Full-time sword repair

Chapter 756 I'll Support You!

Shang Wanhe's house is not big, but it is very warm.

At the dining table, several people sat together, and there were some home-cooked dishes on the table.

Lin Jichen originally thought that Shang Wanhe would chat with him during the meal, but he didn't expect that the whole family didn't say a word during the meal, and just immersed themselves in the food.

Moreover, Shang Wanhe and Shang Lingqing's father and daughter ate very quickly, and Lin Jichen and Tang Ning only had two bites, and they were already over.

The bowl is also clean, not a grain of rice wasted.

It was the first time Lin Jichen and Tang Ning had seen this kind of dining atmosphere, and they always felt a little weird.

Fortunately, Shang Wanhe's wife explained to the two with a smile: "Their father and daughter eat like this. The habit they have developed over the years cannot be changed. Leave them alone and eat slowly. Don't worry."

Lin Jichen nodded repeatedly, even though he said so, he still speeded up his meal.

After eating, just as soon as the bowls and chopsticks were put down, Shang Lingqing got up to clean up quickly.

"Brother Lin, let's go to the living room and have a cup of tea." Shang Wanhe began to invite.

Lin Jichen had a strange expression on his face, and said with a wry smile, "President of the Chamber of Commerce, why don't you just call me Xiao Lin."

It doesn't matter what everyone calls you in the game, but in reality, especially after seeing Shang Wanhe as a middle-aged man, it's too awkward to hear him call him brother.

"Haha, that's fine, then don't call me the head of the chamber of commerce, call me Uncle Shang."

Shang Wanhe smiled and agreed, took Lin Jichen and sat down in the living room, his wife made a pot of tea, and the two chatted while drinking.

"Uncle Shang, thank you for your help this time and saved my friend." Lin Jichen raised his glass respectfully with tea instead of wine.

Shang Wanhe shook his head, and said solemnly: "Punishing bad guys and fighting crimes is the responsibility of us people. Even if we are not friends, I will take action, but it is a pity that the real bad guys are still allowed to go unpunished, and he has not been brought to justice. Law."

Tang Ning also showed a shameful expression. This kind of thing should have been the responsibility of her police department, but now because of her lack of ability, she can only ask the military department.

"Uncle Shang doesn't blame you, the other party is too cunning, so blame me too, maybe I shouldn't provoke him." Lin Jichen said casually.

Unexpectedly, Shang Wanhe was dissatisfied when he heard this: "What is this called? How can you be blamed? It is clear that Wang Jinghao, a dude, can't afford it. If he has to let him because of the other party's identity, then we are in the great country of China. , What do you need the law for? Don’t you let these officials’ children and rich family’s children do whatever they want?”

As he said that, Shang Wanhe said earnestly: "Boy, remember, as long as you don't violate the law, you don't have to be afraid of anyone. Just tell me if you have anything to do, and I'll back you up! I wonder if those gutter rats dare Recklessly!"

"I appreciate you in the game even more. You indulge in the rivers and lakes, love and enmity happily, and are not afraid of powerful enemies. This is the personality that the number one master in the eight wildernesses should have!"

After hearing this, Lin Jichen stood up and bowed to him.

"Uncle Shang, the boy has been taught."

"Hahaha, you really like me, kid, you can teach me!"

The two then chatted about the game.

"I heard from Ling Qing that you want to form a guild?" Shang Wanhe asked with a smile.

Lin Jichen's chrysanthemum tightened, and hurriedly said: "It's not a guild, it's just a small team, and we will play more difficult tasks together in the future or go to some more dangerous maps to open up wasteland."

"Is that why you didn't join the God of War?" Shang Wanhe asked curiously.

"Uh... not all, I mainly don't want to join the guild yet."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly. He knew that the other party had been trying to poach him, but it was not good to keep refusing.

He simply said: "Uncle Shang, as long as you don't ask me to join the guild, I can fully meet your needs."

Shang Wanhe rolled his eyes and said, "If you want to form a team, you must recruit elites, right?"

Lin Jichen nodded his head: "Yes, my team only accepts top players."

Shang Wanhe glanced at Shang Lingqing who was washing dishes with his mother in the kitchen, and said, "Do you think Xiaoqing is a top expert?"

Lin Jichen was stunned, but still nodded and replied: "Of course, she is the number one thief, and she is also the number one dagger repairer. If this is not a top expert, then no one else is."

Shang Wanhe smiled like an old fox and said, "Then why don't you recruit her into your team?"

"Huh?" Lin Jichen was stunned, he didn't expect Shang Wanhe to play out of the routine this time.

No longer digging him into the guild, but giving him away? ?

However, Shang Wanhe analyzed it very farsightedly: "You are the number one expert in the Eight Desolations, and you are going to gradually become the top team. If my daughter can join your team for training, her strength will definitely be greatly improved."

Lin Jichen couldn't deny it, he had to admit that Shang Wanhe was too much of a thief.

"Then she no longer joins the God of War Guild?"

Shang Wanhe shook his head: "Of course not, the God of War Guild cannot do without her, but I can assure you that after she joins your team, she will focus on your team's tasks and follow your orders first. As long as you are not busy, your team has no tasks. When it’s time, let her come back and help.”

"It's... all right."

Lin Jichen had no choice but to agree. This condition was not too much. On the contrary, it would be of great help to his team, which meant that another strong man would join his team in the future.

"By the way, Uncle has another question I want to ask you. It's fine if it's inconvenient."

"Uncle Shang, tell me."

"It's about breaking through the Nascent Soul. Is it necessary to break through at the level of heaven? I'm a little anxious. Can you speed up and take a shortcut?"

Shang Wanhe expressed his anxiety.

Especially after Chen Yuan broke through the Nascent Soul, all players in the server were actually greatly stimulated.

Because some land reclamation maps, secret realms, and even missions require conditions above Nascent Soul Realm.

The major guilds are now very eager to let their guild members break through the Nascent Soul.

During the few days when Lin Jichen was not online, Nascent Soul Realm players sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

But most of them came up through breakthroughs at the tunnel level or even at the humane level.

It belongs to one point of strength and nine points of luck.

It's like a big wave washing the sand, with so many players breaking through together, there will always be a small number of lucky ones who will succeed.

The increase of Nascent Soul players also made Shang Wanhe more anxious.

Some members of his guild also choose this method, and there are many successful ones.

But Shang Wanhe discovered that taking them to attack Nascent Soul-level maps or secret realms, or even bosses, is simply impossible to beat!

Lin Jichen said sternly: "Uncle Shang, no matter what realm you break through, I recommend the Heavenly Dao level, because only in this way can you lay a solid foundation, and it will be easier to break through to higher realms in the future. Don't blindly follow the trend and follow others' opinions."

"Okay! Hearing you say that, I feel more at ease!" Shang Wanhe felt enlightened.

Even though Lin Jichen was just a 20-year-old boy, his words made Shang Wanhe feel more credible than anyone else's words!


One more~

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