Full-time sword repair

Chapter 716 You don't usually go peeping, do you?

"Two beauties, have you seen Lin Jichen?"

A group of monks came from the sky, but they didn't find Lin Jichen, only found two beautiful players, so they asked immediately.

Among them, the beauty of law cultivator remained silent, while the other beauty of sword cultivator pointed in one direction generously.

"There, I saw it, that's where Lin Jichen flew!"

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately wanted to catch up in the pointed direction.

But at this moment, one of the players suddenly said, "Hey, isn't this the president and vice president of the Moon Shadow Guild? Aren't you guys always on good terms with Lin Jichen? How did you expose his position?"

The feeling is that people from the Mu Xianzhou Guild recognized the identities of Jiang Luoyu and Su Wanling.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately became vigilant.

The two women clicked, okay, they were recognized...

Fortunately, Su Wanling was very calm, and said aggressively: "That was before! Now our guild has broken up with him!"


"Yeah, can't you?"

Su Wanling put her hips on her hips and puffed her chest out, and said angrily, she looked very cute.

Jiang Luoyu had a weird expression beside her, as if she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

"I don't believe it. It must be fake. You must be pointing in the opposite direction. Don't try to lie to my great wisdom. I just want to chase in the opposite direction!"

After the man finished speaking, he turned around decisively.

Others also thought it made sense, mainly because Jiang Luoyu's suppressed smile was too suspicious, it was fake at first glance.

Since Lin Jichen was not pointing in the direction he was pointing, he must be in the opposite direction!

Everyone started to fly in the opposite direction.

After the crowd clears up.

Jiang Luoyu finally couldn't hold back her grin, her smile was like a spring flower blooming, melting ice and snow.

Lin Jichen twitched his lips, and complained, "Boss Jiang, can you be more professional, you were almost out of business just now."

Jiang Luoyu clutched her stomach, couldn't bear to look directly at her 'good girlfriend and assistant', and said, "I'm really sorry, I don't know how to act, and besides, you really look like Wanling too much, heck..."

"What is too similar? Are they exactly the same?"

"Yes, yes, exactly the same." Jiang Luoyu finally stopped laughing, and asked curiously, "How did you do this?"

"I have a magic weapon called a disguise mask." Lin Jichen explained a little.

But Jiang Luoyu had a whim, and asked with a smile on her face: "You don't usually use this disguise mask to peep in the women's bathhouse, do you?"

Lin Jichen: "...."

"Boss Jiang, am I that kind of person in your heart?"

Lin Jichen said with an annoyed face, but he was secretly muttering in his heart: This game does not have a bathhouse function, otherwise you think I don't want to go...

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously, but your magic weapon is so interesting, please lend it to me in the future."

"That's no problem, just don't go peeping in the men's bathroom."

"Screw you!"

The two joked for a while.

In order not to be discovered, Lin Jichen lay on Jiang Luoyu's back again, ready to escape.

However, at this moment, two players arrived together.

A man and a woman, the man looks handsome, and some mixed race, a majestic armor.

The woman is also of mixed race, but in terms of appearance alone, she completely crushes the man next to her. She has an oriental face, but she has a pair of blue eyes and blond hair scattered on her shoulders, making her look extraordinarily charming.

The two of them didn't seem to notice that Jiang Luoyu and 'Su Wanling' were discussing something.

"Sister, just take me to meet her, anyway, you're going to Shanghai, so take me with you." The man begged in a good voice.

The woman didn't show any face at all, and she refused bluntly: "No way, don't think I don't know what you are up to, people are not interested in you, so don't pester you, okay?"

"That was when I was studying. Now that everyone has grown up, maybe the concept is different." The man said unwillingly.

The woman sighed helplessly, and said, "Zhou Quanyu, please be a little bit self-aware, okay? Xiaoyu can't possibly like you. Xiaoyu and I have been good girlfriends for so many years, how can I not know? You're always in a hurry There are scandals in the entertainment industry, and a while ago I was still courting a female singer, how can people like you like you?"

The man hurriedly explained: "Sister, don't be so unfeeling, I have no idea about that singer, and besides, I have nothing with her, so just take me to meet her, don't you want to see your brother die alone?" ?”

The woman chuckled: "Come on, I won't introduce you to Xiaoyu. I would rather you die alone. Anyway, the family has enough money to support you for a lifetime."

But the man said directly, "Anyway, I don't care, this is a death order from your mother, otherwise you don't want to go out, you have to take me with you when you go out."

The woman was angry, but said very stubbornly: "If you don't go out, don't go out. I'd rather not see Xiaoyu than ruin my sisterhood with Xiaoyu because of you."

The man was completely helpless, drooping his head depressedly, but the next moment he had another idea.

"It's okay, I can't see it in reality, it can always be done in the game, right? Sis, you take me to meet her in the game, isn't that too much to ask?"

The man said with a pitiful look.

A woman can do nothing about the man's stalking and stalking, and she can't bear to be so ruthless to her own brother.

The main thing is that she knows that if she doesn't agree today, this kid will annoy her to death.

"It's okay to bring you to meet in the game, but if Xiaoyu doesn't have feelings for you, don't pester me to go to Shanghai anymore, can you agree?"

"No problem! I will behave well and make Sister Luo Yu look at me with admiration! Invite me personally to her house as a guest!" The man suddenly seemed to have had his blood pumped.

Women can only laugh at this.

The man seemed to be unable to wait any longer, and urged: "Sister, let's find Sister Luo Yu in the secret realm quickly, she is also there, maybe we have a chance encounter, it must be very romantic! Maybe she even meets It's dangerous, I will step forward and save the beauty as a hero, that will definitely reap the favor of Sister Luoyu!"

The woman said disdainfully: "You want to save Xiaoyu even with your game level? He's the leader of the No. [-] guild in the whole server, so it's strange that people like you with your strength."

However, the man was full of confidence and said: "That's not necessarily true, sister, don't underestimate me, I am also a sword cultivator in the spiritual realm after all, and I am equipped with high-grade equipment. I bought it and it cost me almost a hundred million, and there are not many people who are my opponents!"

The woman was speechless, and complained: "Prodigal son!"

The man said confidently: "Where am I a prodigal? This is all my own money. After all, I am also a popular star, okay?"

"Forget it, I don't bother to talk to you." The woman rolled her eyes.


One more~

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