Full-time sword repair

Chapter 745 Mushroom Cloud

"Xiao Linzi, which cloud shall we choose? Is this petal cloud okay?"

Seeing that many people have already entered Mushroom Cloud to find treasures, Ren Lan couldn't wait to ask.

Lin Jichen shook his head with a smile, and said, "There are also skills in choosing a mushroom cloud. Although there is no standard, the treasures in different mushroom clouds are also different."

"What's the difference?" Tang Ning asked curiously.

Lin Jichen explained: "There is a high probability that the plant-shaped mushroom cloud will produce medicinal herb treasures, such as the petal cloud in front of you."

"Herbs? Forget it, we finally came here, and we didn't come here to find medicine."

Ren Lan shook her head when she heard that, she is not an alchemist, why would she want that thing.

"Brother Lin, what kind of treasure will a cloud that looks like a dog have?" Niu Naitang asked curiously, pointing to another mushroom cloud in the distance.

Lin Jichen replied: "There is a high probability that there will be pets in the animal-shaped mushroom cloud, and they will usually be wind-type pets. Those who need pets can go."


Everyone shook their heads when they heard it. They all have pets.

"So what type of cloud should we choose?"

Lin Jichen said with a smile: "It depends on what you are most lacking at present."

"I want a skill book, but I have too few skills." Tang Ning said first.

Lin Jichen immediately returned: "Then look for a book-shaped mushroom cloud, and it's best to find one with an arrow shape. I saw it when I first came here, and now I can take you there."

"Okay!" Tang Ning nodded immediately.

Lin Jichen took action immediately, and several people followed suit.

Everyone came to a mushroom cloud together. The mushroom cloud really looked like a book, and the reflection of a bow and arrow could be seen faintly on it.

It just so happens that this mushroom cloud is not full of people, so you can still go in.

"What if the people inside are strong? Will sister Ning Ning be in danger?" Ren Lan asked worriedly.

"Of course there is danger. No matter who wants to get the treasure, they must compete with those inside." Lin Jichen replied.

But he quickly comforted: "Every opportunity will be accompanied by a crisis, which is normal. Sister Ning Ning, you have to be prepared. After entering, if you can beat it, you can fight it, and if you can't beat it, run away."

"Run? Didn't you say you can't come out after entering?" Tang Ning was taken aback.

Lin Jichen smiled and said: "You can't run out, but in every mushroom cloud, there is a place like a dog hole. After you get in, the people inside can't hit you. Of course, you can't come out again. You can Keep you safe until the secret realm closes."

"Dog hole? I don't want it. I am a dignified policeman, how can I go into a dog hole?" Tang Ning resisted very much.

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "This is just a solution, maybe you can beat it, and even if you can't beat it, you will only be resurrected once if you die."

Although Lin Jichen said so, he had already made up his mind.

After he found the Mushroom Cloud, if he went in and found a dog repairer of Wen Renxun's level, he would definitely dive into the dog's hole to survive!

The price of his death is too great, unless it is a last resort, he must save his life.

When everyone heard it, it made sense, and they all said that they would rather die than drill a hole!

"Xiao Linzi, you don't know how to drill holes?" Ren Lan asked jokingly.

Lin Jichen raised his chest and raised his head, and said disdainfully: "I am a man of seven feet, how could I go into a dog's hole! Don't say that I just died in the game, even if I really died in reality, I, Lin, will not go into a dog's hole!! "
Lin Jichen looked at the eyes of their fans, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty, ahem, what does it matter to Lin Jichen if Lin doesn't go into the dog hole?

Well, thinking about it this way, there is no psychological burden.

"Then I'm going in, everyone wait for my good news!"

After Tang Ning finished speaking, she stepped decisively into the mushroom cloud.

Lin Jichen didn't wait, and immediately took them to find other Mushroom Clouds.

In fact, these mushroom clouds look strange, but they all have hidden information inside.

Gu Qiuxue wanted a better umbrella sword weapon, so Lin Jichen took her to find an umbrella-shaped mushroom cloud.

Tangtang wanted some good equipment, so she went to a chessboard-shaped mushroom cloud.

In the end, Ren Lan also found a fist-shaped mushroom cloud and plunged into it.

It is up to them whether they can get the baby after entering.

Lin Jichen watched the four of them enter the mushroom cloud.

In addition, he also told Jiang Luoyu and Shang Wanhe the trick, which can be regarded as a little help between friends.

After making arrangements for them, Lin Jichen began to think about himself.

He considered what he needed most right now.

arms?He has the Yushuang Sword, and it is impossible for this Fengyuan Secret Realm to have such a heavenly golden weapon as the Yushuang Sword.

So pass!

equipment?He was wearing the Nine Palaces Royal Sword Robe and Nine Palaces Looping Boots, so he didn't need it for the time being.

Lin Jichen thought about it, and finally set his goal on body skills.

His agility is still a bit lacking, and these spiritual agility skills such as Shadow Step and Fog Piercing Charge can no longer meet the needs of his cultivation.

In this Fengyuan secret realm, the best thing is the wind element. Since it is the wind element, it is naturally the best body technique!

Although the Stealing Wind Walk I got a few days ago was good, it still didn't meet Lin Jichen's needs.

He planned to try his luck in the final storm secret realm, maybe he would have a chance to get a copy of Tianpin Shenfa.

After making up his mind, Lin Jichen searched for a long time, and finally found a cloud of wind-type body-like mushrooms.

There are already eight people inside, and there are still two.

Lin Jichen stopped thinking about it and walked in.

Not long after he walked in, two figures also came to this place.

"Elder Wenren, this mushroom cloud is not bad, I think it has a heavenly flavor!"

Luo Muxian held a disc-shaped mini magic weapon and said to the old man next to him.

"Haha, young master, your 'finding disk' magic weapon is really useful." The old man said with a smile.

Luo Muxian smiled triumphantly, and said, "Naturally, it was given to me by my father."

The old man looked at Mushroom Cloud, but frowned, and said, "Young Master, there are already nine people in here."

Luo Muxian also did not expect that it was almost full.

At this time, two more monks wanted to enter the mushroom cloud.

Wen Renxun didn't talk nonsense, and directly slaughtered these two people.

"It would be great if I found it earlier, and I can also escort the young master to get the treasure inside." Wen Renxun regretted.

Luo Muxian smiled confidently, and said: "It doesn't matter, there are only nine opponents, how can they be my young master's opponents, Elder Wenren can go to other places to hunt for treasures, I will go in alone."

"That's the only way to go." Wen Renxun nodded, turned and left.

He wasn't worried, after all, Luo Muxian was the young master of the Nether Soul Hall, and ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators were not enough in her hands.

As long as you don't encounter enemies of his level, it will be fine.

Luo Muxian glanced at the entrance of Mushroom Cloud, walked in with enchanting steps, full of confidence...


Three shifts~

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