Full-time sword repair

Chapter 776 Storm and avalanche!

"What are you worried about?"

"Look at you!"

One person and one wolf, with a pair of eyes, moved at the same time!

The wolf king rushed forward, and the heavy snow behind him turned into countless wolf heads, baring their fangs ferociously.

Lin Jichen lifted the sword and turned it into a circle, and the sword energy poured out!

In a short while, the two played against each other for more than a dozen rounds.

The wolf king wanted to suppress Lin Jichen with high attributes, but Lin Jichen was not so easy to deal with, and completely relied on combat experience to ignore the difference in attributes between the two.

Even repeatedly gained the upper hand.

Lin Jichen, who didn't want ink stains, didn't hold back, and Wushuang Jianying cooperated with the Seven Star Sword to beat the wolf king to serious injury.

Naturally, the wolf king was not reconciled, and immediately used his magical powers, the ice wolf devoured the soul, to temporarily suppress Lin Jichen's offensive.

One man and one wolf stopped their movements for a while and adjusted their breath secretly.

The wolf king was very cunning, so he took the opportunity to call his younger brother for support.

A large number of ice wolves rushed forward.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to release Xiong Zhan and Big Fly to join the battle.

Mu Lingbing and Gu Zihan were also trying their best to kill the wolf. The wolf king saw that the situation was not good, and the younger brothers fell one by one.

Anxious and irritable, it stopped hesitating and roared up to the sky!

A wolf howl moved the ice field.

"Supernatural Ability: Werewolf of the Full Moon!"

The sky, which was still bright, was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and it turned from day to night in an instant.

The dark clouds moved slightly, revealing the bright and round moon.

When the moonlight shone on the wolf king, the wolf king let out a strange roar!

The whole body of the wolf stood upright, and the limbs began to swell, turning into thick hands and feet, covered with white armor.

The wolf king's eyes also turned scarlet, like a fire spirit in the dark night.


The wolf king suddenly transformed into a half-human, half-beast alien!

In its hand, it was actually holding a huge ax full of strange fiery red patterns.

Lin Jichen wasn't too surprised. After all, he had come to the Eternal Icefield to brush ice wolves before, so he naturally knew that some wolf king bosses did have this supernatural power.

He took the time to look at the opponent's attributes and found that this guy's attributes had increased by at least 30%.

After transforming, the wolf king became even more bloodthirsty and ruthless. Regardless of the ice wolf brother in front of him, he stepped forward, and several loyal brothers were trampled to death on the spot.

The wolf king turned a deaf ear, like a shell fired from its chamber, or a truck driving at high speed, it rammed straight towards Lin Jichen!

With the help of huge inertia, the wolf king swung the ax in his hand, the blade of the ax was like snow, and the void seemed to be easily split open!

Lin Jichen twisted his sword and slashed, waving a sword energy to resist.

Unexpectedly, the sword energy was hit by the giant axe and was split on the spot!

With the power of remaining prestige, the giant ax still ruthlessly slashed at Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen activated Moji Zhenyuan Jue, and the giant ax slashed on the Zhenyuan Shield Qi, causing waves and ripples that were several times stronger than before.

Lin Jichen only felt a sweetness in his mouth, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his figure was also knocked out.


even if

Moji Zhenyuan Jue couldn't stop this terrifying blow.

Even if Lin Jichen has 30% immunity to resist the wolf king whose attributes are enhanced by 40%, he can't stand it.

Moreover, this ax also consumed a lot of Lin Jichen's mana.

There is no way, the higher the damage received, the more mana will be consumed by Moji Zhenyuan Art.

The wolf king succeeded with one blow, but he refused to give Lin Jichen a chance to breathe. He jumped up with the axe, held the handle of the axe with both hands, and fell down again!

The opponent's speed has also far surpassed Lin Jichen, and it is impossible to escape by dodging.

Lin Jichen took a deep breath, and the determination flashed in his eyes.

The mana in his body surged, and the robe on his body was automatic without wind.

All the surrounding wind spirit energy poured into Lin Jichen's body at this moment.

"Jin Peng breaks the void step!"

The Wolf King's ax swung down fiercely, only to find that it cut through the air and cut through the loneliness.

Lin Jichen's figure disappeared before its eyes at some point.

A trace of doubt flashed in the wolf king's eyes, just as he was about to look for it, he felt a severe pain in his back!

A sword pierced his chest from the back of his chest!


The wolf king screamed in pain, and an astonishing '-58400! ' number.

It looked back, Lin Jichen gave him a provocative smile.

The reason why such high damage can be caused is that Lin Jichen activated the 'Jiugong Sword Intent' to temporarily convert all defensive power into strength.

Combined with the damage absorbed by Moji Zhenyuan Jue just now, there is such a high amount of damage.


The wolf king was furious, and regardless of his injuries, he raised his ax and slashed away!

But Lin Jichen disappeared again!

In the next second, that nasty sword pierced his chest again.


The wolf king became impotent and furious, swinging the giant ax one after another!

But every time Lin Jichen dodged it strangely.

As the last sword pierced through the heart, the wolf king wailed and fell into a pool of blood...

【Ding!Killing a wolf king in the ice field, cultivation experience +200000 points! 】

【Ding!The cultivation experience is full, please break through as soon as possible! 】

Once the wolf king died, all the ice wolves did not choose to run away, but in grief, they all launched a fierce revenge counterattack without fear of life and death!

Lin Jichen didn't have time to pick up the soul tomb, so he could only raise his sword again to help.

However, just as he was about to leave, a loud noise from a distance made him stop.

Looking up, Lin Jichen's expression changed.

I saw an unprecedented blizzard hitting the ice field in the distance, mixed with a terrible avalanche, rushing here like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

A snowstorm combined with an avalanche is the most terrifying disaster in the ice field.

Mu Lingbing also noticed that something was wrong. Seeing this scene, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously looked at Lin Jichen, as if he had already regarded him as the backbone.

"Take out your defensive magic weapon and find a place to hide!" Lin Jichen shouted.

He was far away from Mu Lingbing, and he couldn't keep up.

Lin Jichen could only run to Xiong first.

appearance, and at the last critical moment, the big fly was taken back.

Before the three of them had time to say another word, the blizzard had already struck!

The violent wind and snow blowing on Lin Jichen's body was like a sword.

Fortunately, Xue Beng buried him and Xiong Zang together, and rushed to nowhere, and all the ice wolves were not spared, and were all buried.

At the same time, Mu Lingbing and Gu Zihan were also buried by the snow tide, and they disappeared without a trace.

The heavy snow was like quicksand, instantly swallowing up all the traces of the battle just now. Apart from the howling wind, there was no other sound on the ice field.

After an unknown amount of time, the wind and snow finally stopped, and so did the avalanche.


A figure came out through the snow, and came out together with a simple and honest big head.

"Phew, it's a good thing we took the big fly back." Lin Jichen looked at this completely unfamiliar place, and heaved a sigh of relief.

If the big fly was blown by a snowstorm, its small body would probably have disappeared long ago.

Xiong Zang crawled out of the snow, scratching his head depressedly, as if he was saying that if I am fat, I should die?

Lin Jichen ignored it, took out the elixir and swallowed it, while looking at the surrounding environment.

Because of the huge avalanche, there was a thick layer of snow all around. Lin Jichen couldn't see anything except snow.

I don't even know where I was pushed by the snow flow.

He had to return to the original place quickly, otherwise Mu Lingbing's side might be in trouble.


Two more~

(End of this chapter)

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