Full-time sword repair

Chapter 559 Elder, I am a man

The elder of the Corpse Puppet Sect was startled, pointed at Lin Jichen, and said angrily: "Jian Zong boy! How dare you kill my sect disciple!"

The words were full of killing intent.

This is his big disciple of the Corpse Puppet Sect.

If he just died like this, it is conceivable that after returning, the suzerain will definitely throw the responsibility on him.

Thinking of this, the elder of the Corpse Puppet Sect was filled with murderous aura, wishing he could kill Lin Jichen directly now!

The other demon sects also glared at Lin Jichen.

Because this is the first time since the Immortal Ascension Conference was held that a major disciple of the Demon Sect died.

The eldest disciple is not comparable to ordinary inner hall disciples, and represents the face and future of the sect.

Now that the death of a major disciple of the Mozong is tantamount to slapping all the Mozong in the face.

Seeing that things were not going well, Nangong Wu immediately flew over, stood in front of Lin Jichen, and said sarcastically, "Sancai old ghost, what do you want to do? Ignore the rules of the conference and want to attack the younger generation? Hmph, do you think my sword sect is easy to bully?"

The elder of the Corpse Puppet Sect was speechless for a while, of course he didn't dare to make a real move.

Life or death in the arena depends entirely on the player's own ability.

You can surrender if you can't beat it, but the problem is that Feng Ruhai was killed before he could surrender.

Even the Elder Superintendent didn't have time to keep him.

"My Corpse Puppet Sect has recorded this grudge! Lin Jichen, you will regret your actions for the rest of your life!"

The elder of the Corpse Puppet Sect gritted his teeth and said harsh words.

Nangong Wu smiled heroically, and said: "Joke, even a small Corpse Puppet Sect dares to threaten my Tianyan Sword Sect. Just come, but I don't know if you, a Corpse Puppet Sect, can withstand the anger of my Sword Sect!"

The Corpse Puppet Sect's face was ugly, and he got angry for a while, and didn't think too much about it.

Although the corpse puppet sect is a first-class demon sect, it is not enough to compare with the Tianyan sword sect.

"Hmph!" The elder of the Corpse Puppet Sect had no choice but to sit down with a cold snort, not daring to speak nonsense.

He made up his mind, even if he really wanted to take revenge, he had to do it secretly, so as not to disturb the Tianyan Sword Sect.

Sooner or later, this kid will be alone, just wait!

Nangong Wu patted Lin Jichen's shoulder, and said with a hearty smile: "Good job, don't be afraid of those demon sect threats, behind you is Tianyan Sword Sect, if someone dares to play tricks, I will risk my life to keep you safe , do you dare to have a big fight with the old man then?"

Lin Jichen smiled shyly, and said weakly: "Elder, I'm a man..."

Nangong Wu: "...."

Nangong Wu was speechless for a while, but he took Lin Jichen back first. Nangongyue was still fighting, so he couldn't come to congratulate him for the time being.

Lin Jichen sat down to rest and checked his harvest at the same time.

"Kill the demon cultivator at the Golden Core Realm! Reward +2000 combat achievement points! +200 righteous path points!"

Lin Jichen received the notification tone, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

When he was in Rakshamen before, the golden core level magic cultivator only gave 50 points of combat merit, but now he has 2000 points.

It's not that the combat merit point has been modified, but it's based on the strength of the opponent's magic cultivator.

Rakshasamen are all ordinary demon cultivators, so naturally they have less combat achievements.

Feng Ruhai in front of him is a first-class disciple of the Demon Sect, even at the Golden Core level, but he has given two thousand combat points.

The [-]-point battle function can be exchanged for [-] reputation. As long as there are enough spirit stones, he can buy a big shop again.

This is the reason why Lin Jichen chose to apply for the group. If he met a righteous monk as an opponent, he might not be able to kill him, because even Nangong Wu would not let him do it.

But the magic cultivator is different, Lin Jichen can have no scruples, but killing him will win the favor of a large number of righteous monks, so why not do it.

In addition, Feng Ruhai also gave Lin Jichen a soul tomb, which he accepted bluntly.

Upon checking, Lin Jichen's eyes lit up.

The soul tombs, which are as abundant as the sea, are extremely rich, and the first item is the armor of the golden quality of the land!

[Earth Grade Armor - Demon Devouring Battle Robe]: Defense +150, Heart Protection +90, Toughness +5%, Bloodsucking +3%, and for every 1000 points of Magic or Righteousness, the skill damage will be increased by 1% .

[Magic Immunity]: It can resist the opponent's damage from a ground-level martial skill or a ground-level spiritual skill, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

[Blood-devouring Magic Art]: Absorb Qi and blood from enemies within 30 meters, each enemy can absorb 2000 points of Qi and blood, the more people there are, the more blood they absorb, cool down for 15 minutes.

[Soul Devourer]: Sacrifice 5% of the total blood volume, you can immediately enter the unselectable state for 2 seconds, cannot be locked, but cannot use other skills, cool down for 2 hours.

Requirements: Jindan Realm monks can use it.


Just this shirt alone made Lin Jichen burst into laughter. This is an elite disciple with a solid family background.

Any piece of equipment is golden ground grade equipment, this battle robe is much better than his soul sky battle robe.

However, his soul sky robe is a set series, and Lin Jichen doesn't want to change it for the time being.

Moreover, this thing is already the equipment of Jindan Realm, and it is estimated that when he finds better equipment, it will already be of Spiritual Realm.

It is not too attractive to him and can be sold.

In addition to this piece of equipment, there are three pieces of earth-grade golden equipment.

It's a pity that Lin Jichen didn't use them.

There are quite a few spirit stones, 1 pieces of low-grade spirit stones, and even 200 pieces of middle-grade spirit stones, which are fat and oily.

Lin Jichen didn't kill that many monster bosses.

There are also pills, there are two bottles of ground-grade pills in this soul tomb, and the effects are different.

[Ji Ling Pill x5]: Earth-level low-grade pill, within 10 minutes after taking it, mind power +200 points, mana +10000 points, and mana recovery speed up by 150%.

[Violence Pill x5]: Earth-grade low-grade elixir, within 10 minutes after taking it, all attributes +150 points, skill damage +15%, within 10 hours after the time ends, all attributes -10%.

The two kinds of elixirs are not bad, and they are accepted as they are.

Finally, Lin Jichen found a local skill book.

[Earth Grade Spiritual Skill Soul Shaking Finger]: Gather mana and fingertips, and point out with one finger, it can cause 200 points of basic skill damage within 8000 meters, and force the opponent to be knocked back, with a 10% chance of causing a group paralysis effect.

Cooldown: 20 minutes, Mana Cost: 5000 points.

Requirements: Only those who have a root bone of 85 or more in the Jindan Realm can learn it.


The damage of this skill is quite high, and the effect is very strong. It can force people to retreat, and it also has group paralysis. It is an absolute golden skill.

It's a pity that Lin Jichen had no interest in seeing that it was required to practice finger cultivation, so he just planned to throw in the ring and sell it when he returned to the city.

But suddenly remembered one thing, he can learn!

His Soul Sky Gauntlet has an effect called Self-Teaching, which allows him to learn a physical skill.

[Earth Grade Protective Gear Soul Heaven Gauntlet]: Strength +60, understanding +30, defense +35, heart protection +20.

Soul sky suit series, every additional piece of soul sky equipment, the full effect +5%.

[Self-teaching without a teacher]: You can forcibly learn a ground-level physical training skill, which only includes spiritual skills and martial skills, and only once, and it will be invalid if you use it up.

[Spirit of Physical Cultivation]: Physical Cultivation Skill Damage +10%, Cooldown -5%.

Requirements: All Jindan monks can use it.


Lin Jichen confirmed that he could really learn, so he will not be polite.

Learn on the spot.

Three shifts~

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