Full-time sword repair

Chapter 579 Do You Want Double Cultivation?Absolutely not! ! !

Inside the East Courtyard.

All the disciples of Jianzong stood in the courtyard in an orderly manner, not daring to make any unnecessary movements.

Because standing in front of them was none other than the head of the Sword Sect, Leng Feiyan.

At the forefront, Chu Tianhan, Li Mu, and all the eliminated disciples lowered their heads and did not dare to raise their heads.

"Master, this disciple is ashamed of the sect and master, and is willing to accept all punishments."

Nangong Wu didn't dare to say anything.

Leng Feiyan's beautiful eyes fell on Chu Tianhan, and he said calmly: "As the senior brother of the sect, you are an example for all the disciples of the sword sect. Why did you behave like this today? I believe you know in your heart that you should punish Elder Nangong Will relay it for me."

"Yes!" Chu Tianhan answered obediently, with a lonely expression.

"Your talent is very good. The Great Elder Tianjian has carefully cultivated you. He probably doesn't want to see you like this. Demons are not terrible. What is terrible is that some people dare not face their demons."

Leng Feiyan spoke again, her tone seemed to be pointing.

Chu Tianhan's body trembled, his face was pale, his brows were full of shock, as if he felt that his secret had been discovered.

Fortunately, Leng Feiyan didn't say much, and looked at the other disciples.

"You should study hard with Lin Jichen. He has the shortest entry time and the lowest level of cultivation. Although I am his master, I haven't helped him much."

"In terms of magic weapons, weapons, pills, etc., he is inferior to you in almost everything."

"But he was able to kill the great disciple of Nine Dragon Valley, why he can do it, but you can't? Could it be that your hard work for so many years is not as good as his half a year practice?"

"If he and Yue'er hadn't won the two competitions today, I, Jianzong, would probably be ridiculed by the world."

Those words made all the disciples feel ashamed, especially Chu Tianhan's face turned red, and his heart was filled with mixed emotions.

If he hadn't been defeated by Luo Muxian, how could he have fallen to this point? He is the most promising person to compete for the top spot.

All the focus and praise should be on him today.

But it was transferred to Lin Jichen, and everyone praised him.

But Lin Jichen couldn't rely on this matter, who made him let himself down.

"Okay, let's all go back and have a good rest. Nangong Yue will compete tomorrow, and other disciples should cherish this opportunity and learn from other people's battles."

Leng Feiyan waved for everyone to dismiss.

"Yes, master!" Everyone went back to the room.

Nan Gongyue hesitated for a moment, did not leave, but tentatively asked Leng Feiyan: "Master...how is little junior brother..."

Leng Feiyan said calmly: "He has nothing to do, he just went through a fierce battle and was exhausted physically and mentally. He will be fine if he rests for half a day."

"Oh...then can I go and see him...?" Nan Gongyue begged.

A trace of complexity flashed in Leng Feiyan's beautiful eyes, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Go."

Nangong Yuedeng was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Sect Leader!"

After saying that, he happily ran upstairs, gently pushed open Lin Jichen's door, and saw Lin Jichen lying on the bed, motionless, falling into a deep sleep.

Nan Gongyue's heart ached immediately, she walked to the bed and sat down, she held Lin Jichen's hand naturally, and said softly: "Little Junior Brother, you need to wake up quickly, nothing will happen."

Nangongyue's eyes were full of affection, and Lin Jichen's shadow was in her eyes. With that loving look in her eyes, a man's heart would melt if he looked at it.

She didn't expect that Leng Feiyan was standing behind him, watching the scene with a complicated expression, and even unconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth, three points angry and seven points jealous.

"Yue'er, he was seriously injured and comatose, so don't touch him to prevent the wound from recurring."

Leng Feiyan spoke suddenly, unable to watch it any longer.

Nan Gongyue blushed instantly, quickly let go of her hands and got up, her head drooping, her pair of jade hands grasping the corner of her clothes nervously.

"I know the head, I'm just too worried about my junior brother, that's why I..."

Leng Feiyan walked over with a chuckle, and asked in a casual tone, "You and Chen'er seem to have a good relationship?"

The naive Nan Gongyue didn't understand any twists and turns, she thought that Leng Feiyan would support her and Lin Jichen, so she boldly answered with a blushing face.

"Sect Master Qi, Junior Brother and I...are in love with each other, we are actually...getting together soon..."

After finishing speaking, Nan Gongyue covered her face shyly, extremely shy.

Leng Feiyan's expression gradually stiffened, and her sleeves were clenched unconsciously, and a feeling that she had never felt before came to her heart, which made her very uncomfortable.

She still forcibly calmed down and asked as if nothing had happened: "Oh? Is that so, when did you two get together?"

Nan Gongyue replied honestly: "It's the Immortal Ascension Conference. Before that, my parents always disagreed that I like Junior Brother."

"Then they agree now?"

"Well, my father didn't agree, but he didn't object."

"What about your mother?"

"My mother...has already met the younger brother, she is very satisfied with the younger brother." Nan Gongyue said happily.

Leng Feiyan was silent for a while, with no expression of joy or anger.

She felt inexplicably empty, as if something important had been snatched from her.

In that instant, many images flashed in her mind, all of which were left to her by Lin Jichen.

At this time, Nan Gongyue started to ask her: "Sect Leader, do you agree with me being with Junior Brother?"

"I don't agree." Leng Feiyan blurted out, even in a somewhat impatient tone.

"Huh? This...why is this?"

Nangongyue didn't expect Leng Feiyan to disagree, and she was a little surprised and panicked for a moment.

It was only then that Leng Feiyan realized that he had lost his composure, quickly adjusted his tone, and began to persuade: "You are at this age, you should concentrate on cultivation instead of thinking about your children's personal relationships. As a swordsman, the most taboo in the front is to be tripped by love. Once you are trapped Once you fall in love, your cultivation will be like sailing against the current."

Nan Gongyue understood, but she was still a little reluctant. She lowered her head and muttered: "Master, I'm with my junior brother, so it won't affect my cultivation. Besides... we can also practice dual cultivation... I heard that dual cultivation Can quickly increase cultivation base."

"Absolutely not!" Leng Feiyan's voice turned up several notches, startling Nangongyue.

Leng Feiyan didn't care about being calm, and said in a serious tone: "You are so young, and you want to take a shortcut in your cultivation. This will not help you two in the future, absolutely not!"

Nan Gongyue was reprimanded, and said aggrievedly: "Then when can we..."

Leng Feiyan was about to die of anger, feeling that he hadn't seen Lin Jichen in such a short time, and this stinky apprentice might drag his family to find her next time they meet.

If Lin Jichen was not still in a coma, she really wanted to go over and give him a sword.

Didn't I just not pay attention to it a little bit, why is this stinky apprentice about to get married and have children?

If it takes a while, it is estimated that this stinky apprentice will really bring the doll to see her.

Thinking of this, Leng Feiyan felt angry and anxious.


Three shifts~

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