Full-time sword repair

Chapter 769 Oolong Incident

"How did this happen? Aren't you guys pretty good? You were so understanding when you left Fengyuan Secret Realm last time."

Zhou Ketong couldn't believe it.

She could feel that Jiang Luoyu really liked Lin Jichen.

Why did the two break up all of a sudden?

As the "Lily Party", Zhou Ketong logically wished that the two would break up, so that she could continue to attack her little Luoyu.

But as a best friend, Zhou Ketong didn't want Xiao Luoyu to be so sad. This was the first time she saw Xiao Luoyu crying, and she felt very distressed.

It was only after Zhou Ketong's questioning that Jiang Luoyu told the story.

After hearing this, Zhou Ketong said indignantly: "Why is this Lin Jichen like this? You treat him so well, but he would rather trust others than you. It's too much!"

"Xiaoyu, you are right to tell him that such a man is not worthy of your liking. He doesn't trust you at all. You are the one who pays, but he is indifferent. Listen to me, you are not suitable at all. Tell me now." It's good to drive."

Seeing that Jiang Luoyu was still so sad, Zhou Ketong was even more critical of Lin Jichen.

"Xiaoyu, listen to me, forget about him, delete him from your life, time is the best medicine, and you will recover soon."

"If you can't make up your mind, I'll do it for you. Start by deleting the phone, then go to the game, delete the game friend, and completely forget about him! I'll get you the phone!"

Zhou Ketong said

Forget it, leave the study without any explanation.

Jiang Luoyu didn't have time to stop her, so she hurriedly found her mobile phone.

"Xiaoyu, trust me, block him and delete him first, and be ruthless, he's just a man, you have more and better choices."

Jiang Luoyu took the phone, hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, unlocked the phone, and opened the address book.

However, just when she was about to make a decision, two phone notifications in the call log made her stunned on the spot.

The two calls shown in the records were both from Lin Jichen, but Jiang Luoyu couldn't remember when she answered them?

She checked the time and found that the call was from four days ago, that is... the day before Lin Jichen left for Kyoto?

At this moment, Jiang Luoyu was obviously a little confused.

Lin Jichen called himself twice the day before he left for Kyoto?But why doesn't she have any impression?

It stands to reason that the mobile phone has always been carried with me, and there has never been any omission.

Jiang Luoyu quickly calmed down, carefully checked the specific time above, and an answer flashed in her mind.

The call time was exactly when I was having dinner with Zhou Ketong that day!

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it happened to be the time when Zhou Ketong had a stomachache and she and Su Wanling helped him leave?

In other words, Lin Jichen just called her at that time, but she didn't answer...

But even if it is not received, there should be a missed call display, as long as

She can see it when she looks at her phone.

But on this, only the call records are displayed.

In other words, she either answered or hung up these two calls.

Jiang Luoyu suddenly felt something was wrong and got up immediately.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?"

"No, Miss Zhou Zhou, I'm going to the restaurant that day."

Jiang Luoyu was very anxious, she had a hunch that all this was a misunderstanding!

"Going to the restaurant? Wait, I'll go with you." Zhou Ketong worried that she would be overwhelmed and quickly followed.

The two went straight to the restaurant where they had dinner that day, Jiang Luoyu appeared, and the manager of the restaurant hurried over.

"I want the surveillance from four days ago, call it to me immediately." Jiang Luoyu ordered.

The restaurant manager didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he went to do it himself.

Soon, the video of the restaurant at that time was found out.

When Jiang Luoyu saw Zhou Quanyu hung up her phone twice in the video, she understood everything.

"It turns out that I was the one he thought of at the beginning... It turns out that he made the mistake of blaming the good guy..."

Jiang Luoyu suddenly realized that this was a big oolong.

"Sister Zhou Zhou, it's all good deeds done by your brother."

Jiang Luoyu, who couldn't bear it any longer, had tears in her eyes, mixed emotions in her heart, both full of guilt for wronging Lin Jichen, and anger at Zhou Quanyu for hanging up on Lin Jichen's call.

Even if this person is Zhou Quanyu, the son of Uncle Zhou!


..What's going on? "Zhou Ketong was still a little confused.

But after Jiang Luoyu told the story of the future, and there was solid evidence here, Zhou Ketong understood in an instant.

"Zhou Quanyu! You worthless bastard! I must let dad clean you up!"

Zhou Ketong was furious, even more angry than Jiang Luoyu.

She didn't expect her own brother to do such a thing, it's so shameless!What a villain!

"Xiaoyu, don't worry, I will definitely stand by your side this time, if you want to teach him a lesson, just do it, and I will treat him as if I didn't have this little brother!"

Zhou Ketong said angrily.

However, Jiang Luoyu calmed down, and felt relieved at the same time, cleaning up Zhou Quanyu was only a second priority, what she wanted more now was to apologize to Lin Jichen.

She immediately pulled Zhou Ketong back, and immediately returned to the game cabin when she got home, and contacted Lin Jichen as soon as she got online.

However, she found that Lin Jichen's friend status had been set to 'do not disturb'.

Jiang Luoyu had no choice but to hurry out again and wanted to make a phone call, but considering this matter, it would be better to speak face to face.

So he suppressed his apology and left the game temporarily.

"How is it? Are you reconciled?" Zhou Ketong has been waiting by the side.

Jiang Luoyu shook her head and said, "He has set do not disturb, so he won't be able to see my messages."

"What should I do then? Call?"

"No hurry, I want to talk to him face to face in the game."


Jiang Luoyu suddenly smiled, and said slowly: "Before that, I want to settle the score with Zhou Quanyu first."

Zhou Ketong couldn't help but get hairy, she smiled wryly and said: "Xiaoyu, you can teach me what you want, but for the sake of my father and me, don't really kill him... I didn't plan to get married in the first place , he is the only son of my family, if he is gone, my Zhou family will be unparalleled..."

Jiang Luoyu didn't speak, just took out her mobile phone and made a few calls.

Zhou Quanyu, who was staying in the presidential suite of the Jiang Group's hotel, was soundly asleep at this moment when several bodyguards rushed into the room.

Zhou Quanyu, who was awakened, turned pale with fright, and shouted sternly, "You guys are so courageous, do you know who owns this hotel!"

Several bodyguards completely ignored his warning, grabbed his bed sheet and tore it off.

Zhou Quanyu, who was naked, was exposed in full view.

Zhou Quanyu kept screaming, thinking that these strong men wanted to 'destroy' him.

Good thing they didn't do that, they just picked him up and wrung him out like a chicken.

"Brother, wait, wait... Can I wear some clothes..."

Regardless of Zhou Quanyu's cry for help, several people carried him out of the hotel and threw him on the street.

In the next second, countless media swarmed in, and Zhou Quanyu died socially on the spot. He knew that he was finished...


Two more~

(End of this chapter)

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