Full-time sword repair

Chapter 767 The Misunderstanding Gets Deeper

Fengqu City.

Honest Auction House.

This time of the month is the busiest time here.

Integrity Auction House is already the largest auction place in Eight Wastes, almost everyone knows it.

Every time there is a fixed auction meeting, players gather here.

Even in the other three states, there are a large number of players coming here, and it has even gradually developed into a tourist culture, and people will gather here.

There will be a large number of vendors stationed outside the auction, forming an invisible tourism business chain.

So much so that many npc monks also came here to try their luck in treasure hunting.

As for the fact that Honesty Auction House is thriving, all other auction houses are only greedy.

After all, Integrity Auction House is the first to eat crabs. The place is big and the location is good. The most important thing is that every auction will have the best equipment at the current stage for sale.

Over time, the players also recognized this auction house.

Today's auction is still crowded with people, even if the set 30 spirit stones are eligible for tickets, it still disappears in an instant.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t get the tickets. When you go shopping outside, many vendors will take the opportunity to set up stalls here to sell equipment or other things.

"Little brother, it's so lively and fun here"

Nan Gongyue followed Lin Jichen down the mountain, and was very happy when she saw the market-like place.

After a while, her hands were full of all kinds of mortal snacks, and what she couldn't finish would be stuffed into Lin Jichen's mouth.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and couldn't help but recall the scene of taking Leng Feiyan to Eternal Winter City.

His precious master is also like this, it seems that women are born to love shopping, this is absolutely true.

The two strolled around and came to the entrance of the auction, and a few players who were late and failed to enter kindly reminded them.

"Brother, it's full, you can't get in."

However, Lin Jichen turned a deaf ear to it, raised his leg and stepped in.

The clerk at the door didn't mean to stop them at all, but instead respectfully let the two of them in.

"Fuck, what do you mean? Treat them differently?" A new player said unconvinced.

The person next to him sneered: "This kid looks like a fool who just entered the pit. He is Lin Jichen, the owner of this auction house, what do you think?"

After the two entered, they were placed in the frontmost position.

As soon as Lin Jichen sat down, he saw two acquaintances beside him, Jiang Luoyu and Su Wanling.

"Boss Jiang, long time no see. What are you up to?" Lin Jichen greeted with a smile.

He also didn't have any grudges because Jiang Luoyu ignored him before, after all, he is not his so-and-so, so he doesn't have to help him.

Maybe it's because the family's business has contacts with Wang Jinghao's family and they don't want to affect their interests, or there is disagreement within the company.

These reasons are all possible.

So Lin Jichen was not dissatisfied, he was not related to him, so why should he offend Wanshi Group for him.

Jiang Luoyu naturally also saw Lin Jichen, but this time, instead of being as close and enthusiastic to Lin Jichen as before, she looked distant.

"Boss Lin doesn't need to communicate so bluntly. After all, we don't know each other very well. I'm just here for shopping today, and I don't want to be disturbed."

After Jiang Luoyu said this, she even turned her head and whispered a few words to Su Wanling who was beside her, and then the two of them changed places in public.

Jiang Luoyu sat on the other side, with Su Wanling in the middle.

Su Wanling didn't give Lin Jichen a good look either, she just watched the auction silently, completely treating him as air.

Lin Jichen froze in place, a little confused, what did he do wrong? ? ? ?

Lin Jichen tried his best to think back, he didn't feel that he had provoked her in any way.

Wasn't the last meeting between the two last time in Fengyuan Secret Realm? He didn't want to cause trouble for Yueying, so he left the team voluntarily.

Is it just because of this that he is angry with him?This is...too narrow-minded...

Lin Jichen was speechless for a moment, this was all he could think of.

After all, he is really innocent.

"Junior brother, they are so rude." Nan Gongyue couldn't help crying for Lin Jichen, and glared at Jiang Luoyu dissatisfied.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to comfort him first: "It's okay, I had a little misunderstanding before, I'll go and ask."

"En." Nangong Yue nodded obediently, and then stopped asking.

As a man, Lin Jichen felt that he should ask clearly first.

He moved his head closer and asked Su Wanling softly, "What's wrong with your president?"

Su Wanling glanced at him, and said bluntly, "What do you think? Ask knowingly!"

Lin Jichen smiled wryly: "She won't be angry because of such a trivial matter?"

Su Wanling chuckled, and said: "This is a trivial matter for you, but it completely hurt my president's heart. My president treats you so well, but you don't appreciate it and look for someone else. Can she not be angry?"

Lin Jichen immediately thought that Su Wanling was talking about Nan Gongyue next to him, he was a little dumbfounded, didn't he already know that Nan Gongyue was with him?

She wasn't angry before, why is she suddenly angry?

If this is the case, he feels that there is nothing more to communicate.

After all, if the way to calm Jiang Luoyu's anger was to let him dump Nangongyue, he would definitely not be able to do it.

Even if Nangongyue is only an NPC now, he will not abandon her because of this matter.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen didn't want to continue to stick his face to his cold ass. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said, "If this is the case, then blame me. This is my personality. If I offend you, I apologize to you. The president is kind to me, and she saved my life, I owe her, and if there is anything I need to do, I will give her instructions at any time, but, as I said before, our relationship should be limited to ordinary friends, that's all."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he got up immediately, took Nangongyue and left here, changed to a corner where the other party couldn't see, and then quietly watched the auction start.

Su Wanling didn't expect Lin Jichen to be so cruel, she panicked and turned her head to report to Jiang Luoyu.

It was only then that Jiang Luoyu lowered her head, her hair covered her face, and she couldn't see her anger or joy.

What Lin Jichen said to Su Wanling just now, she actually heard everything clearly.

This was the second time Lin Jichen had quarreled with her.

The first time it was she who proposed to just be friends, but this time, it was Lin Jichen who proposed it.

Jiang Luoyu could tell from Lin Jichen's tone that he was not joking, but serious.

"President..." Su Wanling wanted to comfort her.

"Forget it." Jiang Luoyu raised her head, looked at the auction platform calmly, and said softly: "I had expected this result a long time ago, and he confessed it before, but I didn't give up at the time, and now I just completely let it go." Let’s talk about it, so be it.”

Jiang Luoyu said, stood up and said, "Wanling, I'm a little tired, I'll go offline to rest first, and you will be in charge of this auction."

After speaking, Jiang Luoyu turned and left alone.

Lin Jichen saw her leaving back from the corner of his eye, but he didn't say anything in the end.

The lively atmosphere at the auction drowned his sighs in the dust...


one more

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