Full-time sword repair

Chapter 542 Encountering a Black Whistle!

This thing is based on your basic attack damage, the higher the basic attack, the higher the burst damage.

Under Lin Jichen's seven times of knowing damage, each hit can cut off tens of thousands of blood bars of the opponent.

Ten ghost-eating sword qi plus one piece, good guy, it's so sour!

"I said before, to deal with you, I need others to cheer for me."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he struck while the iron was hot, and directly leaned over with the phantom step.

Mo Shao's eyes were tearing apart.

With a flick of his sleeve, a bat bigger than an eagle flew out.

The bat spread its wings, opened its bloody mouth, and let out a howl.

The beeping sound was like a magic sound, harsh and unpleasant.

Lin Jichen felt a little dizzy in his head, and his figures flashed alternately!

"Crush through the fog!"

This is not the trick.

The bats didn't give up, and flew into the air, hundreds of small bats formed a net formation, and rushed towards Lin Jichen.

With a quick glance, Lin Jichen recognized the identity of the bat.

Blood-devouring black bat, a monster in the Golden Core Realm.

Like the poison horn bee, it belongs to the group of monsters.

Seeing that Lin Jichen was stopped by bats, Mo Shaoku immediately retreated and prepared to use the second stunt at the same time.

Lin Jichen saw through his thoughts and was in no mood to waste time with these bats.

"Big fly, you come out to play too!"

Lin Jichen summoned a swarm of poisonous horned bees.

The big fly immediately led the younger brothers to attack the black bat group.

The pets of the two parties are fighting in the air.

Lin Jichen turned his attention to Mo Shaoku again.

Mo Shaoku was still fighting like a trapped beast. Seeing Lin Jichen stepped forward again, he waved his palm like lightning, and nine consecutive palm qi containing extremely powerful energy flew out.

But Lin Jichen's nine sword qi were all cut off.

A strange look flashed in Mo Shaoku's eyes, just like before, he slapped the void horizontally again, and blasted towards Lin Jichen with a wave of palm energy.

"Consciousness Demon Palm!"

This move is a controlling skill, the person who gets the trick closes the six senses and falls into a coma.

Mo Shaoku is confident that as long as Lin Jichen hits this move, he can complete the counter-kill!

He deliberately slapped so many palms in front of him, the purpose is to confuse the public, this palm seems to be nothing different from before, it seems that it is just a pure damage skill.

But Lin Jichen showed a sneer.

Before withdrawing the sword, it seemed that he didn't care about Mo Shaoku's palm at all.

Just when he was about to hit Lin Jichen, Lin Jichen's Qing Ming sword lit up with a strange image.

"Heart of Sword Control!"

Feng Zhi's palm hit the blade of the sword, but it didn't even stir up a wave.

Instead, it was Lin Jichen's sword that suddenly popped out a void sword energy!

Mo Shaoku had already taken out a magic weapon in his hand, and was about to use it to kill Lin Jichen.

But seeing this void sword energy flying towards him, his complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly felt dangerous in his heart, and wanted to dodge.

However, he was still a step too late, being struck by the sword energy of nothingness, and fell into a coma on the spot.

Lin Jichen smiled confidently, Mo Shaoku, he is dead!

He flicked the flying sword lightly, urging his magic power.

"Three Thousand Lightning Slashes!"

The sword energy went straight to Mo Shaoku's throat.

As long as this magic skill is triggered, the understanding will be doubled, and Mo Shaoku will surely die with less than [-] blood bars left!

"Boy, how dare you!"

The elder of the Xieji Sect suddenly got up in a hurry, wanting to fly to the rescue.

But at this distance, he seems to be unable to catch up.

It's over, Mo Shaoku has something good or bad, the suzerain must be furious.

Just in the nick of time.

Lin Jichen's sword energy was bounced away.

He was also knocked back several feet.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lin Jichen was taken aback for a moment, then looked up in disbelief.

The elder who supervised the battle at Chenzitai said expressionlessly: "If Mo Shaoku admits defeat, don't hurt his life. If you win, the game is over."


The audience was in an uproar, all puzzled.

Why did the Elder Supervisor suddenly come out?

Lin Jichen suppressed his anger and asked loudly, "When did he admit defeat?"

The Elder Superintendent replied calmly: "Just a second before your sword energy hit him, he said the word admit defeat, but you didn't hear it."

All the audience still believed it, showing their original expressions.

It turns out that they have conceded defeat, so we can't blame the Elder Supervisor for taking action.

Lin Jichen stared coldly at the gray-robed elder, clenched his teeth, wishing he could tear him apart with his sword.

He was so close, how could he not know if Mo Shaoku had surrendered?

He has no time or chance to admit defeat!

This war supervisor elder is clearly protecting Mo Shaoku!

This feeling is like a black-whistle referee in Korean football, who reverses black and white and makes a fake horse.

Lin Jichen's anger is only a little bit short, he can kill Mo Shaoku, and maybe he is lucky enough to explode Moji Zhenyuan Jue.

Even if it didn't explode the Mojizhen Yuanjue, at least he could give something else, right?

As the most proud disciple of the Xieji Sect, Mo Shaoku has a lot of treasures in his body, and he said that the magic weapon he just took out in his hand is of the highest quality at first glance.

He can make a lot of money by doing whatever he wants, and he can even kill a strong enemy.

But now that Lin Jichen has missed out on these good things because of the black-whistle judgment of the elder supervisor, how can he not be angry?

If he didn't know that he couldn't beat him, Lin Jichen really wanted to kill this sanctimonious Elder Superintendent.

He felt something was wrong with these supervising elders yesterday, as if they were conniving and protecting Moxiu disciples on purpose.

He didn't expect the retribution to come to him today, and it came true so soon.

"You're fine, that's fair."

Lin Jichen looked deeply at the supervising elder, and there was something in his words.

The gray-robed elder seemed very displeased with Lin Jichen's eyes, and snorted coldly, "Stop messing around, I'm the elder who supervised the battle, and if I said he surrendered, he surrendered. If you don't believe it, it's just because you didn't see it."

"Okay, very good." Lin Jichen wrote down the grudge.

He turned to leave, but turned back to the gray-robed elder and said, "I'm sending you a word, I've made a note of today's matter, don't say it's unexpected!"

After all, Lin Jichen flew back to Jianzong's territory without turning his head.

The gray-robed elder's eyelids twitched, and an imperceptible sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, which disappeared in a flash.

Lin Jichen returned to the Jianzong site, without the joy of victory, and sat back in his seat sullenly.

All the disciples of Jianzong looked at Lin Jichen with changed eyes.

No one expected that Lin Jichen would be able to defeat Mo Shaoku with such strength.

Even Nangong Wu was shocked, he was ready to save people.

Unexpectedly, Lin Jichen was so competitive that he defeated Mo Shaoku and almost killed him.

In the battle just now, Lin Jichen's performance was perfect. Whether it was strength or fighting skills, he didn't look like a rookie who had just joined the sect for half a year.

The sophistication and experience he showed in the battle is like a monk who has experienced many battles.

Mo Shaoku was led by the nose the whole time in front of him, and had no chance to use other hole cards and magic weapons.

"No wonder this brat dared to make this bet with me. It turns out he has two brushes."

Nangong Wu now has to admit that Lin Jichen is indeed much stronger than his disciple Chen Yuan.

The daughter's vision seems to be better than his...


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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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