Full-time sword repair

Chapter 585 Situ Zhao's Soul Tomb

"Huh, damn it, I was taken aback. It seems that there must be a master watching over the catastrophe in the future."

Lin Jichen breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, he was too careless, thinking that Lei Jie was safe, but in fact, he should find more defensive pills or magic weapons.

And he still has Situ Zhao's soul tomb that hasn't been opened yet, because Tianlei came too fast and he didn't have time to look at it.

If you want to take a look before crossing the catastrophe, maybe there is something good to go through the catastrophe.

I'm still a little too carried away.

He has to pay attention to the thunder disasters in the future, otherwise it will be over if he is negligent.

Being killed by others, at most, only loses some innate attributes.

But if the tribulation fails, it is death in the true sense.

Then he was finally reborn and had such a good start, all in vain.

Lin Jichen secretly vowed that the next time he crosses the catastrophe, he must make a perfect plan!

"Haha, is there really someone who is crossing the tribulation, or is it a child with a spiritual realm?"

"Strange, where did the thunder tribulation come from in the spiritual realm?"

"Stupid, he must be in the late stage of the spirit, he broke through the thunder calamity when he broke through the Nascent Soul, failed to cross the calamity, so now he has fallen to the early stage of the spirit."

"The analysis makes sense."

"We sent it! Kill him quickly, and kill him while he is sick!"


More than a dozen monks flew from all directions, and when they saw Lin Jichen who was exhausted and had no strength to resist, they all showed greed.

Several people immediately sacrificed their weapons, wanting to take advantage of the fire.

The few remaining people seem to be thinking and hesitating, and are going to watch the fire from the other side.

Lin Jichen saw that death was approaching, but he didn't panic at all, and even took out a jug of wine and watched them while drinking.

"Damn it, you dare to look down on us, go to hell!"

Several monks got angry and acted immediately.

However, at the moment they started, a ray of sword energy flashed across the necks of all of them!

Seven heads flew up!Then there were seven headless corpses that fell from the sky and smashed into meatloaf.

The few remaining people who didn't do anything were scared out of their wits. What happened?Fuck!

"Taking advantage of other people's danger, with a wicked mind, you deserve to be killed!"

Leng Feiyan stepped on the void and appeared from the night, snorting coldly.

"Do you want to do it too?"

A few monks were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that they were just curious and came to have a look.


Leng Feiyan snorted coldly, these people narrowly escaped death, turned around and ran away, wishing their parents would have two more legs.

"Master, it's good to have you here, otherwise the disciple will be miserable."

Lin Jichen changed his clothes, tidied up his messy and burnt black hair a little bit, thought he was still handsome, and walked towards Leng Feiyan full of confidence.

Seeing his miserable appearance, Leng Feiyan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

He took out a mirror, handed it to him and said, "Look at your appearance first."

Lin Jichen looked in the mirror, good guy, which beggar sect elder is this?

"Ahem, I just finished the tribulation, and my image is a bit unsatisfactory."

Leng Feiyan smiled sweetly, and it took her a while to look directly at her beggar boyfriend.

"Okay, you succeeded in crossing the tribulation, and it's getting late, I have to go as the teacher sends you back."

"Ah? Master, where are you going?" When Lin Jichen heard that Leng Feiyan was leaving, he thought that the other party was still angry, and his scorched face turned pale.

Leng Feiyan laughed and said: "Of course I'm going back to the sect as a teacher. The sect still has a lot of things to deal with. Recently, the demon sect and the evil spirits are not at peace. I'm afraid they will make a big move, so I have to hurry back to the sect and the sect." The great elders discussed how to resist the demon sect and evil spirits."

"Originally, Elder Tianjian led the team for this Immortal Ascension Conference, but because of this incident, he didn't go. He just asked Elder Nangong Wu to take his place. It's not easy for me to take time out, so I have to go back early."

"Well, I still want you to see me win the championship." Lin Jichen was a little bit reluctant.

Just confirmed the relationship with the master, the two are in the period of passionate love, when they are gluey, they don't want to separate for a moment.

Leng Feiyan is not, but as a sect leader, she still puts the overall situation first.

"Okay, then after I finish the Immortal Ascension Conference, I'll go back to the sect to find my master." Lin Jichen promised.

"Then you can't make me wait for too long, otherwise, hehe, it will be better for you~"

"I promise!"


Lin Jichen returned to Dongyi Courtyard, and Leng Feiyan left.

Originally, he wanted to have a farewell kiss before leaving, but Lin Jichen decided to forget about his current behavior, for fear of affecting his handsome image in front of his master.

Lin Jichen took a bath in the room, and then lay down after finishing his work.

At this time, the sky turned pale.

Lin Jichen was not in a hurry to sleep, but took out Situ Zhao's soul tomb, and began to carefully look at the spoils inside.

The first thing that was brought out was a pair of fist gloves.

[Earth Grade Jinwu·Crazy Dragon Gloves]: strength +205, understanding +110, tenacity +10%, after each skill is cast, the next general attack boxing will trigger the internal injury effect, if it hits a weak point, the damage will be doubled.

[The power of the mad dragon]: Swing a punch with the power of the mad dragon, causing 80 points of group damage within 4500 meters, cooling down for 20 minutes.

[Crazy Dragon Strength]: After opening, punching speed +60%, and damage received -20%, lasts for 2 minutes, cools down for 30 minutes.

[Dragon's Breath]: Unleash a dragon's breath attack in front, causing 6000 points of damage, and can knock the opponent into the air for 1 second, cool down for 1 hour.

This equipment is a set series, and each additional piece of mad dragon equipment will increase the attribute by 8%.

Requirements: Gu Lingjing Fist is available!


This first piece is a ground-grade golden weapon, and it is also equipped with a spiritual realm!

The attribute convenience is more than twice as strong as that of the Golden Core Realm.

Lin Jichen's Qingming sword strength is +90, you know how awesome this glove is.

Keep it, and give the crazy woman a gift of breaking through the spirit!

Lin Jichen has never been stingy when dealing with his own people, even if he knows that this equipment can be sold for tens of millions of Huaxia coins, he doesn't care.

Lin Jichen took out several other trophies from inside, including clothes, gauntlets, belts, plus this mad dragon glove, a total of four pieces of ground-grade golden equipment.

This is a set, the mad dragon set.

Lin Jichen had heard of this item in his previous life, and it was extremely rare. It was a dream suit for body repairers.

Lin Jichen took out the fifth item, which was no longer equipment, but a cheat book!

[Dipin Heart Sutra·Dragon Scale Armor]: Defense +60%, Toughness +15%, Physical Resistance +10%, and every time the cumulative damage received exceeds 10w, it will trigger a temporary 10-second double heart protection effect.

Cooldown: None, Mana Cost: Consumes 1% of total mana per second.

Requirements: Players with more than 90 points of root bone can learn it.


Well, another physical treasure.

Lin Jichen couldn't help but lament that the crazy woman was so lucky that she could inherit Situ Zhao's equipment.

In addition, I have to say that he is really too fat. This Situ Zhao is worthy of being the eldest disciple of a super sect, and he has so many good things on him!hey-hey!


Three shifts~

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