

I thought that after hearing her pet's misbehavior, Yun Lanyi would definitely teach Bai Nu a lesson and then hand over her as a bear.

But he never expected that this woman would directly protect her pet!

"My white slave was in retreat with me during my retreat. It is impossible to go out and tie up your pet. You may have misread the bird."

Lin Jichen: "????"


Third watch~ I just got out of the hospital today, I am in good health, I can eat and sleep, I am recovering and updating!do as promised!

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