Full-time sword repair

Chapter 574 Heartbreak at the Sword Curve!

Seeing that the equipment was useless, Situ Zhao reacted very quickly.

"Dragon Shadow Step!"

He escaped from Lin Jichen's attack range in an instant, and just as Lin Jichen was about to catch up, Situ Zhao showed a sly smile.

Concentrating his mana with his back turned, he suddenly turned around halfway, his fist was like a red flame shooting star, and he punched down!

Just hearing the deafening explosion, dozens of water columns with a height of [-] meters collapsed from the nearby river!

"Flame Dragon Demon Fist!"

Lin Jichen really didn't expect this punch to be so powerful, like a giant truck driving at high speed hit him.

"Armor of Thunder!"

Lin Jichen only had time to sacrifice a Thunder Shield.

However, Situ Zhao's punch was so terrifying that the lightning shield was directly shattered and exploded by the force of the punch.

During the shattering of the lightning, Lin Jichen was blown away with a punch, and the Thunder Shield exploded completely. A sunken fist mark on his chest made him vomit blood three times in a row.

"-18000! Trigger the internal injury effect!"

"Internal injury: Loss of 1% of total blood per second for 5 seconds."

Lin Jichen almost backed up to the edge of the ring before barely stopping. Even so, he was quite embarrassed at this time, his clothes were torn and his body was covered in blood.

Thousands of qi and blood were still pouring out of his head.

"Damn, this guy's spiritual skill is absolutely heavenly."

Lin Jichen spit out blood, looked down at the wound on his chest, and smiled wryly in his heart.

I have celestial skills, like Mo Shaoku has celestial skills, let alone a 'renminbi' player like Situ Zhao.

It was rare for Lin Jichen to be in such a mess, but today was one of them.

All the players watched this scene with lingering fear.

Even the number one player in the Eight Wilds was beaten so badly, the other players must have died dozens of times.

These npc disciples are really too perverted!

After Situ Zhao was injured, he seemed to be enraged. After a successful blow, his figure flew away, and only afterimages could be seen on the ring.

Situ Zhao jumped up high, looked down at Lin Jichen, his hands interlaced in the void to form a seal, and a Dharma seal was condensed in his hands.

Then, suddenly press!

"Dragon Soul Suppression!"


In the ten-zhang area centered on Lin Jichen, a phantom of the magic seal suddenly appeared, and in the phantom, there seemed to be the sound of dragon chant.

Under the pressure, the airflow in mid-air burned violently, and the whole sky was dyed fiery red and spread out!

In front of this looming dragon soul, Lin Jichen was as small as an ant, with countless flames burning all over his body.


The Dharma seal in the sky pressed down three times in a row, and Lin Jichen's shoulders seemed to be pressing down on a mountain, forcing him to bend down and kneel down, prostrating and submitting.

Lin Jichen's back gradually bent under the strong pressure, and the ground under his feet sank deeply.

And Lin Jichen's back was bent for a while, and then straightened again!

However, as soon as he straightened his back, the pressure on his body became even greater!

As if the dragon soul in the French seal had been underestimated, he vowed to make Lin Jichen kneel down to it.

"-9000! -9200! -9350!"

In fact, if you kneel and submit to the power of this seal, you will suffer much less damage.

But Lin Jichen didn't want to bow his head at all, and forcibly resisted the huge pressure, but it also made him suffer a lot, his body was ripped apart, and blood gushed like a spring.

Many girls in the audience couldn't bear to witness this tragedy and closed their eyes.

Situ Zhao sneered and said, "You are a tough one."

Lin Jichen raised his head proudly, also showed a smile, and said loudly: "My master told me that the way of swordsmanship is like the sword itself. When you show your sharpness, you don't fear the power of heaven!"

"The sword is bent and the heart is broken! The broken sword is about to collapse!"

"A dragon soul seal wants me to surrender? Dreaming!"

Lin Jichen's domineering words echoed in the world, as if he was swearing an oath to the gods and Buddhas of the heavens.

Countless monks were touched.

Many elders of the sect sighed: "If this son does not die, his future achievements will be limitless!"

On the Jianzong site, Lin Jichen's words were still echoing in the ears of all the disciples.

The sword bends and the heart breaks!The broken sword is about to collapse!

This is the heart of swordsmanship comprehended by Lin Jichen, a newcomer who has just started?Far more than those old people who have practiced for decades.

"Master, your disciple really impresses me more and more." Nangong Wu Fuxu said with a smile.

Leng Feiyan didn't speak, but just looked at the somewhat miserable figure on the ring, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Her disciples have never let her down!

Chen Yuan, who was behind him, stared at Lin Jichen in a daze, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

Could this be the reason why the gap between him and Lin Jichen is getting bigger and bigger?

He has always thought that Bahuang is a game, his sword is just a weapon, and the so-called kendo is nothing but nonsense in the game.

He never felt that sword repair was any different from other professions.

Not only him, almost all players think so.

But Lin Jichen seems to be completely different, he doesn't seem to regard "Eight Wilds" as a game at all, he seems to be completely immersed in the game world.

It's like an actor, immersed in the role he plays, even after the filming is over, he can't extricate himself and still plays the role diligently.

Some people think that Lin Jichen's involvement in the play is too deep and he is going crazy, but some people think that this may be the reason why Lin Jichen can surpass all players.

Situ Zhao seemed to disdain Lin Jichen's words.

"All character is based on the premise of strength. In the face of absolute strength, your little Taoism is extremely ridiculous. Remember, only the strong are worthy of standing, and you are not worthy at all!"

After Situ Zhao finished speaking, he suddenly jumped down, his sleeves fluttered, his fists were like starbursts, and with unrivaled strength, he slammed towards Lin Jichen on the ground!

"Dragon fist blast!"

With both fists down, with all the strength to force the regret, a storm of air flow is set off, and there is a hidden possibility of strangling everything!

Lin Jichen looked at the sky calmly, even though he was covered in blood, he didn't flinch in the slightest.

"Shadow raid!"

Before Situ Zhao's fist strength arrived, Lin Jichen turned into five shadows and dispersed at the same time.

After making a simple judgment, Situ Zhao quickly aimed at the most likely shadow, and continued to kill him!

'Lin Jichen' was directly killed!

However, Situ Zhao knew he had guessed wrong the moment he touched Lin Jichen.

The other four shadows were dispatched at the same time!

Swish swish!

The four shadows swung their swords together, and all of them hit the last four holes in Situ Zhao's body!



Situ Zhao let out a cry of pain.

The wound on his body was like a torrent bursting out of a dike, and four pillars of blood spurted out.


Lin Jichen showed his real body, and Qing Mingjian raised his hand and swung it out!

"Phoenix Feather!"

Twenty-two feathered sword qi shot out, Situ Zhao reacted quickly, the ring in his hand lit up with two golden lights, and several shields blocked him.

All Feather Sword Qi was canceled out.

Fenghuang Yu, who was always invincible, was deflated at this moment.

Lin Jichen secretly thought it was a pity, so he could only retreat first.

How could Situ Zhao let him go in his rage, his eyes were murderous, and his pupils were staring at Lin Jichen like a beast.

Lin Jichen only felt that he was locked by the opponent's consciousness.


One more~

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