Full-time sword repair

Chapter 576 Dragon Slayer Warrior!

Hu Qi'er stared blankly at the figures of Xiong Zang and Jiaolong fighting fiercely in the arena, her eyes were first surprised, then shocked, and finally angry.

"It's him, I'm sure, he looks like a bear!"

"But why did he appear here, and... seems to have become the... pet of that human monk."

"Damn human race! He must have forced Xiong Zhuang to surrender and become a slave to humans!" Hu Qi'er clenched her fists tightly, eager to rush down to rescue her benefactor.

The maid Xiaoyu was also filled with righteous indignation, and said with heartache: "Young Master Xiong must have been tortured by this monk inhumanely, otherwise a hero like him, even the Peacock Monster Race would not be able to make him bow his head, how could he be willing to be the mount of the Human Race!"

Hu Qi'er deeply agreed, biting her rhinoceros white teeth, and said: "Young Master Xiong must have been tortured and persecuted by this monk before he surrendered, otherwise, what cruel things in this world can make Young Master Xiong willingly become someone else's pet? "

"Yeah, Young Master Xiong is so pitiful. Young Master Xiong is not afraid of power and sacrifices his life for righteousness. The only thing that can make him submit is the despicable and cruel secret techniques of human monks."

"Yeah, I thought this sword repairer was a man worthy of respect, but now it seems that he looks like a beast, with a vicious heart. He is as good as gold and jade, but even worse than the peacock demon clan!" Hu Qier said loudly. Scold Lin Jichen.

"Then what should we do? Do we just watch Xiong Shaoxia being enslaved forever?"

"Don't worry, I will find a way, Young Master Xiong, I must save him, even if I ask my grandma, I will save him!"

Hu Qi'er said very seriously, even her mind was no longer on the fight in the ring, she was thinking about how to rescue Xiong Zang.

She secretly said in her heart: Young Master Xiong, you saved me in the Peacock Demon Kingdom before, even if I, Hu Qi'er, sacrificed my life, I will pay you back this kindness!Don't worry, I'll take you back to our Fox Clan, and let Qi'er protect you forever from now on!


As the time goes.

The battle between Lin Jichen and Situ Zhao has entered a fierce stage.

The two of them almost used all their cards, and they also used their unique skills in a variety of ways. They played desperately, and the blood they shed almost covered the entire arena.

Lin Jichen's various skills, including equipment skills, have almost entered the cooldown, leaving only one or two skills that have not had a chance to be used.

Situ Zhao was similar. Although he had many cards in his hole, he used several times as many cards as Lin Jichen.

Every skill of Lin Jichen, including equipment skills, is used properly. On the other hand, Situ Zhao does not have as much experience as Lin Jichen.

But even if it hits this level, no one is down, and no one wants to admit defeat.

Whoosh whoosh!

The two faced each other far away, both breathing heavily.

Whether it's physical strength, energy or mana, both of them are exhausted to the extreme.

Now the throat is like a heavy bellows, and every breath seems to be exhausted.

"I really didn't expect that you could push me to this extent, bastard, because of you, I will probably miss the leader next time, I must kill you!"

Situ Zhao stared at Lin Jichen with eyes full of hatred.

He thought it was an easy and crushing battle, but he didn't expect to beat himself to the brim.

If things go on like this, even if he wins, it will be a miserable victory, a narrow victory, with his skills entering cooldown, the pills used up, and his pets seriously injured.

After doing this, how will he play in the next game?

So Situ Zhao now hated Lin Jichen to the core. If he guessed correctly, he would most likely lose the qualification to win the championship.

Lin Jichen took a few deep breaths before relieving his physical and mental exhaustion.

Hearing this, he sneered and said, "You seem to be talking nonsense! Even without me, you wouldn't be able to win the championship. Don't make excuses for your failure, trash!"

Old Situ Zhao blushed, Lin Jichen completely saw through his thoughts.

"In that case, I will use your life to extinguish my anger!"

After Situ Zhao finished speaking, a small jade bottle appeared in his hand at some point.

He squeezed the bottle, and what flowed out of the bottle was a small ball of crimson blood.

This ball of blood faintly exuded incomparably powerful power, floating in Situ Zhao's palm.

Situ Zhao hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind and fed all the blood into his mouth.


Situ Zhao immediately let out a scream, his whole body turned red, and large pieces of skin fell off, exposing bloody flesh and bones.

Everyone is a little confused, what's going on?Why did Situ Zhao self-mutilate?

Only a small number of well-informed monks exclaimed: "It's dragon blood! He swallowed dragon blood!"

For a moment, the scene was horrified.

Dragon blood is a treasure bestowed by heaven. Dragons are full of treasures. Dragon blood can be used to refine powerful elixirs and temper the body.

But it is very taboo to swallow, because the human body cannot bear the energy of dragon blood.

But Situ Zhao didn't take it seriously. He endured the severe pain and grimaced. Soon, his pain gradually disappeared.

Become a real dragon!


A monk transformed into Jackie Chan alive, everyone was stunned by this scene.

By swallowing the dragon's blood, Situ Zhao turned into a real dragon in a short period of time, swallowing clouds and mist, covering the sky and covering the sun, and roaming around the world.

The arena is full of dragon shadows.

The flood dragon crawled up in front of him in an instant, extremely pious.

The bear looks a little scared, and can only relieve the pressure by roaring repeatedly.

A real dragon is different from a Jiaolong. No matter how powerful a Jiaolong is, it is only a Jiaolong, not a real dragon.

A real dragon is the real dragon blood.

The Thunder Dragon that Lin Jichen encountered in the Land of Thunder Lake was actually not a dragon at all in the true sense, but just a Lei Jiao with a weak dragon blood.

The real dragon clan is extremely powerful, and the strongest alien boss, Zhu Jiuyin, is actually a nine-clawed golden dragon!

Situ Zhao's dragon obviously does not have nine claws, but only two claws, so it can only be regarded as an ordinary dragon.

Even so, the coercion he brought was unprecedented.

Lin Jichen frowned, his face serious.

Situ Zhao, the real dragon, hovered in the air once, and with a flick of its tail, it killed the big fly in seconds...

Then he stared at Lin Jichen on the ground, opened his huge mouth, and breathed out the dragon's breath!

Lin Jichen's movement skills have all entered the cooling down, so he has no choice but to resist this wave of dragon's breath.


Lin Jichen vomited blood again, and his whole body became dispirited.

Situ Zhao raised his dragon claws, crossed the void, and slapped Lin Jichen hard!

The power is so great that even a unique skill can't match it.

Lin Jichen's blood volume has reached the point of being endangered.

Just as the dragon claw fell, Lin Jichen launched his last stunt!

"Desperate Instant Prison Kill!"

His figure disappeared instantly at this moment.

At the same time, Lin Jichen was also the only skill that he hadn't had the chance to use so far when he activated the Qingming Sword for the first time.

[Desperate Situation]: When the blood volume is lower than 30%, strength increases by 20%, understanding +20%, lasts for 1 minute, and cools down for 30 minutes.

Situ Zhao didn't expect Lin Jichen to have a backup, so he flew into the sky very cautiously, circling non-stop, trying to find out where Lin Jichen was.

However, Lin Jichen suddenly flew out from behind him, jumped onto the dragon's head, held the sword in both hands, and with all his strength, stabbed the Qing Ming sword into the dragon's head Tianling!


Situ Zhao felt severe pain and it struggled desperately, but Lin Jichen held on to the hilt of the sword tightly and remained motionless.

Situ Zhao still wanted to struggle.

Lin Jichen had already moved to kill.

He opened his mouth, and a piece of spiritual jade flew out, like a bullet, from the top of Situ Zhao's head, and shot out again!

"Tianpin Magic Treasure Tiangang Lingyu!"

[Tianpin magic weapon Tiangang Lingyu]: Can be hidden in the dantian, with the spiritual power of the dantian, to accumulate the innate true qi, when facing the enemy by surprise, it can cause 200% real damage of its own attributes, and there is a 10% probability Destroy effects on equipment or magic weapons below Tianpin.

Lin Jichen sacrificed this Tiangang Lingyu, the speed was so fast that people were caught off guard!

Even if the elders of Nine Dragon Valley wanted to make a move, it was too late.

The Qingming sword just pierced into the dragon's head, but did not hurt its root.

But this spiritual jade directly pierced through Situ Zhao's Tianling Gai, and slayed the dragon!

Situ Zhaoru was struck by lightning, and the entire dragon body fell from the air with a bang, the dragon body gradually disappeared, and Situ Zhao's real self was restored.

At this time, Situ Zhao had already fallen straight on the ground, his eyes were wide open, and he was dying...


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