"Master~ I want more~"

"No, no, I'm exhausted."

"The last time~"

"I'm really tired, let me rest for a while."

"Just once~really the last time~"

"I'm afraid of you, come on."


Lin Jichen hid in the cave of the wind monster and adjusted his breathing to recover, but Xiaowan next to him kept begging him to touch his forehead again.

After being touched for the first time just now, Xiaowan seemed to have found something happier than sucking essence, and kept begging Lin Jichen to touch it again.

But Lin Jichen had just gone through a big battle, and he had consumed a lot of energy, blood and mana. He was exhausted, and it was time for him to rest and recover.

The little ghost couldn't help but kept begging, and Xiao Wan had been doing very well just now, which helped him a lot.

Lin Jichen could only fulfill her small wish, put his hand on her forehead, and slowly rubbed it.

In the cave, a strange sound soon came out...

Xiong Zang, who was guarding the gate outside the cave, turned his head and looked inside speechlessly.

Then he turned his head and saw that the big fly, who was also a security guard, was working hard with his queen bee to make a villain, and he didn't care about the bear as a spectator.

Xiong Zang sighed deeply, heh, what a tie!

If it is given a chance to be reborn, it will definitely not believe someone's nonsense and be his pet in a daze!

It's a pity that I can't get off the thief ship.

Not long after, Lin Jichen came out of the cave refreshed and refreshed, followed by Xiaowan who was blushing and satisfied.

As soon as Lin Jichen came out, he saw the big fly still playing with his wife, so he slapped him angrily: "Abandoning duty during work hours, how do you work as a security guard!"

The big fly was in high spirits and was disturbed, although it was not angry, but it was its master after all, so it could only bear with it.

But it secretly complained in its heart, only allowing the state officials to set fire and not allowing the people to light lamps!tyrant!

After criticizing the big fly, Lin Jichen didn't forget to praise the bear.

"Good job, do your best, and I'll find you a wife later!"

Xiong Zang has no expression on his face, his eyes are vicissitudes, as if he has already seen through the world of mortals, and he looks like a high bear outside the world.

Lin Jichen didn't care either, he was the boss, so what did the employees have to do if they were in a bad mood?As long as he is happy. (the face of a capitalist)

The most urgent task is to quickly find other treasure chests.

Lin Jichen immediately led the team to the second treasure chest.

This treasure chest is hidden under the sea of ​​clouds, which is equivalent to being buried underground. If there is no key to guide it, no one would know that the treasure chest will be in this location.

Lin Jichen would only throw the treasure box out like a bear.

When I opened it, I found a box of Wind Spirit Fruits inside, a full hundred of them!

[Dipin Fruit Wind Spirit Fruit]: After taking it, the speed will be permanently increased by 5 points, and monks whose speed is lower than 2000 points can take it.

After reading the introduction, Lin Jichen couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Well, he can't enjoy this stuff anymore.

Because his speed is almost [-], this wind spirit fruit has no effect on him, it is estimated that only Tianpin ones will be useful.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, my attributes far exceed those of monks of the same realm. Two thousand points is already something that many thieves with spiritual realms may not have.

But these fruits can be left to his sister and Ren Lan. Anyway, he doesn't need this thing, and he won't lose that little money if he sells it.

In this way, Lin Jichen began to search for treasure chests in the nearby area.

Because the distance is not far, Lin Jichen drove very fast.

The third box is a wind riding suit.

The fourth box is another box of wind-sounding gems, but the number is much smaller, only ten.

The fifth box is another box of Wind Spirit Fruit, but unfortunately there are only three of them.

The sixth box is empty.


The content and quantity of these boxes are all random, with a minimum of air force and a maximum of one hundred.

Purely by character.

Lin Jichen was lucky to be able to open two hundred-piece boxes.

The one hundred thousand boxes in Breeze Secret Realm may not necessarily have ten hundred boxes.

He monopolized two [-]-piece boxes from the very beginning, so his luck was not too bad.

This continued one after another, and Lin Jichen was almost finished opening. There were 120 Wind Spirit Fruits, 150 Fengming Gems, and two Wind Rider suits.

The combined value of these things is worth millions of spirit stones!

It is conceivable why so many NPCs flock to this Fengyuan Secret Realm, it is easy to make a fortune in it.

Of course, the key is that Lin Jichen's luck is too good, and he is lucky to have such a result after opening two hundred boxes.

Others can only have this kind of harvest unless they open hundreds of boxes or even hundreds of boxes.

However, it is not so simple to open hundreds of boxes. You need at least ten keys, which means you have to kill ten wind monster bosses.

Even if you really have this ability, it is possible that the box you are eyeing is also eyeing someone else, and it will inevitably be a big battle between the two sides.

When all the [-] boxes are opened, it is estimated that at least half of the people who come in will die, it is so cruel.

Lin Jichen had already arrived at the hiding place of the tenth box. After finding this box, he was going to track down the little wind monster from before. With so much effort, he should have found the new boss.

The last box was hidden in a tree hole, shining golden light, very obvious.

Lin Jichen's cautious character prevented him from opening the box immediately.

There is no reason for passers-by not to see such an obvious box, so there may be an ambush.

There are many such old sixes in Fengyuan Secret Realm. They can't find the key, so they just stay near the treasure chest and guard those who have the key.

As long as you squat down, you have the key, and you can kill people and steal money, once and for all.

Lin Jichen, who had long been familiar with strange things in his previous life, would not be so easily fooled. He carefully observed the surrounding situation.

After confirming that there is no danger, go to open the box.

This time the box is no longer the air force, but a skill book inside!

[Earth Grade Movement Stealing Wind Step]: Instantly absorb all wind elements in the vicinity of 200x200 meters, within this range, your speed +20%, and your enemy within this range, speed -20%, and movement Mana cost +20% for 2 minutes.

Cooling time: 20 minutes, mana consumption 5000 points.

Requirements: Players with spirit realm or above can learn it.

Not bad, this skill is very practical!

Just as Lin Jichen was checking the attributes of this skill, a killing intent came from behind.

"Master be careful!"

Xiao Wan found out in time.

Lin Jichen's eyelids twitched, and he activated his mana instantly. With a flash of his figure, he escaped a catastrophe.

As soon as he left, a dark dagger, like a poisonous snake hunting in the dark, passed through the afterimage left by him, and directly pierced through the big tree in front of the treasure chest.


The big cloud-shaped tree exploded with a bang, and the cloud branches scattered all over the place appeared pitch black and were quickly corroded.

Lin Jichen frowned slightly, fortunately he was not hit, otherwise he would be the one who was corrupted.

He didn't expect that he was so cautious and still didn't find the attacker. It seemed that the other party was very good at hiding.

This kind of person is almost at home.


Two more~

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