Full-time sword repair

Chapter 601 Being Thoughtful For My Disciple

Lin Jichen's worries were not unfounded.

He felt that it was a bit too rich, and others naturally thought so too.

Not only him, including Nangong Wu, all members of Jianzong began to feel unbalanced.

No matter how good Lin Jichen's performance is, it's not enough to get three heavenly treasures at once, right?

Is this a little partial?If you can't be your own disciple, you should treat them differently. This hurts the hearts of other disciples a bit.

At this moment, Sun Yue seemed to understand what the other disciples meant.

She smiled and said to Lin Jichen: "Teacher Lin Gao, don't misunderstand, except for this Yushuang Sword and Seven Star Slashing Martial Skill, which were given to you by the master, the rest of the Nine Palace Sword Robe is just for you to use temporarily."

ah?Borrow temporarily?

Lin Jichen was stunned.

The other disciples breathed a sigh of relief when they heard it, and their hearts became more balanced.

However, Lin Jichen also quickly understood what was going on. It was obvious that this wave of rewards was too generous. Even if Leng Feiyan was the leader, he could be said to be the same, but he had to pay attention to the impact.

It's just that three celestial treasures are given away at one Immortal Ascension Conference, so if other disciples make the same contributions in the future, do they have to give them in the same way?

That's why Leng Feiyan only said it was borrowed.

Although they still gave two of them, one of them was the skill book. Anyway, there were rubbing copies of the skill book, so it was not so unacceptable.

In fact, many disciples of the inner palace here also know how to cut the Seven Stars, it doesn't matter if Lin Jichen learns it.

But Sun Yue quickly comforted him: "Don't worry Lin Gaotu, the head also said that if you win the position of leader of the Ascension to Immortal Assembly and get the treasure bestowed by the immortal, you can exchange it for the Nine Palace Sword Robe."

Lin Jichen understood instantly, what Leng Feiyan meant was that the rewards for the leader of the Ascension to Immortals Conference must be rewards around Tianpin.

If it is not of much use to Lin Jichen, he can use them to exchange for the Jiugong sword robe. In that case, it is equivalent to exchanging the heavenly rank for the heavenly rank, and no one will gossip about it.

Leng Feiyan thought of every aspect, not only gave his apprentice a gift, but also left everyone speechless.

"Thank you Elder Sun Yue, I will definitely do my best to win the leader!"

With these three treasures, Lin Jichen is full of confidence in the final battle!

Lin Jichen put on the Jiugong Sword Robe and Yushuang Sword, and his whole demeanor took on a new look.

A blue gown with black sleeves and black patterns set off his straight figure, and the sleeves of his skirt fluttered in the breeze.

The transcendent appearance, combined with the Yushuang sword in his hand, the sun hit him with a golden halo, and his temperament was dusty, as if he had the air of an immortal!

Lin Jichen's brows and eyes are slender and smooth, and the brilliance in his eyes is like the slight luster on the moist jade. It looks soft, but in fact it is extremely firm.

Especially with the full value of charm and self-contained charm, the lethality to the opposite sex should not be too great!

The female disciples of the nearby sects all looked sideways at him, their heartbeats accelerated, and the deer bumped wildly.

Nan Gongyue was stunned, her face flushed, if it wasn't for the public, she would have jumped into Lin Jichen's arms.

Her little junior brother is indeed the most beautiful boy in the world~

But at the same time, she began to feel melancholy again, and the sense of crisis in her heart continued to increase.

Such a good-looking little junior brother really belongs to her alone.

She glanced casually around.

There are many women who are captured by Lin Jichen's beauty.

Even the female disciples of other sects were stunned, their eyes full of nympho.

"Hmph! A group of stinky women, they can't find a man by themselves, they insist on staring at my man, it's really pissing off~"

Nangongyue felt jealous in her heart.

Meigu is not kidding with you.

"Elder, little sister, senior brothers, let's go to the competition first."

Lin Jichen was full of confidence and was ready for the next competition.

However, Sun Yue stopped him.

"What else is Elder Sun doing?"

Sun Yue smiled and said, "Oh, it's nothing. The headmaster said he wanted to take a last look at his Yushuang Sword, and asked me to record it with a photo talisman."

"Eh..." Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry, the photo symbol was similar to the video recorder in the world of Xianxia.

A piece of audio and video can be recorded and preserved for hundreds of years.

However, photo symbols are more precious and are generally used to record important events.

But he didn't expect Leng Feiyan to ask Sun Yue to use it to record his Yushuang Sword?

How could Lin Jichen believe this to be true? Probably because the master couldn't wait to go back by himself, and wanted to see if the clothes she gave him looked good, so he found an excuse for Sun Yue to record it with a photo talisman.

This Bo Lin Jichen's guess is completely correct, Leng Feiyan... really planned it that way...

Soon, Sun Yue used the photo charm to give Lin Jichen a full range of shots, perfecting the profession of being a cameraman.

It wasn't until Zhuge Zheng urged the competition to start again that he stopped.

Lin Jichen finally flew into the ring.

Li Xinghun was already impatient waiting up there.

"Are you afraid of death and dare not come up?"

Facing Li Xinghun's ridicule, Lin Jichen didn't change his face, but responded with a sneer: "You are so anxious to die, I will help you."

"Let me die? Hahaha, the wings are so hard, and the words are so hard, it seems that you have defeated Baili Canfeng, so you are very inflated?" Li Xinghun laughed and satirized.

"It's just generally inflated. It's more than enough to kill you. After all, didn't you run away in the last fight?" Lin Jichen sarcastically said.

Li Xinghun's face changed suddenly, and he said disdainfully: "Last time, there was a female cultivator helping you. This time you still have such good luck? I said, if I meet you next time, you will definitely die!"

Lin Jichen shrugged, and said, "Stop bragging about being happy with me here, and come here if you have the ability."

Li Xinghun's expression twitched a few times, his eyes full of viciousness and murderous intent.

"The last competition, start!"

Zhuge is announcing the start.

Li Xinghun sacrificed a crimson spear, the body of the spear was scarlet, as if stained with the blood of countless people.

Lin Jichen remembered fighting this guy before. His weapon was a black long spear. Even in the previous competition, he also used a black long spear.

Now he suddenly changed a gun, and it seemed that he had changed weapons just like himself.

Judging from the aura emanating from the spear and the golden light flowing, it is definitely a heavenly gold weapon.

Wan Yaozong is also making capital, it seems that it will not stop until the leader is taken down.

Lin Jichen looked at the red spear in Li Xinghun's hand, and a look of greed flashed in his eyes, heavenly gold and martial arts!

Only he can have this thing!

No matter, this gun, he wants it!



The two shot at the same time, guns roared and swords sang, and they fought together in an instant!

The collision of two celestial-grade metal weapons is earth-shattering, and any sword or spear can cause the void to turmoil and the air flow to be disordered.

Both sides seemed to disdain to use skills, but purely greeted with general attacks.

The collision of marksmanship and swordsmanship!

Lin Jichen possessed the heavenly grade sword art Guiyuan Sword Art, so he didn't panic at all.

And Li Xinghun also seemed to have heavenly marksmanship, and he was evenly matched with Lin Jichen.

In the exchange of common attacks, no one was left behind.


Three shifts~

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