Full-time sword repair

Chapter 758 Wouldn't it be another side dish?

In the end, under Yang Yirou's 'threat', Lin Jichen had no choice but to get in her sports car.

Shang Lingqing and Tang Ning could only follow behind him.

"This philandering radish! It's really hopeless!"

Looking at the faster and faster sports car in front of her, Tang Ning couldn't help complaining.

Shang Lingqing, who was driving, asked with a smile, "Is he your boyfriend?"

"That's not true! He's just my mission target. If the bureau didn't ask me to protect him, I wouldn't bother to care about him!" Tang Ning hastily denied.

Shang Lingqing smiled and said: "I seem to have heard that he likes the npcs in the Eight Wilderness game?"

"Yes, as long as this guy is beautiful, he likes it, even if it is a virtual character. I feel that he will never let go of a man in the future."

"Huh~ What a pervert!" Shang Lingqing also showed a contemptuous expression, thinking that she should stay away from him in the future.

Lin Jichen, who was on the sports car, sneezed for no reason, as if someone was thinking of me?

Lin Jichen first accompanied Yang Yirou to the hospital to have the sprain treated.

In the evening, Yang Yirou chose another high-end restaurant to have dinner with Lin Jichen.

She wanted to ask Tang Ning and Shang Lingqing to join her, but the two women seemed to have a bad opinion of her and went to another table.

Yang Yirou didn't mind, she sat with Lin Jichen, ordered a lot of food, and ordered two bottles of red wine.

"Little brother, last time my sister said she wanted to invite you to dinner, but she never had a chance. Now that you have finally come to Kyoto, the dinner will be considered a success."

Yang Yirou raised her red wine glass and looked at the handsome and handsome Lin Jichen in front of her with a smile. In her eyes, Lin Jichen was like an unusually cute and powerful little man~

Although he is young, he has a lot of skills, and he is also very fun.

It's fun to tease him every time.

This also made Yang Yirou especially like his little brother.

"Sister Yang, I should treat you to dinner this time. Thank you for your help, and you saved that little girl last time. I haven't had time to thank you yet."

Lin Jichen also raised his wine glass, looked serious, and drank it down in one gulp.

Yang Yirou teased: "Then you helped me catch the black sheep of the company, and let me own so many game industries at once, do you think I should thank you too?"

As she said that, she also sighed.

Seemingly drinking in a hurry, Yang Yirou's face soon became wine red, and her eyes were misty.

Lin Jichen was taken aback, I'll go, this won't be like Sister Xiaowei, it's a side dish, right?

"Little brother, can my sister ask you something?"

"Sister Yang, tell me."

Yang Yirou looked expectantly and said: "You saved people twice, and you are still willing to take them in. If one day, my sister can't get along in the capital, can you take me in too?"

"Eh... Sister Yang, you are joking, your family is so rich and high-ranking, why can't you get along?" Lin Jichen thought she was joking.

Yang Yirou sighed quietly, and said: "I am rich, and my family is good. Unfortunately, the richer a woman is, the harder it is to make her own choices."

Lin Jichen cut a piece of beef into his mouth, and asked vaguely, "Sister Yang, what trouble are you in?"

"Forced marriage." Yang Yirou replied numbly.

"Forced marriage?" Lin Jichen was a little surprised, he didn't expect the big family to have such a bloody plot.

"Yeah, at my sister's age, it's time to get married, and I'm part of the family, so it's normal to be married." Yang Yirou laughed at herself.

Lin Jichen asked curiously, "Sister, may I ask, how old are you?"

Yang Yirou giggled and joked, "Guess."

"There should be... twenty?" Lin Jichen said half-jokingly.

In fact, Yang Yirou looks mature, but she is well maintained. If she changes her look, some people will believe that she is a girl.

Yang Yirou smiled even more happily.

"Don't try to make me happy. My sister is in her thirties and has been divorced once. She is not as young as you said."

Lin Jichen was taken aback, divorced young woman?Fuck me, Cao thief's favorite?Cough cough, he is not, let me clarify first.

"Sister Yang, why did you get divorced? Did your ex-husband treat you badly?"

Yang Yirou seemed to recall some bad memories, she shook her head and said, "Don't talk about this, you haven't answered whether I would like to take you in or not?"

Lin Jichen said with a sneer: "Sister Yang, if you are really in trouble, of course I am willing to help you."

"This is what you said. Don't go back on your word. Anyway, if I have nowhere to go, I will go to you and be your mistress in the future. How about it?"

At the end of Yang Yirou's speech, her eyes were provocative, and she looked at Lin Jichen ambiguously.

The food that Lin Jichen had just put into his mouth almost got stuck in his throat, which made him choke.

"Sister Yang...don't be joking."

Yang Yirou pretended to be sad and said: "I understand, you think that my sister is too old and divorced, so she must not be worthy of you, even if she is a mistress, she is not qualified enough, right?"

Lin Jichen waved his hands quickly, and said with a wry smile, "You misunderstood Sister Yang, I definitely don't think so."

"Then do you think I'm worthy of you?" Yang Yirou asked.

"Match, must match." Lin Jichen's words did not go against his will.

A top-notch young woman like Yang Yirou, rich and beautiful, few men can resist.

Not to mention her second marriage, even her third marriage and fourth marriage with children, there are plenty of men who want to marry her.

Isn't the man from the Bai family I met today the best example.

"I think Sister Yang is at a disadvantage. You don't need to be a mistress at all. There are plenty of good men willing to marry you." Lin Jichen said sincerely.

Yang Yirou sighed: "It's fine to remarry, I swore that I don't want to marry again, and... even if I want to marry, you are too young. If I marry you, others will laugh at me as an old cow eating tender grass."

Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry, I'm really not young...why does Sister Yang keep misunderstood herself (Liangzi sighs).

After a meal, both of them drank a lot.

Yang Yirou was already a little drunk, her face was pink, her eyes were like silk, and the eyes of the men in the restaurant were almost straightened.

When she stood up, Yang Yirou's ankle was still injured, and she almost fell to the ground when she lost her balance.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen had quick eyesight and quick hands, and went over to support her.

Yang Yirou's body was completely squeezed into his arms again, and all the men in the restaurant were jealous of Lin Jichen.

A male manager couldn't stand it anymore, thinking that Lin Jichen deliberately got the beauty drunk to do bad things.

So he came over with a 'kind heart' and said to Yang Yiju: "Hello ma'am, you are drunk, do you need me to arrange a car to take you home? It's safer."

Yang Yirou was full of coquettishness, a pair of lotus root arms directly hooked Lin Jichen's neck, and said to him dissatisfied: "My man is here, what else do you need?"

The male manager was immediately slapped on the nose, and retreated in despair.

Yang Yirou still hugged Lin Jichen, feeling the warmth in his arms, she couldn't bear to let go.

This was a pain for Lin Jichen, and his body reacted very disappointingly.


One more~

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