Full-time sword repair

Chapter 548 Did You Buy It Wrong?

Several people chatted and laughed all the way, and rushed to the car dealership.

Unbeknownst to him, a black business car has been quietly following behind him.

In the car.

"The target has appeared, Scorpion, do you want to do it?"

"Are you crazy? You killed people on Huaxia Street in broad daylight? You're going to die for this task, right?"

"What should I do?"

"Follow first, he's just an ordinary person. The previous two assassinations were all due to the mentally handicapped employer's random information. He can't escape this time."

"The best way is to follow him all the time, do it at night, follow him to his community later, confirm his residence, and act in the early morning."

"no problem."


Lin Jichen didn't have any gaps in being followed, and he was still on his way with a happy mood.

A group of people came to the domestic brand 'Falcon' car dealership, which is also the best-selling car brand in the world.

The three girls didn't have much research on cars, but excitedly picked and picked around various models, one for a while and another for a while.

Anyway, they don't know which one to buy later.

In the end, it was Lin Jichen who made the decision and bought a spacious SUV.

The staff took them to the lounge and waited for the formalities and license plates to be completed.

Just when the four of them were discussing where to drive for a while in the lounge.

Far away in the tallest building in Shanghai, a conference room was filled with high-level executives from the company.

A beautiful girl sat in the first place, listening calmly and earnestly to the reports of the various high-level executives.

"Miss, at the end of this year, the company's annual meeting will be held soon. I wonder if President Jiang will come?" An executive asked curiously.

Jiang Luoyu shook her head: "I don't know about this either. I guess my dad doesn't have time. You will hold the annual meeting as usual. If I have time, I will go."

"Okay." The other executive immediately agreed respectfully.

Another senior leader got up and said: "Miss, at the game company, "Eight Wilds" can be said to be making a fortune every day, and it must be the project with the highest profit this year. Do you want to hold some kind of event, and then at the end of the year? What about raising the heat?"

Jiang Luoyu tapped the table with her fingers, and said, "No need for this. You don't need to worry about the eight shortages. The end of the year is about to be on holiday, so hurry up and finish the work at hand. The finance department has to work harder. The employees' year-end bonuses and performance awards must be paid. To be implemented."



The meeting is still in progress.

The secretary Su Wanling sitting next to Jiang Luoyu kept clicking on the virtual panel to record the details of the high-level executives and all the requests Jiang Luoyu made.

Then her watch vibrated.

A message is transmitted.

Su Wanling took a look, and when she saw several other high-level executives communicating, she sneaked up to Jiang Luoyu and whispered, "Just now there was news from Jiangling Automobile that Lin Jichen bought a car from our company."

A smile appeared on Jiang Luoyu's serious expression, and she whispered to Su Wanling: "He buys a car from our company?"

"Well, the data was transmitted just now, and it was him."

"What car did you buy?"

"Well, let me see, it's an SUV, more than 50."

Jiang Luoyu thought for a while, and said: "Let the car dealer secretly match him with a newest high-tech model, don't tell him."

"The latest technology models cost more than 1000 million. Are you in a loss-making business?" Su Wanling joked.

"I want you to talk too much." Jiang Luoyu said angrily.


After waiting for more than an hour, the formalities for the car were completed.

Lin Jichen drove the car away.

Now everyone no longer needs to take a taxi when going out, which is quite convenient.

"The new car needs running-in, let's go for a drive!" Ren Lan suggested.

Everyone also said yes.

Lin Jichen drove the car to the suburbs, ready to experience the sense of speed.

To be honest, he is really not interested in cars, he is as slow as a snail.

I have experienced the transportation in the Xianxia world for several years, but now I completely disdain the transportation in the real world.

Any monster bird in the Nascent Soul Realm can crush the fastest fighter jets with a spread of its wings.

As long as he uses the air defense technique casually now, no matter how awesome the sports car is, he can only eat ashes behind him.

What's the point of driving a car now?

It's a pity that he can't realize it now, so he can only have a wave of nostalgia first.

Lin Jichen drove the car all the way out of the city.

Along the way, he found that this car felt a little different from what he saw in the dealership hall. In a nutshell, it was so easy to drive!

There are various high-tech functions in the car, such as driverless driving, in-vehicle intelligence, and radar mode.

It can even live amphibiously on land and sea, and can drive in water, but it can hardly fly.

In addition, there is no need for charging and refueling. The car shows that the car does not need charging or refueling. The mechanical battery in the car can run for 100 million kilometers.

After reaching 100 million kilometers, you can drive the car back to the dealership to replace the battery once for free.

After reading these introductions, Lin Jichen was shocked. Is this a 50 car?

This made him have to sigh, the current means of transportation are much more advanced than before, is a 50 car so awesome?

He remembered that the sports car he bought in Kyoto before did not have so many functions.

After thinking about it, Lin Jichen didn't bother to think about it anymore, maybe the car dealership was renewed.

Anyway, his procedures are completely legal and reasonable, even if the other party sends the wrong car, he can't blame him, let them find it by themselves and get it back.

Lin Jichen pressed the unmanned driving button and drove all the way to the suburbs. The speed of the car quickly increased. When driving at a high speed, there was no noise inside the car, and the outside sound was completely isolated.

The car is also stable enough to hold a glass of water without spilling a drop.

If this car was placed more than 20 years ago, even people who have never driven a car and went to Mount Akina can abuse Fujiwara Takumi.

Everyone was amazed at the performance of this car.

"This car is amazing. It just so happens that my dad said he wanted to change cars after the New Year. I must let him buy this one! It's only 50 yuan, which is really affordable!" Ren Lan marveled.

Lin Jichen also felt that there was nothing wrong with it. If you don't buy such a good car, you won't buy it. If domestic cars can have this level, why don't you support it.

When the four people experienced the car conditions in the suburbs, there were fewer and fewer cars in the suburbs.

Lin Jichen gradually realized that there was a black commercial vehicle that seemed a little strange, and seemed to be following him.

At first he thought he was suspicious, so he deliberately changed direction, but he didn't expect the other party to still follow behind.

Now, Lin Jichen had no choice but to doubt.

"Hey, Xiao Linzi, are you going home?" Ren Lan asked curiously when she noticed that Lin Jichen had turned around.

Lin Jichen didn't disturb them, and nodded as if nothing had happened: "My stomach hurts a little, let's go back first."

Ren Lan didn't think much about it.Just when Lin Jichen turned around, the black business car suddenly accelerated and rushed over!

Lin Jichen's eyes froze as he was thinking about countermeasures.

The car, which had been driving unmanned, suddenly turned around and passed the black commercial vehicle delicately, avoiding the collision.

Then it accelerated suddenly, carrying the four of Lin Jichen, and the black business was thrown far away in the blink of an eye.

Lin Jichen was stunned for a moment, good guy, I love this car!


Second watch~ I'm going to do nucleic acid again, it's so annoying!I don't know what time I can come back today, everyone, go to bed early, alas~

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