Full-time sword repair

Chapter 563 Magical Use of Skills

The time of the evil spirit curse is gone.

Qin Zong's pressure increased greatly, he frantically drew his bow in the air and shot wildly, countless spiritual arrows exploded on the ring like fireworks.

The arena was once again covered with dust and mist.

Qin Zong felt that his mana had been consumed too much, so he quickly stuffed a pill of extracting spirits and swallowed it.

He stood in the air, fixed his eyes on the arena below which he could not see clearly, and found nothing.

Worried that Lin Jichen would rush out suddenly, he was ready to dodge at any time.

However, he waited a second, two seconds.

Lin Jichen still didn't come out.

I saw a mighty white light flashing out of the dust all over the sky, and a ray of sword energy broke through the smoke and dust!

The dust and mist are like a canvas, easily split by this wisp of sword energy.

"Splitting Mountains and Breaking Seas Sword!"

Qin Zong felt something was wrong, Lin Jichen used the smoke to block his sight, and secretly used his stunts!

In desperation, the ring in Qin Zong's hand flickered, and a light shield stood in front of him.

"Heart Shield!"

In an instant, the sword energy collided with the light shield.

What is astonishing is that this light shield seems to resist the Fenshan Duanhai sword.

But then the light shield shattered, and the sword energy dissipated.

Lin Jichen flew out of the dust, and was a little surprised to see this.

A defensive magic weapon that can counteract the earth-grade special skills?nice one!

This Qin Zong's family is well off!

Although the stunt was offset, it aroused Lin Jichen's stronger desire to fight.

He bullied him again and slashed at the void!

"Ascending Dragon Breaks the Sky!"

A Wind Breath Sword whirls and flies up.

Naturally, Qin Zong wouldn't take this foolishly. He just wanted to use his body to dodge, but found... Lin Jichen's move seemed to be missed!

The direction of the wind breath sword energy is not going to Qin Zong at all, but flying to his side.

This?Could it be that Lin Jichen was too nervous and lost his skills?

That's the only possibility.

Qin Zong felt relieved and gave up using body skills.

It seems that Lin Jichen has also started to get nervous. It must be because he blocked his stunt, which made him lose his temper, right?

Qin Zong felt a little proud.

Just as he was about to draw his bow to fight back, he saw Lin Jichen showing him a scheming smile from a distance.

"you are dead."

Qin Zong was taken aback, as if he didn't understand what this guy meant.

However, he saw that Lin Jichen put the sword on his back with his right hand, and pointed out a finger with his left hand!

"Soul Shaking Spirit Finger!"

Ripples appeared in the air, like a stone thrown into a calm lake.

From the rippling and turbulent airflow, a horizontal finger burst out!

Qin Zong, who was unable to react at all, was precisely hit by this finger force.

"-15210! Trigger the paralysis effect!"

However, this is not the point.

Qin Zong found that after being hit by this spiritual finger, his figure was moving uncontrollably, and the direction of movement... was exactly at the end of the wind's breath sword energy!

Qin Zong's eyes gradually became frightened, and he wanted to use his body to escape.

But under the control, he couldn't move at all, he could only obediently fly in the direction where Lin Jichen's spirit fingers pushed away, just in time for the tail of the wind's breath sword energy.


Qin Zong received another blow, and his figure was swept away by the sword energy!

"-12500! Trigger Disarm! Silence!"

Fuck!The whole audience was shocked by this scene.

Can you still play like this?

Swinging the skill makes the enemy relax his vigilance, and then use the skill to push him up to complete the seamless control, and the opponent can't react at all.

"This trick has shown me! Another way to use skills?"

"Tuigui, in terms of combat talent, Master Lin has left us too much."

"This trick is too spiritual, and it works wonders when used occasionally!"

"I feel like I can try it, anyway, as long as I master two control skills."

"I've learned it, Mr. Lin's combat art! It turns out that as long as you cooperate well, skills can be integrated!"


In the audience's discussion and admiration.

Qin Zong only felt that the sky was spinning, and the wind blade kept cutting and sweeping his flesh and blood, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Can only passively wait for the control time to end.

However, just as the wind blade subsided, Lin Jichen swung his sword again!

"Dizzy Sword Qi!"


Qin Zong couldn't do anything, so he was knocked out on the spot.

The Qing Ming Sword in Lin Jichen's hand instantly turned crimson red!

Add another sword energy!

"Phoenix Feather!"

After triggering the disabling effect, the next step is the harvest time!

Swish swish!

In just a few seconds, to Qin Zong, it seemed to be longer than any time.

He really wanted to shout out the word admit defeat.

But in a state of dizziness, he couldn't shout those two words at all.

I can only let Lin Jichen's sword cut his skin, cut his flesh, tendons, throat...

The elder Duzhan of Shentai wanted to do something but stopped. Seeing that Qin Zong was about to die, the elder Duzhan was planning to take action secretly.

"He didn't yell to admit defeat! Elder Supervisor, is he trying to save someone! Protecting him like this, he is your son, right?"

Lin Jichen's voice was so loud that everyone could hear it clearly.

The elder supervisor's raised hand was frozen in the air, his face was purple.

He didn't expect Lin Jichen to see through his thoughts, say it so loudly, and mocked him by the way.

Now everyone is also staring at the elder supervisor.

Nangong Wu frowned and looked at him. Recalling the battle between Lin Jichen and Mo Shaoku, he seemed suspicious, and began to stare at the elder who supervised the battle carefully.

Before Qin Zong admits defeat, if he dares to save someone, it definitely means something is wrong!

Fortunately, the Elder Supervisor quickly withdrew his hand and did not dare to do anything.

Lin Jichen took the opportunity to use the last time, relying on the super high damage of Heart Eater and Ghost Eater Sword Qi.

He actually instantly killed Qin Zong!


Qin Zong was freed from controlling time, and he only had time to utter the first word before he died completely!

The body fell from the air and smashed into meatloaf.

Lin Jichen completely ignored the hateful eyes of the Elder Du Zhan, took away the soul tomb, and left in a cool manner.

The elder supervisor could only hold back his anger and shout: "Lin Jichen wins! Next match!"

Lin Jichen killed a demon cultivator again, which made all the disciples of the demon sect on the other side feel lingering fear.

This guy's murderous intent is too heavy, and it will kill him once he makes a move.

Two important Mozong disciples have already fallen, which is not a small blow to the Mozong sect.

What hit even more was the morale of the other Demon Sect disciples.

The other demon sect disciples in the Shen group saw the dead Qin Zong and recalled Feng Ruhai yesterday, and they inevitably felt fearful of Lin Jichen in their hearts.

For the orthodox sect, it is a good thing to be happy.

Seeing Lin Jichen coming back, Nangong Wu couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder, laughed and said he was beautiful!He also rewarded Lin Jichen with two bottles of ground medicine pills.

Lin Jichen didn't care too much, what he cared most about was Qin Zong's soul tomb and military achievements.

"Kill the demon cultivator at the Golden Core Realm! Reward +2000 combat achievement points! +200 righteous path points!"

It is still [-] combat points, Lin Jichen feels that this Ascension to Immortals Conference is over, and he can go to other main cities to buy seven or eight sets of gold shops.

In addition to the military achievements, Lin Jichen opened Qin Zong's soul tomb and saw that there was indeed that black and white longbow!

【Land grade weapons...


[-]nd watch~ I'm a little tired today, very sleepy, sry~

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