Full-time sword repair

Chapter 731 A Good Way to Stimulate Your Spirit

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen retracted the Yushuang sword and looked at Xing Sen calmly.

"You won, let's do it."

However, Xing Sen did not rush to act, but asked curiously: "What monster did you encounter?"

Lin Jichen shook his head with a sneer, and said, "An old monster in the Nascent Soul Realm."


"For now, very strong!" Lin Jichen replied.

For the current Lin Jichen, Wen Renxun is indeed fierce.

After all, the other party is an elder of a super sect, otherwise he would not have been sent to protect Luo Muxian.

In fact, the elders sent by Tianyan Sword Sect were also very fierce, but unfortunately, Lin Jichen didn't meet them.

Otherwise, with a backer, he wouldn't have to be afraid of Wen Renxun at all.

Xing Sen was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, although this is taking advantage of someone's danger, I have received an order to kill you."

Lin Jichen smiled freely, and said, "Don't be embarrassed, you can find me, which means that I really deserve to die, and you can take the credit for it."

After speaking, Lin Jichen faced death calmly.

Xing Sen walked over and saw that he didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, and raised the ax in his hand.

As long as he falls, Lin Jichen's life will be his, and 100% of the Moji Zhenyuan Jue on him will fall.

But Xing Sen's ax was held in the air, and it couldn't fall down no matter what.

Lin Jichen looked up at him and said, "What are you hesitating about?"

At this time, Xing Sen was at war with heaven and man, struggling, hesitating, and indecisive.

After a moment, he seemed to have made up his mind.

He took the ax back in his hand.

"I really want to defeat you, kill you, and prove myself, but not in this way. Taking advantage of others' danger, I will become stronger, and then defeat you openly."

Xing Sen said seriously, his simple and honest eyes flashed with determination.

Lin Jichen laughed suddenly, and mocked unceremoniously: "With your personality, it's no wonder you've been reduced to being a younger brother. Let's do it. I don't want to owe you favors."

Xing Sen shook his head stubbornly, and said: "I said, I want to beat you upright, and you don't have to feel that you owe me."

"Why?" Lin Jichen wondered.

Xing Sen replied calmly: "You saved my sister, and thanks to you for taking her in and taking care of her, I should owe you a favor, and I will pay it off this time."

Lin Jichen laughed and said, "You may not believe it, but your sister is taking care of me."

"No, you gave her a sense of security that I couldn't. She told me all this time that you are a good person, and the people around you take good care of her, treating her like a family member. She lives with you. Very happy." Xing Sen said.

Lin Jichen didn't speak, but he was thinking in his heart, could it be that good people get good rewards?

"You really don't intend to do anything? Are you afraid that Wang Jinghao will blame you?"

Although Xing Sen is simple and honest, he also knows how to adapt.

"It's fine if I don't tell you to go out, and it's fine to say that you're not inside when I go out later."

Lin Jichen pondered for a moment, looked at him, and said, "Okay, thanks."

"No, we don't owe each other."

After speaking, Xing Sen turned his head and left.

Even if Lin Jichen has a heavenly treasure on his body, it still cannot change his principles.

Lin Jichen looked at the back of Xing Sen who was about to leave, and said, "If you can't get along in Wanshi, you can do it with me."

Xing Sen turned his head and said disdainfully: "It is impossible for me to betray Brother Wang, you don't want to try to provoke discord."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Lin Jichen shook his head and laughed, and couldn't help but said, "This guy is such a stubborn ass..."

Unexpectedly, this was overheard by Xing Sen. He was so angry that he dared to call me a donkey?Then he chopped Lin Jichen to death with an axe.

(Okay, that's just sake nonsense.)

Xing Sen walked out of the cave, and the younger brother outside also looked for him.

"Brother Xing, how are you? Did you find it?"

Xing Sen shook his head regretfully, and said: "I didn't see it, I guess this guy should have some kind of concealment skills, I suffered a loss when I fought against him before, I guess he has already escaped."

"Then what should I do?" the younger brother was anxious.

Xing Sen pointed in a direction and said, "It shouldn't be too far, let's go after it now!"

"it is good!"

Everyone immediately followed Xing Sen and left the corner.

Lin Jichen didn't take the opportunity to run away, so as not to startle the snake, he simply adjusted his breath in this cave to recover.

Half an hour later, Lin Jichen's weak state was finally lifted!His condition has also returned to normal.

Lin Jichen heaved a long sigh of relief, feeling that he had walked through the gate of hell, and there was no danger.

Although the weakness was lifted and the attributes returned to full, Lin Jichen's fatigue was still obvious.

In the secret realm for the past few days, Lin Jichen has almost no rest, and other players can find a place to hang up and meditate when they are tired.

But he can't, the system keeps exposing his location, so he can only keep running away.

Moreover, after several battles, Lin Jichen's spirit has obviously weakened a lot.

Mental depression will also greatly reduce the combat effectiveness.

In addition to being weak before, Lin Jichen was also suffering from mental fatigue, which is why he was so miserable.

He wished he could lie down on his head and sleep for a long time now.

But Lin Jichen knew that he couldn't rest now, and he had survived most of the time, and he only needed two more days to survive.

However, Lin Jichen still planned to use some other physical methods to wake himself up a little bit.

Lin Jichen glanced at the time, and there were more than ten minutes before the next report, so he decided to go offline temporarily.

Then he left the game cabin, went into the bathroom, and quickly took a cold shower.

However, the effect of the cold bath doesn't seem to be that good. He is mentally overdrawn and mentally tired due to long-term high concentration.

Cold water can only stimulate the skin, but cannot penetrate the spirit.

Lin Jichen was also aware of this problem, so he rushed to the kitchen, got some coffee, didn't even bother to brew it, and just chewed it dry!

Even after eating several packs, my stomach was almost full, but there was still no reaction.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to bring his mobile phone and search the Internet for ways to stimulate the spirit.

The above answers are all kinds of strange, some say to let him eat Ollie raw, some say to let him pee upside down and catch it with his mouth...

Some are even more extreme, asking him to gamble and put his family fortune including his wife on it all at once, saying that it will definitely stimulate the nerves.

Seeing these weird suggestions, Lin Jichen was almost smitten.

One suggestion, however, piqued his interest.

"I personally tried a wonderful method, that is to watch movies, find some high-quality movies to watch, and watch them while watching, but remember that you can't deliver the goods. When you see the most exciting part, stop and do things, and every once in a while. Watch it once in time, and repeat it like this, you will definitely be able to maintain your energy, but it is a bit difficult, and you must not deliver the goods, and it will be even more sleepy after delivery!"

This suggestion moved Lin Jichen a little.

"It seems quite reliable, try it? Just try it!"

Lin Jichen decided to give it a try, quickly opened the 'study materials' on his phone, and started reading them in the living room.

Fortunately, Gu Qiuxue and the others at home were busy brushing the boss in the secret realm, and no one came out.

He boldly took off his pants and sat on the sofa, and then began to learn patterns, using both hands and eyes, and became a 'tutor'.

However, when he was working tirelessly and focusing on nothing else, the door of the house was opened by a key, and Xing Liyao, who was carrying a bag of vegetables, walked into the house...


Three shifts~

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