Full-time sword repair

Chapter 784 Storm Ice Bear

The atmosphere of the three of them on the road again was indescribably warm.

After walking for a short time, the three of them encountered several ice field skunks.

Gu Zihan, who was lying on Lin Jichen's back, yelled on the spot: "Brother Lin, it's them! They're the ones who bullied me!"

This little kid still hasn't forgotten the skunk biting his ass. Such a "deep hatred" now has a backer, so it's natural to repay it.

"What's wrong with this skunk?" Mu Lingbing asked curiously.

Lin Jichen suppressed a smile and told the story, and Mu Lingbing suddenly laughed, exactly the same as Lin Jichen back then.

Gu Zihan buried his head on Lin Jichen's shoulder, and complained softly, "Brother Lin, how could you tell her such a shameful thing..."

Lin Jichen laughed, and said, "Blame me, don't talk about it next time, I can get rid of them for you, right?"

"Yes! Okay!" Gu Zihan immediately agreed, as long as he can get revenge.

Lin Jichen slashed away with a few sword qi, and the skunks received the boxed lunch on the spot.

The three of them continued on their way, often encountering various monsters in the ice field.

But none of them were as difficult to deal with as the large group of ice wolves before, and the three of them moved forward fairly smoothly.

Unknowingly, they rushed for a day, and the three felt that time passed so fast for the first time.

As night fell, Lin Jichen still decided to rest for the night.

After finding a place to set up camp, Lin Jichen and Gu Zihan slept yesterday, they were energetic and didn't need to rest.

Because Mu Lingbing has been avoiding the pursuit of Moxiu, now is the time of fatigue, Lin Jichen let her rest at ease, he and Gu Zihan are in charge of the night watch.

Mu Lingbing looked at two men, one big and one small, guarding her outside the cave, feeling inexplicably safe in her heart that she had never felt before, and fell asleep quickly after lying down.

Lin Jichen and Gu Zihan were chatting about 'men' outside the cave.

"Brother Lin, Mu Xianzhou is fun, I haven't played it yet."

"It's not as fun as your Yongning Prefecture, but your Yunxia City is fun enough."

"But I haven't been there either, can you take me there?"

"I have time."

"Oh, well, Brother Lin, after we leave the ice field, are you going back to Jianzong?"

"Yes, don't you want to go back to Fazong?"

After hearing this, Gu Zihan showed a look of reluctance in his eyes, and said, "Brother Lin, will you come to Fazong to see me in the future?"

"I will go when I have time. You have to practice hard, and don't be lazy and playful because you think you have good talent." Lin Jichen warned.

"I will! I guarantee that when Big Brother Lin comes to Fazong to look for me, I will have broken through the golden core!"

"Okay, I'll wait and see." Lin Jichen smiled.

"Then if I have time, can I go to your Jianzong to play?"

"It's okay, but it's better to have someone to accompany you. I'm really worried about you running around alone."

"Okay! Then I ask my mother to come with me?"

"Don't stop, stop it!"

After the two boys chatted for a while, Gu Zihan still couldn't bear the night's sleepiness, his head drooped, and he fell asleep in Lin Jichen's arms...

Lin Jichen looked at him with a helpless smile, and could only take out another piece of clothing as a quilt to cover him, and then quietly meditated with his legs crossed, waiting for the dawn.

Just as dawn breaks.

There was a vibration from the cave, and many rocks rolled down.

Lin Jichen opened his eyes instantly, and Mu Lingbing quickly rushed out of the cave.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, there seems to be a monster nearby."

Lin Jichen and Mu Lingbing exited the rockfall area of ​​the cave, and Gu Zihan was still sleeping in his arms.

The earth-shaking movement failed to wake up the little brat, and he did not sleep soundly.


Behind the mountain, there was a deafening roar.

When Lin Jichen heard this voice, he seemed a little familiar. After carefully identifying it, surprise appeared on his face.

"It seems to be the movement of the storm ice bear."

"Storm Ice Bear? A monster in Nascent Soul Realm?"

"Yeah!" Lin Jichen nodded, and forcibly shook Gu Zihan, who hadn't woken up, to wake up and turn it on.

"It's dawn? Brother Lin...I still want to sleep for a while..."

Gu Zihan yawned sleepily, with saliva dripping down his face without realizing it.

He seemed to have gotten used to Lin Jichen's embrace, and he slept very peacefully. He even felt that his mother's embrace was not as fragrant as Brother Lin's!

"Stop sleeping, the skunk is under your ass." Lin Jichen threatened.

Gu Zihan woke up suddenly, clutching his buttocks and jumping wildly, his head kept looking back, as if his buttocks were on fire.

This appearance made Lin Jichen and Mu Lingbing amused.

After finding out that he was tricked, Gu Zihan was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but when he saw that the other party was Brother Lin, he could only hold back and give up.

"Just wake up, let's go, I'll take you to see the Storm Ice Bear, it's full of treasures, it's a rare monster, do you want to go?"

"Really? Then I'm going!" Gu Zihan immediately signed up.

Lin Jichen led the two of them, and hurried towards the direction where the voice came from behind the mountain.

The three of them walked around the mountain, only to find that there was a hidden cave behind the mountain, which was actually a frozen lake.

It was already dark when they came here yesterday, so they didn't notice it at all.

The surface of the frozen lake was completely frozen, and a white bear covered in silver fur was standing on the ice, looking carefully at the bottom of the lake through the ice.

The white bear was still holding an ice hammer in his hand. After patrolling for a while, he saw the opportunity and swung the hammer suddenly!

The ten feet thick ice cracked instantly, and a hole was hammered out.

Then, a big fat fish flew out of the hole.

After the big fish flew out, it swiftly flicked its tail and wanted to escape back into the lake.

However, how could the white bear let go of this breakfast, slapped it flying, and then skillfully struck the big fish to death with a hammer.

After it was done, the white bear sat on the ice and began to feast.

A big fish was eaten by it within two strokes, and it continued to get up and patrol the ice surface, as if treating this place as a buffet restaurant.

Seemingly finding this a little troublesome, Ice Bear swung his hammer again and slammed into the ice.

The ice layer on the entire lake shattered in an instant.

A large number of ice fish flew out of the lake, and the white bear patted it casually, and the big fish were photographed ashore one after another.

Some smaller fish were put back into the lake by him.

Apparently this white bear is very smart, and knows the principle of exhausting water to catch fish. The water flows long and thin, so that those small fish grow fat and give birth to cubs, so that they can eat fish continuously.

While the white bear was busy eating breakfast, it didn't know that there were three people staring at it in the distance.

"Is this the Storm Ice Bear? It's exactly the same as the one in Zongmen's Monster Beast Guide."

Mu Lingbing said in surprise.

"This bear looks so powerful. It can also use a hammer. Brother Lin, your bear looks much dumber than it. Why don't you make it a pet?"

Gu Zihan asked innocently.

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, but fortunately he didn't show the bear's appearance, otherwise this silly bear would have to have a good fight with Gu Zihan.

Where is it stupid?Obviously as smart as a monkey!


Two more~

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