Full-time sword repair

Chapter 605 The Demon Boy Appears!

"Backlash damage! -25000!"

The jade pendant on Li Xinghun's chest not only absorbed Lin Jichen's sword energy, but also possessed a powerful anti-injury ability.

No wonder Lin Jichen wanted to curse.

It's fine to block the damage, but also to retaliate. The key is that the retaliation rate is at least 60%, which is a bit too much.

His earth-level spiritual skill Thunder Armor only rebounded by 10%, so he had to throw it away.

Lin Jichen secretly thought it was a pity that his Tiangang Lingyu was still cooling down, otherwise it would be useless if Li Xinghun had a magic weapon!

It can only be said that this dog is lucky.

Yupei's light shield gradually disappeared, but the same Li Xinghun also recovered from the freeze.

As soon as he was freed, Li Xinghun immediately flew back and kept a distance from Lin Jichen.

He seemed to look calm, but his back was actually cold.

so close!

If the Tianpin magic weapon hadn't shown its power in time just now, I'm afraid he would really have died under Lin Jichen's sword.

Thinking about it, Li Xinghun felt a little scared.

But Li Xinghun quickly calmed down, and his eyes became even colder.

He swallowed a few pills, held his gun and fought fiercely with Lin Jichen again.

At this time, Li Xinghun's moves became more vicious, and Lin Jichen bit the bullet and pushed forward.

Although his damage is high, his defense is zero.

If the battle continues, it is completely a thousand damage to the enemy and two thousand damage to yourself.

Although Lin Jichen tried his best to dodge Li Xinghun's attack, he still started to suffer.


Li Xinghun was stunned, he shot casually, and Lin Jichen's skin was ripped apart, bleeding profusely?

He soon discovered that Lin Jichen seemed to be very fragile.

Combined with Lin Jichen's terrifying damage just now, Li Xinghun immediately understood that this kid must have used some kind of secret method to forcibly increase his lethality, but he was extremely weak.


Li Xinghun was overjoyed when he discovered this secret, and the Red Demon Soul Spear in his hand attacked like a tide, like a storm!

Although he was also continuously beheaded by Lin Jichen, but relying on the defensive skills of his battle robe, he didn't panic at all.

Two more shots!

Lin Jichen's health bar was less than one-third left.

If this continues, Lin Jichen will die on the spot with only two or three more blows.

It's a pity that Jue Ming Instant Prison Kill was just used in the morning, and it is still cooling down now, otherwise it can delay the time until the end of the Jiugong Sword Intent time.

Lin Jichen gritted his teeth and could only call for help.

There was no need for him to speak, the bear seemed to sense the master's intentions, and flew towards him directly.

Li Xinghun was entangled in the shape of a bear, and all kinds of bear clan skills smashed at him wildly!

Although Xiao Wan was seriously injured, she still held on and flew over to assist Xiong Zang.

Lin Jichen didn't have time to thank him, so he closed his eyes and chanted, when suddenly a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Lin Jichen's body began to bloom with the light of Buddha!

"Fuck! Is this...?"

"This seems to be the image of Bodhidharma?"

"Isn't that Shengyuan's skill?"

"I'll go, when will Lin Jichen be there?"

"This guy...is he a sword cultivator or a Buddha cultivator?"


When Lin Jichen sacrificed Bodhidharma, the audience exclaimed!

Nangong Wu looked at this scene speechlessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "How much wool did this kid steal from the Buddhist sect?"

Nan Gongyue clapped and applauded: "Dad, look, my junior brother can even master the Buddha sect's unique skills, it's too powerful~"

Nangong Wu laughed, and said: "He's not doing his job properly, don't learn from him."

He thought to himself, luckily the people from Tianyin Temple have left, otherwise he would have vomited blood, and it's fine if the Xuanpin spiritual skills were prostituted, but now the Tianpin special skills are prostituted for nothing.

On the ring stage, Li Xinghun also froze for half a second when he saw Lin Jichen, the Bodhidharma.

"You said you were a sword cultivator?" Li Xinghun couldn't help mocking.

Bodhidharma, in the form of Lin Jichen, grinned, bowed with one arm, and said, "Oh Mira Buddha, I'm a full-time swordsman! I'll save you now!"

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, a bergamot pointed towards Li Xinghun on the ring, and slapped it fiercely!

Li Xinghun could only dodge quickly.


The arena was torn apart, and the ground shook.

A palm print penetrated several feet into the ring.

Li Xinghun wanted to counterattack, Bodhidharma opened his mouth wide, and uttered a Sanskrit mantra.


Li Xinghun vomited blood and flew away, tens of thousands of blood bars disappeared.

Bodhidharma raised his arm again, swung his fist, and punched like a giant hammer!

Li Xinghun hurriedly propped himself up, urged his movements, and dodged away.

Seeing that Li Xinghun was dodging, Lin Jichen didn't panic, he raised his hand and grabbed at the void, holding a golden stick in his hand, and threw it on Li Xinghun's head!

Li Xinghun was very passive, jumping up and down like a little monkey.

But he still didn't escape the dense stick rain!


Being hit by three sticks in a row, Li Xinghun spit out a few mouthfuls of blood as if he had been hit hard.

"-12000x3! Trigger internal injury and weak state!"

"Internal injury: Loss of 1% HP per second for 5 seconds."

"Weakness: All attributes -15%, lasts for 10 seconds."

Li Xinghun's blood bar also dropped to one-third.

But at this time, instead of dodging, he showed a ferocious smile.

"Don't think that you are the only one who can summon Dharma Aspects!"

As soon as Li Xinghun finished speaking, there was a faint shadow behind him, as if there was some seal in his body that was being broken, and he wanted to come out.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen immediately raised his stick and threw it at Li Xinghun, trying to interrupt his skills!

However, what he didn't expect was that when the golden stick fell, it stopped forcefully above Li Xinghun's head, as if some force blocked his stick strike.

Li Xinghun kept chanting mantras, and the smile on his face became crazier.

"Gun Demon Soul Magic Aspect!"

Soon, a statue appeared!

This dharma image is neither Buddha nor Bodhidharma, but a giant with a spear!

Unexpectedly, this is not over yet!

Because the things in Li Xinghun's body seemed to be still condensing, not the magic figure of the spear behind him!

Although Lin Jichen didn't know what other tricks Li Xinghun had, but with a serious expression on his face, he decided to strike first!

He controlled Bodhidharma and swung his eyebrow-level stick towards the spear god!

The gun demon narrowed his eyes, his pupils glowed with magic light, and the spear danced like the wind, directly blocking the eyebrow-level stick.

Not to be outdone, Lin Jichen swung his eyebrow stick again.

The two dharma figures fought fiercely in the arena, and they were inseparable for a while.

However, at this moment, Li Xinghun seemed to have finally finished reciting the incantation, and suddenly let out a sharp whistle.

"The Devil Child Comes to the World!"

A small shadow jumped out of his body!

This dwarf-like shadow seemed to contain an extremely terrifying devilish energy.

The shadow gradually became clear, and what appeared was a blue-faced, fangs, illusory, grotesque, and violent evil freak boy.

The strange boy was still holding an iron fork in his hand. Looking at Lin Jichen's Dharma figure, he grinned. The two rows of teeth were like sharp sawtooths, which looked extremely terrifying.

Watching the two Dharma fight like a raging fire.

The devil boy suddenly flew up, and in front of the huge Dharma image, it looked like an inconspicuous little bug.

However, in the next second, the iron fork of the devil boy directly pierced through Bodhidharma's Tianling cover.

Bodhidharma was hit hard, and the Buddha's light dimmed.

Lin Jichen's face changed suddenly, he manipulated Damo, and raised his hand to hammer the devil boy away.

Unexpectedly, the demon boy stretched out his small hand and easily blocked the giant arm of the Golden Buddha!

Then he opened his bloody mouth, and bit off Da Mo's entire arm!


One more~

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