Full-time sword repair

Chapter 713 The lingering ghost

Not long after Lin Jichen left, wave after wave of people arrived quickly.

Not only players, but even many npcs also rushed to the scene.

"Where's Lin Jichen?"

"I didn't see it, I guess it ran away."

"Then there is someone, go ask him!"

"Quick! Quickly find it!"


Everyone put their eyes on You Chaoxing, and asked him where Lin Jichen was going.

You Chaoxing's eyes flickered, and he suddenly saw two acquaintances in the crowd. He was overjoyed, then pretended to be nonchalant, and pointed in the opposite direction.

"I saw Lin Jichen running over there."

Everyone believed it, and immediately went to catch up. Only two people exchanged glances with You Chaoxing, remained indifferent and did not move.

When the crowd dispersed, the two immediately stepped forward.

These two are both demon cultivators, and like You Chaoxing, they are both casual cultivators, and both have the strength of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"Brother You, you didn't tell the truth, did you?"

The one who spoke was a man in a coquettish red robe, with rouge on his face, and his gestures were full of sissy.

"Haha, there's no need to talk about it. Brother You is such a shrewd person, how can he share the benefits with others!"

The other was as tall as a bull, with a beard and piercing eyes.

Both of them knew You Chaoxing's temperament quite well, and it could be said that like-minded people flocked together, so they were sure that You Chaoxing was not so kind to guide everyone.

You Chaoxing smiled complacently, and then said solemnly: "I really didn't tell the truth, and I really wanted to swallow Lin Jichen's treasure all by myself, but unfortunately I don't have the strength."

"What? Lin Jichen is only in the spiritual realm, right? Even Brother You is no match?" The two were stunned.

You Chaoxing nodded: "This kid only has a mid-spiritual stage."

"It's only in the mid-stage of Gu Ling? Brother You can't beat him. Is there really such a big gap between us casual cultivators and the sect's arrogance?"

The sissy man said in shock, and raised his orchid fingers.

The burly man sighed and said: "I believe what Brother You said is true. I fell in love with a woman from a good family in a small town in Yongning Prefecture last month. I wanted to have fun with it, but I didn't expect to meet a big disciple of Tianmozong Bai. Li Canfeng, I don’t know what kind of trouble this kid has. He insisted on standing up for an ordinary woman. I couldn’t be more angry, and I had a big fight with him. If I didn’t have a blood escape method, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to see me gone."

The sissy man said, "Is Baili Canfeng really that powerful?"

The burly man shook his head and sighed: "This is the talent gap. Even the realm can't make up for it. You won't understand if you haven't played against each other before."

You Chaoxing also sighed with deep empathy, and said: "To be honest, if Lin Jichen hadn't been worried about someone chasing and killing me, brother, I'm afraid I would be in trouble today."

The burly man showed hatred, and said: "That's why people like us are more ruthless than others, and we can obtain all resources by any means to achieve great things!"

You Chaoxing agreed very much, his tone changed, and he said with a smile: "God blessed me not to die, and let me meet two good brothers. The three of us join hands, and Lin Jichen will definitely die! After the matter is completed, I will share [-]% and each of you will get [-]%." ,how?"

The two thought about it for a while, and then decisively agreed.

Loose cultivators like them have mediocre talents, bad deeds, and many enemies, and no sect is willing to accept them.

Even the Mozong doesn't like them. If the talent is high, the Mozong will definitely be willing to cover them, but unfortunately, they don't have this life.

Therefore, you have to find your own way to cultivate resources. If you have a righteous mind, most casual cultivators will take up tasks, join certain forces, or escort escorts to deliver couriers and so on.

But such resources came too slowly, and the three of them were not satisfied with this at all.

The fastest way to make money is to kill people to steal goods and rob houses. As the saying goes, killing people and setting fire to gold belts.

The three like-minded people quickly formed an alliance.

You Chaoxing immediately led the way and chased in another direction.

Lin Jichen didn't expect You Chaoxing to catch up even if he couldn't beat him.

After he left, he followed the 'soul chasing' imprint to find another wind monster cave, and was about to swipe the Breeze Key before the next location was announced.

The lingering appearance of You Chaoxing made him even more depressed.

"I said that you old gangster have never died, have you?"

Lin Jichen asked Xiao Wan and Xiong Zhaoxing to hold off the group of wind monsters first, while he prepared to kill You Chaoxing quickly.

You Chaoxing laughed reassuringly, and said, "I admit that I am not your opponent, but what if there are two more people?"

As soon as the words fell, two figures walked out behind You Chaoxing.

Lin Jichen's eyes were filled with surprise, and his face was also slightly ugly.

He really didn't expect You Chaoxing to call two friends so quickly, and they were both in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so it can only be said that this dog was lucky.

Lin Jichen's first reaction was to run.

It's not that he doesn't have to fight at all, it's just that his position will be exposed again at any time, and someone will rush over soon.

Once you are dragged back, it will be really difficult to get out.

It's a pity that You Chaoxing learned a lesson once, how could he be allowed to slip away again.

The burly man had been prepared for a long time, and he took the lead in the attack. With a loud shout, he slapped the ground with his palm while the devilish energy surged!

"Sandstorm Cage!"


In an instant, within a kilometer range, a sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun was set off.

The sandstorm formed an encirclement circle, trapping Lin Jichen in it. Once he got close to the edge, sand and rocks would fly in.

It happened that Xiaowan and Xiongwang were still isolated, and Lin Jichen suddenly became a lonely family.

You Chaoxing smiled with satisfaction, and said with a sarcasm: "Lin Jichen, this time you, a full-time swordsman, may not be able to use external force?"

"Brother You, why bother talking to him, let's say it first, after killing this guy, his body will be mine, I have never 'enjoyed' such a handsome man, I want to go to the body too! Quack... "

The red-robed man couldn't wait to finish speaking, and took the lead. He sacrificed his staff, and several lightning snakes burst out from the staff.

"Thunder Snake Bound!"

You Chaoxing and the burly man didn't bother, and the two immediately started fighting separately.

"Phantom Assassination!"

"Running Stone Palm!"

The offensive of the three came at the same time.

Lin Jichen knew that this battle was inevitable, so he had no intention of retreating.

Even if he can use Burning Blood Instant Shadow to escape now, Xiaowan and Xiongxiang will definitely die.

It doesn't matter whether the bear looks like a big fly or not, Xiao Wan can't die.

Because once the ghost servant died, the punishment would be too great.

Let me explain first, he is the fairest person, absolutely no favoritism, ahem.

Since he is not going to leave, Lin Jichen will let go and fight!

Xiaowan outside was very anxious, Lin Jichen had a telepathy with her, so she didn't have to worry, and they hid like a bear to avoid being entangled by the wind monster boss.

And he himself focused all his attention on this battle.


One more~

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