Full-time sword repair

Chapter 739 The Peacock Monster Clan Appears!

"Li Fengwen, you don't think you can snatch other people's things just because you have a lot of people?"

Shang Wanhe joked calmly, not paying attention to the rabble of the Blood Fiend Guild at all.

Although the opponent's number is several times that of his side.

But all of their God of War guilds are elites, and it's not a problem for one of them to easily deal with the three blood fiends.

Li Fengwen's face was gloomy, and he yelled dissatisfiedly: "Shang Wanhe, don't think that you can sit back and relax. If you know your senses, hurry up and get out of this treasure chest, or you won't regret it."

Shang Wanhe sneered and retorted: "Is it reasonable for you to steal other people's things? My God of War Guild found this treasure box first. Halfway through the fight, you brought people to grab it. Now you can't beat us and start complaining? President Li, your shame It's thicker than the sea of ​​black clouds under your feet."

Not only was Li Fengwen not in a hurry, but he chuckled and said with a cheeky face: "Yes, I like to rob. In reality, when I do business and face competitors, I can rob if I can. As long as it is within the rules, I will Always unscrupulous.”

Shang Wanhe said disdainfully: "Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed today."

"That's not necessarily the case." Li Fengwen said confidently.

Shang Wanhe felt a little uneasy in his heart, and always felt that Li Fengwen seemed to have nothing to fear.


Suddenly, from the distant night sky, there were several sounds of breaking through the sky.

Several figures stood in the air, floating above everyone's heads.

Three in total.

Shang Wanhe raised his head vigilantly, and saw these three people wearing strange clothes.

Although they are all men, they are all wearing colorful long skirts. The skirts seem to be made of feathers and the colors are bright.

The three kept looking down on them with playful eyes, which made Shang Wanhe feel like he was locked in, and he seemed to be their prey at this moment.

Li Feng was overjoyed when he saw the three of them, he raised his head and respectfully said to them: "Senior Kong, thank you for arriving in time, I hope to help you."

One of the men in the red skirt gave a disdainful smile and said, "President Li, why can't you handle such a weak guy? I wonder if you are qualified to cooperate with us."

Li Fengwen hastily explained: "Senior Kong, this time I did not prepare well, and it will never be the case next time."

"Forget it, the magic power of these people is indeed very pure, and their spirits must be delicious when eaten. It's just for the three of us to make tooth sacrifices."

After the man in the red skirt finished speaking, the man in the green skirt and white skirt next to him started directly.

The three joined the battlefield and stood on the side of the Blood Fiend Guild.

Zhao Yutian showed disdain when he saw them joining. As the number one bow repairer among the players in the Eight Wastelands, he naturally had his own arrogance.

Zhao Yutian quickly stared at one of the men in white skirts, drew his bow to charge up, and a spiritual arrow carried majestic mana, and shot towards him like lightning.

The man in the white skirt smiled coldly, pressed the air with his hands, and a feather stood in front of him.

Zhao Yutian's spiritual arrow shot at this feather, and the feather did not move at all.

"Small tricks." The man in the white skirt laughed and said, the feather suddenly flew out of his hand, and flew towards Zhao Yutian at an incredible speed!

Zhao Yutian frowned, used his body skills, and escaped directly into the night sky.

However, that feather seemed to have eyes, and it hit Zhao Yutian in one fell swoop from the pitch-black night.

Zhao Yutian's shoulder was completely pierced by that feather, and the next moment, the feather was divided into hundreds, and strangled towards Zhao Yutian in unison!

Zhao Yutian was so frightened that his back felt chills, but fortunately he used his life-saving movement in time to barely escape.

The man in the white skirt was unwilling to let go, and at some point he had already approached, and feathers flew towards him at random.

Zhao Yutian could only dodge in embarrassment, completely powerless to fight back.

The man in the white skirt was like a cat catching a mouse. After playing for a while, he felt bored, and suddenly flashed behind him, killing Zhao Yutian instantly with a single palm!

Zhao Yutian died with his eyes wide open, how could he not believe that he would be so vulnerable?

Even if he is like this, let alone other members of the God of War Guild.

When the members of the God of War Guild fight against each other, they will be defeated!

Shang Wanhe's face was ugly. He didn't expect that these three guys were all at the Nascent Soul Realm, and all of them were super strong.

Shang Wanhe couldn't figure out where did Li Fengwen find this helper? Can players still order npc?Too bad!

Seeing his men die one by one, Shang Wanhe could only grit his teeth and prepare to retreat.

At this time, Shang Wanhe found a message from the friend list, he didn't intend to open it, but when he saw that the person who sent the message was Lin Jichen, he was stunned for a moment, and clicked on the message anyway.

"Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, it's useless for you to run now, you can't."

Shang Wanhe immediately realized that Lin Jichen should be nearby. He said happily, "Brother Lin is nearby? Can you help me?"

However, Lin Jichen poured cold water on him.

"I can't change anything now, and I can't solve these three people."

Shang Wanhe was startled, he didn't expect Lin Jichen to say that he couldn't deal with it, so it looked like they were going to be wiped out here.

"Oh, forget it, let's take it as a lesson, who knew that Li Fengwen could call three NPC monks from Nascent Soul Realm." Shang Wanhe said disheartened.

Lin Jichen replied, "That's not an npc monk, but an npc demon cultivator."

"Demon cultivator?" Shang Wanhe was surprised.

"Well, these three people are all monster cultivators, and they are also from the peacock clan."

"No wonder it looks awkward, the three elders are still wearing skirts."

Shang Wanhe suddenly realized.

But after knowing it, they were helpless, they still couldn't beat them.

"If the head of the chamber of commerce believes me, don't run away, and delay me for a while, I may have a way to deal with them."

"Okay! I believe you."

Shang Wanhe made an instant decision and ordered everyone to continue fighting.

At this moment, a dexterous figure walked towards him and said, "President, please take everyone away first. I have a unique skill that can temporarily hold these three people back."

The implication is that she is ready to sacrifice herself to minimize the loss of the guild.

Shang Wanhe shook his head and said, "No, everyone continues to fight."

Ling Qing frowned and said, "Please, this is just a game. It's better to die than a group of people. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

Shang Wanhe smiled confidently: "Who said we will definitely sacrifice?"

Ling Qing had question marks on her face, wondering where did her army commander father get his confidence?When did you still have such naive and unrealistic fantasies?

"Someone told me that he has a way to deal with these three peacock monsters, let us delay for a while." Shang Wanhe said.

"You said they were monsters?"

Shang Wanhe nodded, and joked: "You can also be called a monster, or a human monster."

Ling Qing rolled her eyes and said, "Even if it's a monster, we are no match. Who told you that he can solve it?"

Shang Wanhe said mysteriously: "You will know in a while."

Ling Qing was speechless, although she was puzzled, she still went back to kill the three peacock demon cultivators first.


One more~

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