Full-time sword repair

Chapter 807 Tang Ning: Is my first kiss gone?

In Tang Ning's room.

After being taken away by her mother for all the tools to stay up late, Tang Ning could only tragically stand by the bed and act as Lin Jichen's 'security guard'.

At first, she was planning to stand like this overnight, but she heard Lin Jichen's sound asleep.

It didn't take long for Tang Ning to be possessed by a sleepy bug, her eyelids were fighting, and she was stumbling around.

Seeing Lin Jichen sleeping so soundly, Tang Ning couldn't stand it anymore.

In particular, she had to always be on guard against whether her mother would come to 'investigate' again, and she also fell asleep last time, so Tang Ning thought it would be no big deal to sleep again this time.

Anyway, Lin Jichen wouldn't wake up after sleeping so hard, so nothing would happen to the two of them.

Thinking of this, Tang Ning couldn't stand it any longer. After taking off her coat, she laid down carefully.

In order to avoid suspicion and the lesson of falling asleep into Lin Jichen's arms last time, she only dared to sleep next to the edge of the bed, for fear that it would be the same as last time.

Tang Ning, who was lying down, fell asleep not long after, and she didn't realize it herself. In a daze, she felt that there was a small heater next to her, and she moved over without knowing it.

And because they have been used to sleeping with Ren Lan during this period of time, the two often hug each other when they sleep.

In Tang Ning's sleep, this little habit remained unchanged, and somehow she fell into Lin Jichen's arms.

Just as Tang Ning was soundly asleep, Lin Jichen was awakened by an evil fire.

Originally, when he was drunk and should be sleeping, Lin Jichen woke up inexplicably and couldn't fall asleep.

The reason is that the chest is dry and hot, and there seems to be small bugs crawling slowly on the body, as if something is constantly tickling my heart.

Lin Jichen, who just woke up, found that there was a girl in his arms, with a delicate fragrance on her body, and she was sleeping soundly with her arms around her.

Lin Jichen reacted immediately, a strong impulse came, and the heat in his body seemed to gather in one place at this moment.

Lin Jichen ate so many nourishing things today, coupled with his youthful vigor, the combination of the two seemed to have a violent chemical reaction.

In an instant, Lin Jichen, who was on the mind of the gold bug, hugged Tang Ning and started to move his hands.

Tang Ning, who felt strange in her body, opened her eyes and was shocked to find that Lin Jichen was panting heavily, groping her.

Just as Tang Ning was about to yell, Lin Jichen's face came up to her, and her lips met!


Tang Ning's beautiful eyes widened in shock, and she couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes.

My...first...first kiss gone? ? ? ?

Before Tang Ning could react, Lin Jichen started to go too far. He even put his hand into his clothes, and pressed his whole body...

Tang Ning's consciousness was almost brought into it, and she even wondered if she was having a sexual dream...

Fortunately, she retained a trace of sobriety, the moment Lin Jichen pounced on her, she woke up, this was not a dream!

The next second, Tang Ning began to struggle hard, pushed Lin Jichen away, glared at him and said, "Bastard, what are you doing?"

Lin Jichen also woke up from the impulsiveness, and realized that he had caused trouble, and his head was covered with cold sweat.

"That...Sister Ningning, I...I didn't mean to..."

How could Tang Ning believe it, her face was blushing and full of anger.

"Stop coming, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, you took my first kiss away, Lin Jichen, you bastard!"

Lin Jichen suddenly felt dizzy, and quickly explained: "Sister Ningning, I don't know what happened today, but... I was very angry... Then I woke up and found you in my arms, I couldn't hold back for a while... "

"Really, you believe me, I don't know what's wrong today, there seems to be something wrong with my body, it's so hot, if you don't believe me touch it."

Lin Jichen said as he grabbed Tang Ning's hand and placed it on his forehead.

Just as Tang Ning wanted to break free, she realized that the other person's forehead was indeed very hot. Then she touched his arm and found that the temperature was a little high.

"You have a cold?" Tang Ning was a little surprised.

"I don't know, but can a cold trigger an impulse?" Lin Jichen asked guiltily.

Tang Ning rolled her eyes, but felt that what Lin Jichen said made sense.

Shouldn't a cold have weakness in the limbs?Can you still be this strong?

She turned on the light and saw that something was wrong with Lin Jichen, as if there was a fire burning in her eyes.

As a criminal police officer, Tang Ning has also arrested some criminals who used some special drugs to force girls to make them lose their minds.

Although Lin Jichen's appearance is far from that of losing his mind, it is somewhat similar.

Tang Ning had a brainstorm, and instantly remembered tonight's dinner!

"What kind of wine did you drink with my dad today?"

"Uncle said it was deer antler wine."

"I'll go! It's really my own father!"

Tang Ning suddenly realized and jumped in anger.

Antler wine, and think about the dishes Lin Jichen ate tonight, all of them are nourishing dishes.

Lin Jichen is a young man with a fresh blood, it's like adding fuel to the fire, it's no wonder that his health is not in trouble.

Tang Ning also immediately understood that her parents must have done this on purpose, presumably for the purpose of getting them married and having children earlier.

Because the two elders often talk about wanting a grandson, it is not a day or two.

Coupled with the fact that Lin Jichen performed so well in front of relatives today, the two elders were very satisfied after seeing it, and naturally wanted to match the two to get married as soon as possible.

It was probably because they were afraid that the two would postpone it for various reasons, so Tang Ning's parents came up with the idea that if they wanted to kill each other, it would be best if they accidentally conceived.

In that case, she and Lin Jichen would have no choice but to marry a child.

Tang Ning, who had figured everything out, wanted to cry but had no tears, she was almost autistic.

Seeing her bowing her head and not speaking, Lin Jichen felt even more guilty.

"Sister Ningning, I really didn't mean it... Calm down, I'm going to sleep on the sofa outside, I'm leaving first."

Lin Jichen didn't dare to stay any longer, because he found that his anger had not dissipated, and he still had a strong urge to look at Tang Ning.

Lin Jichen was afraid of making a mistake again, the first time he could say that he didn't do it on purpose, but the second time he made it knowingly.

Tang Ning is a policeman, if she dared to do that, she would be handcuffed and sent to jail every minute.

Lin Jichen didn't want to go to jail, so he got up quickly and prepared to run away.

However, just as he was about to move, Tang Ning suddenly jumped up and pinned him on the bed!

Lin Jichen was stunned!

Damn...it turns out that Sister Ningning said she was reluctant, but her body is so honest?

Lin Jichen's heart became hot, and he thought he could dispel his anger tonight, but just as his eagerness to move was revived, Tang Ning extinguished it with a single sentence.

"Hush! Be quiet! My mother is outside!"

Lin Jichen was so excited that he didn't dare to move, and asked in a low voice, "How do you know?"

"I hear footsteps."

"Then how are you sure it's your mother and not your father..."

"Nonsense, my dad is an old policeman, if he wants to eavesdrop, he will make footsteps?"

"Then can't it be your brother..."

"Impossible, my brother doesn't dare to approach my room at all, because I would beat him up."

"Oh... what is Auntie doing here?"

Tang Ning was so ashamed by Lin Jichen's last question, she couldn't say that her mother came to eavesdrop on their work, could she?


One more~ The operation went well, please don't read it.

[Author's Digression]: The operation went well yesterday, and the doctor said that I would be discharged from the hospital after staying for two more days. I couldn't sleep. I wrote it on my mobile phone in the hospital. The writing was very slow, and the wound was always painful. Try to write as much as possible with sake.

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