Full-time sword repair

Chapter 557 Is He Your Father?

Leng Feiyan was willing to give Lin Jichen pointers, and constantly gave him guidance and corrections in his moves, which greatly improved the fighting level.

But Lin Jichen can't expect to meet someone like Luo Muxian, let his subordinates show mercy to him, can he?

Not only will they not guide you, but they will try their best to kill you, let alone improving your strength, Lin Jichen cannot afford the punishment of dying once.

It's not that he will definitely lose.

But Lin Jichen didn't want to take the risk.

After all, his innate talent brought him a lot of pressure.

Let yourself take risks easily, if you don't beat him to death once, the punishment of declining innate attributes is really unbearable.

The full innate attributes are Lin Jichen's biggest reliance, and they are also the trump card for him to become stronger in the future.

So Lin Jichen doesn't want to take this risk for the time being. Of course, if there is no way to encounter it, he will go all out and will not back down.

And he was somewhat sure of winning.

It's just that if you can avoid this kind of risk now, you must try to avoid it as much as possible.

The gentleman does not stand under the wall.

The Shen group didn't have so many worries. He was confident that although the people inside were all strong, they were not his opponents.

Competing with these people, he can fully display his strength.

Strong collision, see your own problems from the details.

Although he is a reborn person, in his previous life he played Dharma Cultivator, and his fighting style must be completely different from the current Sword Cultivator.

He also knows that he still has a lot to learn in terms of sword repair, and now is a good opportunity.

Another point is that most of the Shen group are demon cultivators. If he can kill them, he will be rewarded with a lot of military exploits.

Moreover, Nangong Wu would definitely reward him generously for this.

After all, fighting against demons, and being able to slay demons and demons, Nangong Wu must have wished for it.

After everyone was grouped, everyone drew lots again, but this time it was only within their respective groups.

The semi-finals will officially start here.

The semi-finals will use points to determine the top four in each of the twelve groups. By then, a total of 48 people will enter the finals.

Next, in the twelve arenas, the first round will be played with unbeaten players.

Lin Jichen was assigned to the first round.

His first opponent was a disciple of the Demon Sect from a first-class sect, the Corpse Puppet Sect, Feng Ruhai.

As a player who played in the first round, he immediately attracted the attention of almost all players and spectators.

Ren Lan and Jiang Luoyu also played in the first round.

But there are far fewer people watching them than Lin Jichen.

No way, who made Lin Jichen so famous.

In the living room of Lin Jichen's home, Tang Ning couldn't help feeling excited when he saw Lin Jichen standing on the ring.

"The number one expert in the wilderness? I'd like to see if he's just bragging."

With that said, she adjusted a comfortable posture and stared at the TV carefully.

On the Shenzi arena.

"I heard you won against Mo Shaoku?"

Feng Ruhai stood against each other, looking at Lin Jichen playfully.

"Why, he is your father, are you going to avenge him?"

Lin Jichen was unhappy seeing his death, and sarcastically said.

Sure enough, Feng Ruhai's face darkened, and he glared: "I just want to tell you that Mo Shaoku was originally going to be defeated by me, but now you take the first step, I will take the blame on you."

Lin Jichen curled his lips, and said: "You also said that he is not your father, and if you are so eager to avenge him, even if it is not your father, you two must have secrets."

Speaking of this, Lin Jichen yelled carelessly at the Elder Supervisor, "Elder Supervisor, I seriously suspect that this person is gay, he is as good as Long Yang, and I have a cleanliness habit, can I change my opponent?"



The audience laughed loudly, Lin Dashen's mouth is too bad.

The Elder Supervising War silently rejected Lin Jichen's request.

Only Feng Ruhai, whose face was as black as pot ashes, burst out with killing intent.

"You are dead!"

Feng Ruhai almost gritted his teeth, words popped out of his mouth one by one.

Lin Jichen shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "If bullshit could kill people, I'd be invincible long ago."

At this time, the elder supervisor seemed to know that the hatred value of the two had reached the highest level, so he gave an order and the competition began.


The first to leave was Lin Jichen, who had just been lazy and had no fighting spirit.

His figure was like a shooting star in the night sky, flashing across the huge Jiangxin Island arena in an instant.

Naturally, Feng Ruhai would not just sit still, he formed seals with both hands, and read out strange spells.

In an instant, his hands were enveloped in a mist of corpses, and a stench filled the surroundings.

"Magic Finger!"

Feng Ruhai raised his right palm suddenly, pointed towards the sky, and a black light finger shot out like a ghost bullet, piercing towards Lin Jichen who was flying over!

Seeing that his finger was about to hit Lin Jichen, Lin Jichen turned around like a flying feather in the air, and easily dodged it.

Afterwards, Lin Jichen jumped again, and soon got close to Feng Ruhai.

Holding the Qingming sword in his hand, he slashed at the waist!Clean and neat!

Feng Ruhai didn't panic, he fought with Lin Jichen, his finger force collided with the sword energy, and there were violent explosions.

Both of them were hurt soon, and Lin Jichen had time to scan the other party's information, and he had a rough grasp in his heart.

【Magic Cultivator: Rich as the Sea】

[Zongmen: Corpse Puppet Sect]

[Talent: Master Corpse Master]

[Strength: Jindan Late Stage]

[Vigor and blood: 131540/140000]

[Mana: 91500/95000]

【Strength: 1090】

【Defense: 1280】

【Speed: 1100】

【Knowledge: 260】

【Heart protection: 360】

【Toughness: 21%】

【Physical resistance: 15%】

[Spell Resistance: 9%]

[Skill: ~~]


Attributes similar to Mo Shaoku's, even lower than Mo Shaoku's.

But what Lin Jichen noticed was his talent, master of corpse control.

The opponent is also a disciple of the Corpse Puppet Sect. Obviously, his own attributes are only second. His most powerful thing is probably manipulating corpse puppets.

Sure enough, after a brief fight, Feng Ruhai also tried out Lin Jichen's general strength.

He had to admit that this kid was indeed much stronger than him in terms of personal strength.

If he only relied on personal cultivation, it would be very difficult for him to win.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruhai deliberately pointed out a finger, and after forcing Lin Jichen to retreat, he flew back and raised his sleeve robe at the same time.

The sky suddenly became gloomy with many dark clouds.

A large number of crows were frightened away.

The audience who were still watching the other rings turned their eyes away curiously.

All I could smell was a foul smell that quickly drifted from the Shenzi Arena, and the strong corpse gas made people sick.

A corpse puppet that had been dead for an unknown number of years appeared on the ring. The corpse puppet was two meters tall and strong, like an ancient warrior.

His clothes were in rags, his hands and feet were pale, his face was beyond recognition, and a large amount of rotting flesh appeared on his face.

There are no eyeballs, only two traces of paleness exist in the eye sockets, and the whole body is filled with a strong corpse spirit.

As soon as it appeared, there was a river surface around the stage of Shenzi Jiangxin Island, and a large number of fish corpses soon floated up.


One more~

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