Full-time sword repair

Chapter 810 White Slave

The place Lin Jichen was staying in front of him was not the resurrection point of the sect, but a huge birdcage made of feathers!

He was locked inside and hung on the edge of a cliff.

The hanging dead branches looked shaky at all, and might break and fall down at any moment.

Lin Jichen stabilized his mind and checked the situation outside through the gap in the birdcage.

When he looked outside, there were continuous mountains, but if he looked around, he couldn't even find a trace of a monster, as if this area had disappeared.

But this place was very familiar to Lin Jichen, he remembered it after a little identification.

Isn't this the Hundred Thousand Mountains?

How could I appear in this bird place?

Lin Jichen hurriedly checked his attributes, and when he found that nothing had changed, he was first happy to survive the catastrophe, and then he looked melancholy.

Dead is not dead, but how can this get out?

Lin Jichen sacrificed the Yushuang sword, wanting to break out of the cage.

However, his sword energy slashed on the cage wall, and the bird cage was not injured at all. Instead, he himself was knocked upside down by the shock.

Lin Jichen tried several times, but the result was the same. The birdcage looked fragile, but it was as solid as a rock.

No matter how hard Lin Jichen tried, he couldn't shake the birdcage.

Instead, because of his own actions, the dead branches on his head were shaking.

Lin Jichen didn't dare to do anything anymore, and he also knew that the other party dared to lock him here, so he definitely wouldn't let him go out so easily.

Lin Jichen, who was staying in the birdcage, felt speechless. He was locked in a cage like a living person, what is it called?

Lin Jichen wanted to try using the teleportation talisman, but it didn't work at all.

He took out the sound transmission jade pendant around his waist and contacted Mu Lingbing to ask her to find helpers to rescue him.

But when he took out the jade pendant, he found that there was no response, and even the friend list of the game was blocked.

[You are shielded by the barrier, temporarily unable to contact the outside world! 】

"Depend on!"

Lin Jichen was so angry that he jumped, the joy of surviving the catastrophe disappeared and was replaced by despair.

If the other party insists on locking him here forever, then he might as well die.

It would be okay if he was locked up for a few days, but if he was locked up for a month or two, or even more than half a year, then he would still be fooling around.

After he came out, he probably couldn't even beat Chen Yuan.

He couldn't stay here for too long, because in a few days, it would be the ancestor worship ceremony of the Qianlong royal family, and it was also the day agreed with Ji Tongyin.

He wants to sneak into the palace to find a way to treat Xiaowan, otherwise Xiaowan will be allowed to practice in the ghost servant space by himself.

Sooner or later, the real Xiaowan will be replaced and devoured by the female demon.

Moreover, it is impossible for Lin Jichen to waste time here. If he is locked up like this, those treasure houses, treasure chests, hidden missions, etc. may be discovered one by one by others and preempted.

Thoughts of suicide flashed through Lin Jichen's mind, but he was a little unwilling. He finally survived, but turned around and was forced to commit suicide again.

The point is that the penalty for suicide is much greater than being killed.

Lin Jichen felt that if he committed suicide, he might lose more innate attributes, and he didn't know how many pieces of equipment he would have left.

Lin Jichen was caught in the battle between heaven and man.

After thinking for a while, Lin Jichen decided to wait another day. If he still couldn't find a way to get out within a day, he could only commit suicide in this birdcage and be resurrected.

After making up his mind, Lin Jichen felt at ease instead, and his heart gradually calmed down, waiting quietly in this birdcage.

The day passed quickly.

But there was still no way to escape from the birdcage, Lin Jichen laughed at himself.

"At first, I thought that surviving a catastrophe would bring future blessings, but I didn't expect the other party to torture me like this, alas."

Lin Jichen sighed and prepared to commit suicide.

At this moment, a bird's cry sounded, and a white bird flew from the distant sky, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the birdcage, fluttered its wings and looked around the birdcage.

When Lin Jichen saw it, he immediately recognized that this bird was the guy who captured it earlier.

"Hey! You stupid bird? Kill me if you want, don't shut me up!"

Lin Jichen yelled at the white bird outside the cage, in fact, he wanted to provoke the other party to kill him quickly, so as not to lock him up again.

He would rather be killed than commit suicide in frustration.

Seeing that Lin Jichen woke up, the white bird seemed to be very proud. With a flap of its wings, Lin Jichen and the birdcage flew up together, flew over the cliff, reached the top of the mountain, and then fell heavily.


The birdcage was safe and sound, but Lin Jichen fell to pieces.

Lin Jichen wished he could pluck the white bird's hair and let it bleed, and roast it on the fire to eat!

However, the current him can only think about it, the breath of enlightenment exudes from this white bird, it is not something he can resist now.

However, when Lin Jichen fell down, his head shook, and he suddenly remembered something, and then shouted loudly towards the outside of the birdcage.

"You are a white slave! Isn't that right! You are the pet of Yun Lanyi, the patriarch of the Xuanyi Sect! I remember correctly!"

yes!Lin Jichen finally remembered.

Back then when he was in Shiwan Dashan, he was almost captured by this old land bird. Fortunately, master Leng Feiyan made a timely move.

But then the bird also had a backer, and it called Yun Lanyi.

Leng Feiyan didn't make things difficult for the bird either, it seemed that because of the past between Leng Feiyan and Yun Lanyi, the two parties broke up unhappy.

Lin Jichen now remembered that the white bird was exactly the same as the white slave back then.

It's just that it's been so long that Lin Jichen didn't remember it immediately.

The white bird landed and combed its feathers gracefully, turning a deaf ear to Lin Jichen's shout.

"Hey, you haven't learned enough from the last lesson, have you? Be careful when my master comes to give you another sword, let me go quickly! You are too small-minded, isn't it the last time my master cut you with a sword? As for Have you held grudges till now? You are not like a bird, but more like a chicken! Chicken intestines are so small!"

Lin Jichen cursed and cursed, full of anger.

This bird is also too courageous, knowing that his backer is Leng Feiyan, he dares to do it, is he really not afraid of death or something?

When Bai Niao heard Lin Jichen mention Leng Feiyan, he was also a little apprehensive, and his movements froze.

But it seemed that Lin Jichen scolded it as a chicken, which completely angered it.

The next moment, it flapped its wings again.

The birdcage was blown away, rolled around, and then crashed into a small hill before barely stopping.

Lin Jichen in the cage vomited blood and was in a panic.

But he is also a stubborn temper, the more so, the less likely he is to give in.

"Kill me if you are capable. If I beg you for mercy once, my name, Lin Jichen, will be read backwards from today!"

Lin Jichen looked at the proud white bird outside the cage with cold eyes, and continued: "Today, you are indeed countless times stronger than me, but let me tell you, one day, sooner or later, I will ride on the head of your native chicken like today. Play with you wantonly! Chicken, come and kill me!"

The white bird's eyes were fierce, and it flapped its wings to untie the cage.

Then he appeared in front of Lin Jichen like a teleportation, his claws were like knives, carrying endless power, and smashed towards Lin Jichen's neck.

With this paw, Lin Jichen would not be able to die even with ten lives.

However, Lin Jichen was extremely calm, he didn't even close his eyes, and looked straight at the other party, with a contemptuous smile on his face.


One more~

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