Full-time sword repair

Chapter 536 To Settle Accounts Or To Talk About Love?

Hua Beimo's abstention won him a life.

At this time, the elder supervisor immediately protected Hua Beimo.

"Dahe, come back, you're so good."

Gu Qiuxue smiled happily after winning the victory.

Hua Beimo, who got up from the protection of the Elder Supervisor, stared at Gu Qiuxue with vicious eyes, and said harshly: "I remember you! I will make you repay this hatred a hundred times!"

Gu Qiuxue frowned, ignored him, and just led Dahe out of the ring.

But many people heard his words, and the elders who supervised the war all showed disdain.

The audience on the viewing platform despises it even more.

"If you lose, you lose. Is this dog still not convinced?"

"This kind of npc is disgusting."

"Is this the magic cultivator? It's really rubbish!"

"Get out of the conference! It is recommended to disqualify!"

"Which demon sect's disciple is this? I'll scold him and his sect together!"


In the territory of the Yin Sha Sect, Elder San Yin showed no expression on his face, he just said to the big disciple next to him: "Find a reason to trick him out of the Buddha Sect, let's deal with it directly."


After a whole day's competition, Lin Jichen didn't even line up for a game, and just quietly became a spectator.

After Gu Qiuxue finished the competition, it was Ren Lan and Jiang Luoyu's turn. The opponents they lined up were not too strong, and both women won the victory relatively easily.

Lin Jichen also saw many acquaintances successively, such as Chu Hongling, Ling Qing, Han Yi, Song Xinghe and others.

For these top players in the top [-], it is not a big problem to win the first round.

Apart from them, Jin Chuan, the First Knife Cultivator, was more unlucky.

The opponent he met in the first match was Fang Qingzhu, the mysterious doctor. He was beaten so badly that he lost his temper.

The main reason is that Dang Jinchuan's personality is also very arrogant, thinking that Fang Qingzhu is just a medical practitioner, and it is impossible for him not to win.

After this guy came to the top, he fought desperately with others, playing all his cards.

It made Fang Qingzhu want to stop there many times, but he could only continue to fight, and almost killed him in the end.

It was Fang Qingzhu who sucked him back with a mouthful of blood, which made Dang Jinchuan realize the reality.

In addition, Lin Jichen also saw Li Xinghun and Luo Muxian, who solved their opponents almost effortlessly, and their methods were cruel.

They were fighting against disciples of the orthodox sect, and those two disciples were killed before they had time to surrender.

Moreover, Lin Jichen vaguely felt that those elders who supervised the war seemed to...intentionally indulge the disciples of the Demon Sect.

In the evening, Zhuge Zheng, the patriarch of the Buddha Sect, announced that today's competition was over and that it would continue tomorrow.

All the audience were forced to leave, and Lin Jichen and the others returned to Dongyi Courtyard.

Several disciples were slightly injured, and Nangong Wu took them to treat them.

The other disciples went back to their rooms to rest and prepare for tomorrow's competition.

Lin Jichen didn't have his turn today, and there will be at least two games tomorrow.

Lin Jichen, who was leaning against the bed, was thinking about the two supervising elders today, when he heard a slight knock on the door.


"Little brother, are you asleep?" The voice outside the door seemed a little nervous.

Lin Jichen stood up and opened the door. Nangong Yuezheng was standing outside the door. The bright moonlight shone down on her, making her look even more beautiful.

"Junior brother, I...I can't sleep, can you chat with me?" Nangong Yue hesitated, a rosy glow flew up on his face, but luckily the moonlight was too dark to see clearly.

Lin Jichen looked around the house idly, and asked in a low voice, "Does your father know?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Nan Gongyue shook her head, and said: "He went to heal the wounds of some senior brothers, will he find out in a while."

"That's good, little sister, please come in." Lin Jichen immediately invited Nan Gongyue into the room, and quickly closed the door.

The room was dark, and the lonely man and widow were in the same room, and the atmosphere immediately changed from deserted to ambiguous.

Nan Gongyue suddenly laughed at Yan Yan and asked: "Little Junior Brother, I heard that several girls came to look for you yesterday, is it true?"

Lin Jichen was startled, his little heart tightened, what the hell, he thought Nan Gongyue was here to find him for love.

I didn't expect... to settle accounts?

Lin Jichen replied anxiously: "It's true, they are my good friends..."

Nan Gongyue continued with a half smile but not a smile: "Are they really just good friends?"

Lin Jichen coughed twice, and said, "Really, you have to trust me, little senior sister."

"But my father said that you have an ambiguous relationship with those girls, okay?" Nan Gongyue said pretending to be jealous.

Lin Jichen cursed inwardly, Nangong Wu, you old uncle doesn't talk about martial arts!

"He...he slandered me, he was slandering me"

Nan Gongyue couldn't help laughing, and hummed: "That princess didn't slander you, did you, you and her almost got married."

"What's the matter, didn't I refuse it?" Lin Jichen said hastily.

"But they all refused, why did she still come to you?"

"Er... this..." Lin Jichen couldn't speak for a while.

Seeing his flustered look, Nan Gongyue gave a grin, bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, and suddenly threw herself into Lin Jichen's arms, hugging him.

"Junior Smelly Brother, what mother said is right, the better a man is, the more he is philandering, let me keep an eye on you, you are just a philandering carrot"

Feeling the softness of Nan Gongyue's body and the powerless blame, Lin Jichen's heart melted for a moment.

He hugged Nangong Yue with his back, and asked softly, "Little Senior Sister, if I'm really a radish, will you be angry?"

Nan Gongyue replied: "Of course, I will be very angry!"

"Then..." Lin Jichen was about to speak, but Nan Gongyue said softly, "But, I like you more than being angry. Even if you really care about me in the future, it doesn't matter, as long as you have me in your heart... .”

Lin Jichen's eyebrows twitched, I'll go, wouldn't this be the benefit of ancient girls?

Could it be that if the favorability reaches a certain level, you can do whatever you want?

He had never had such a high affection for any npc in his previous life, and this was the first time.

But after thinking about it, many strong men in this fairy world actually have many companions. For example, Ji Hongyue, besides the queen, he has a lot of concubines.

There are also some strong sects, and a bunch of Taoist companions are very common.

So when Nangongyue heard that there were many flowers and plants around Lin Jichen, she didn't really get angry and lose her favorability.

This also made Lin Jichen heave a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but think that if Master Bao found out about him and Nan Gongyue, he wouldn't be angry, right?

Well definitely not!

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen suddenly felt that this world is so beautiful

I began to look forward to the day when the world will merge. At that time, the human values ​​​​of the Xianxia world will impact the human values ​​​​of the modern world.

The modern world is bound to be quickly assimilated, for no other reason, whoever speaks hard will be the truth!

When the time comes, the modern world, which needs the protection of immortal cultivators, dare not follow their values?

As someone who lived in the previous life, Lin Jichen can say in a responsible manner that this kind of situation will definitely happen, and it will happen soon!


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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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