Tang Ning listened to them talking about the rewards of various land weapons, and felt quite depressed.

"Wow, you all use earth-grade weapons now? I still only have a few ordinary-grade weapons all over my body, and I got them after three days of hard work in the sect mission. People are more angry than people."

Ren Lan smiled and said comfortingly: "Miss Ning Ning, don't worry, we have been competing in the Futu Sect for the past few days, and we will come out when Xiaolinzi's competition is over. Xiaolinzi is a rich man in the game, and he has a lot of equipment. Let him give you the whole set!"

"That's not necessary, I'm just complaining casually, there's no need to waste money on me, I heard that the equipment in "Eight Wilds" is very valuable, I can't afford it." Tang Ning shook her head again and again, this is no longer a bribe Well, she dare not accept it.

She struggled with this game cabin for a long time, and finally agreed to it in the name of borrowing.

"It's okay, I'll just lend it to you first, and then return it to me when you get better equipment yourself."

Lin Jichen knew exactly why Tang Ning refused, so he repeated the old trick.

Tang Ning still wanted to decline, but after everyone persuaded, she had no choice but to agree.

She thought to herself that she just borrowed two pieces of equipment, so it shouldn't be regarded as bribery, at most it can only be regarded as a debt of favor to Lin Jichen, um, that's it...

Lin Jichen interrupted and asked, "Has Miss Ning Ning joined the sect? Which sect."

"Of course it was the Sunshine Bow School you suggested me to go to. I followed your instructions and my journey went smoothly, but I haven't been able to become a disciple of the inner hall yet." Tang Ning replied.

"Don't worry, your talent determines that you will definitely be able to enter the inner hall. As long as you complete a few more tasks, you will be able to gain the attention of the elders. When you discover your potential, becoming a disciple of the inner hall is a certainty." Lin Jichen comforted .

"Well! I actually discovered it too. Recently, the deacon elders have praised me a lot, and even gave me a challenge task. They said that they would recommend a very powerful elder for me after completing it!" Tang Ning became excited when she mentioned this. .

If Ren Lan and the others hadn't gone offline, she would still be immersed in the game just to chat with them.

"Oh? What is the mission content?"

"They said they wanted me to hunt down and kill a monk who stole the sect's secret technique, but the problem is that the sect didn't give me any hints or information, and let me go find it myself. Don't you think it's hard for others? There are so many people, so find someone Isn’t that equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack?”

Lin Jichen nodded when he heard it. It was similar to his first sect mission, and the difficulty was not high.

"There is a way. You go to the Zuixian Tower in Fengqu City and wait for a storyteller. When he leaves, catch up with him and ask him. Give him a few spirit stones, and he will tell you the answer."

"Really? That's great! Haha, so there is such a way, I'll go to Fengqu Tower to find him tomorrow!"

Tang Ning was very excited. If it wasn't for the fact that it was dark now, and she wanted to talk too much, and wanted to protect Lin Jichen's family, she would have been eager to get into the game now.

Lin Jichen smiled, and told her some tricks. What he said to Tang Ning was like listening to the holy voice, and he almost wrote it down in a small notebook.

"Sister, I'm a little hungry." Lin Jichen stayed in the game for a few days, and it was inevitable that he would feel a little hungry after he came out.

In fact, it's not considered hungry, it's just that I haven't eaten for a few days and I feel hungry.

"Me too, my stomach is growling after playing the game." Ren Lan looked at Gu Qiuxue with pleading eyes while clutching her stomach.

"There's Tangtang, Tangtang is hungry too." Niu Naitang raised his hand.

Gu Qiuxue grinned, got up and said, "Okay, I'll make supper for you."

Gu Qiuxue came to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and found it was empty.

"Oh, I forgot to buy groceries."

Gu Qiuxue said very apologetically that she was also busy with competitions these days, so she didn't have the heart to buy vegetables at all.

"It's okay, there is a night vegetable market here, I'll go buy it." Lin Jichen was ready to go out after speaking.

"Wait, isn't it safe to go out at night?" Gu Qiuxue worried.

After all, the killer happened only a few days ago.

Tang Ning stood up first, and said, "It's okay, I'll go shopping with him, those killers have all been arrested, and Jiangling City is conducting a comprehensive investigation of people from other places, even if they want to do something, they have to wait for the rumors to die down, there shouldn't be any major issues recently. "

Although it is safest to stay at home, Tang Ning will not never let Lin Jichen go out.

In fact, it's good to go out, if she really encounters a killer, she is confident that she can easily settle it and get a few credits.

She was carrying a gun, which was specially approved by the director. She carried a gun to protect Lin Jichen, in case she would encounter a killer.

"Okay, then you have to be careful, Xiaochen, you can drive, it's safer."

Lin Jichen nodded. He hadn't driven his new car for several days.

For a man, after buying a new car, he can't wait to stay in the car 24 hours a day.

Fortunately, he just threw it in the parking lot to eat ashes, and he didn't move for a few days.

"Sister, let's go out. You send the vegetables you want to buy to my mobile phone. Sister Ningning and I will buy them according to the order. It's better to buy more, so that we don't have to go out often." Lin Jichen said.

"Okay, stay safe."

As Gu Qiuxue said, she ran to the bedroom to get a coat for Lin Jichen and put it on carefully, lest he would freeze.

Tang Ning teased sourly at the side: "Qiu Xue, aren't you too kind to your 'brother'? When will my friend be able to enjoy this kind of treatment?"

Tang Ning said the word 'brother' very loudly on purpose, and Ren Lan couldn't stop laughing.

Gu Qiuxue's pretty face flushed, and she quickly brought another coat to Tang Ning, and then blocked her mouth.

When the two went out, Lin Jichen drove into his newly bought car, and took Tang Ning to the night vegetable market a few kilometers away.

Just as she was on the road, Tang Ning's phone rang, and it was her younger brother calling.

Tang Ning just happened to be adjusting the seat, so she turned on the hands-free, and said in a disgusted tone, "Fart, let go."

That's how she talks to her brother all the time.

"Sister, it's an emergency, please give me some living expenses." A somewhat immature and delicate voice came from the phone.

Tang Ning stared at him, and said angrily, "My parents gave you the living expenses for this month, and you will have no money in half a month before next month's living expenses? What do you do at school every day?"

"I...I have grown up recently, and I eat a lot, so the money is used up quickly..." the younger brother said weakly.

Tang Ning is a criminal police officer, so she knew it was a fake as soon as she heard it.

"Stop fooling me, are you spending money to buy equipment in the game?"

"Damn, sister, how do you know? You are really Sai Banxian, sister, my admiration for you is like a torrent of river water, you are worthy of being the captain of the criminal police, I admire you so much! Brother, I am really proud of you, sister, you are not only beautiful but also so beautiful Smart, which man will marry you in the future will be bad luck for eight lifetimes... Ah bah, eight lifetimes of good luck!"


Lin Jichen, who was driving next to him, couldn't help laughing, but Tang Ning's younger brother heard it clearly.

"Damn! Sis, is there someone beside you? It sounds like a man, who is it?"


Three shifts~

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