Full-time sword repair

Chapter 528 Asura Field?

"Sister really likes you more and more. You are much handsomer and smarter than your elder brother. It's interesting. I like to play with such interesting men. Well, it's getting late, so I won't bother you all." I'm here, lest you look at me in the way."

Luo Muxian said as he walked away on a catwalk, and before he left, he did not forget to wink at Lin Jichen.

After Luo Muxian left, there was a brief silence in the courtyard, and no one spoke.

Chu Tianhan tried to stay calm, and smiled at Lin Jichen: "Junior brother, don't listen to the witch's one-sided words. If you don't believe it, you can investigate when you go back."

Lin Jichen said calmly: "Don't worry about it, senior brother. Junior brother will never believe what a demon girl says. We Jianzong disciples must unite as one, with one heart and one mind, and don't want to be instigated by crooked sects and make other sects laugh at us."

"Senior brother is justified, and senior brother admires it." Chu Tianhan was slightly relieved.

Lin Jichen smiled slightly, and there seemed to be other intentions in the smile.

Not long after Luo Muxian left, someone came to visit again.

"Chu Hongling, a personal disciple of Master Xuanqing of Tianyin Temple, is visiting her friend Lin Jichen, and I would like to inform you."

"Please come in." Lin Jichen said directly.

Chu Hongling is from Tianyin Temple. Although she has some minor differences with Jianzong, she is also from the orthodox sect.

He makes friends with the orthodox sect, and no one can gossip.

Unlike Chu Tianhan, it was Luo Muxian who was looking for him.

Chu Hongling stepped in, and everyone's eyes lit up with a holy Zen charm. Chu Tianhan was also slightly startled, and a gleam of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, he was very jealous, why was the witch who came to him, and the saint who came to Lin Jichen, why?

"This is Master Xuanqing's direct disciple, right? I'm Chu Tianhan, the senior brother of Tianyan Sword Sect, I've seen Gu Liang."

Chu Tianhan immediately went forward to introduce himself.

Lin Jichen was not surprised at all. Chu Tianhan seemed like a gentleman who was infatuated with Nan Gongyue, but he was actually very clear about his virtues.

When Lin Jichen used a disguise mask to transform into Jiang Luoyu's appearance in Shiwan Dashan, he fascinated this kid fascinated.

Seeing Chu Hongling now, this kid's flamboyance has started again.

Who knew that Chu Hongling ignored him, went straight up and complained to Lin Jichen: "You bastard, I'm here to settle accounts with you."

Chu Tianhan was directly ignored, with a wonderful expression on his face, and the disciples of the Sword Sect next to him couldn't help laughing, but they didn't dare to laugh.

"What account?" Lin Jichen didn't like Chu Tianhan.

"Pretend to be confused, don't you know what you did to thousands of nuns when you came to the nunnery last time?"


Everyone looked sideways at Lin Jichen at the same time, with shock and envy in their eyes, and envy in envy.

Fuck that beast!He even ran to the nunnery to bully the nun sister!How could he do it!How did you manage to do it! !

Chu Tianhan has no time to envy, he feels that the opportunity has come.

He immediately reprimanded Lin Jichen righteously: "Junior Brother Lin, as a disciple of the Sword Sect, you represent the face of the Sword Sect. How could you do such a thing! I will definitely sue the head and the elders to punish you!"

After all, Chu Tianhan said to Chu Hongling with an apologetic expression: "Miss Hongling, it is my senior brother's fault for doing this kind of thing to your sect. I apologize to you on his behalf, Hongling If the girl wants any compensation or demands, just ask."

Chu Hongling looked embarrassed, and asked Lin Jichen wonderingly: "Uh...you big brother...is there something wrong with you?"

Chu Tianhan: "..."

Lin Jichen held back his smile, and said, "It's nothing, he's just... a little enthusiastic, forget it, let's talk aside."

Chu Hongling agreed with a smile, and went to the side to talk with Lin Jichen.

Chu Tianhan's face turned blue and red on the spot, and his fists hidden in his sleeves were clenched white.

He has always been very popular with women. In the past, the female disciples of the major sects all surrounded him.

But now it seems... something is wrong?

"Fang Qingzhu, the chief disciple of the Inner Hall of the Xuanyi Sect, came to visit his friend Lin Jichen, and hoped to inform him."

Inside the courtyard gate, a beautiful figure walked in again, with a voice and demeanor that was not inferior to Chu Hongling's in the slightest.

The disciples of Jianzong cast their eyes again, and Li Mu, the second senior brother, saw Fang Qingzhu for the first time, and his heart skipped a beat.

He immediately stepped forward to strike up a conversation: "It turned out to be a high-ranking disciple of the Xuan Medical School, Li Mu, I have heard for a long time that the Xuan Medical School has a large number of talents, and today I saw that it is indeed so."

Fang Qingzhu nodded to him very politely, then she looked away, seeing Lin Jichen present, she smiled happily, walked past Li Mu, and walked forward.

"Friend Lin, long time no see."

"Fang Daoyou, it seems that you have become more beautiful after not seeing you for so long." Lin Jichen joked.

A blush flashed across Fang Qingzhu's fair face, he didn't answer, but looked at Chu Hongling curiously: "This is...?"

Chu Hongling immediately explained: "I'm Chu Hongling, a disciple of Tianyin Temple, and Lin Jichen are friends, ordinary friends, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Chu Hongling blinked at Lin Jichen, as if asking for credit.

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Fang Qingzhu was momentarily at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, I'm too bored to chat with you, so I'll go back first."

Chu Hongling didn't intend to be a light bulb, so she was about to leave after speaking.

But unexpectedly it appeared again.

"Princess Ji Tongyin, the chief patriarch of the Qianlong Emperor, came to visit Lin Jichen, and I would like to inform you."

The disciples of Jianzong in the whole yard are a little numb.

It's really a drought, a drought, a flood, a flood.

Everyone here is still a bachelor, Lin Jichen is fine, he can deal with three women at once, does this guy have such a good appetite?

Is Lin Jichen the only man left in this world?Coauthored with them, these male disciples are all air?

Now even Chen Yuan, the infatuated seed, started to envy him. Why does Lin Jichen have such a good relationship with female npcs?How did he increase his favorability?

If it weren't for the fact that the two were competitors, Chen Yuan would have wished to kowtow to his teacher and ask Lin Jichen to teach him how to make NPCs.

Chu Hongling was about to leave, but now she suddenly didn't want to leave, good guy, she touched the Shura field!

This wave must stay and eat melons~

She seemed to have seen Lin Jichen's backyard on fire, and the scene where the two women fought each other and ended up fighting. Thinking about it, she was a little excited, hehe!

Although this was a bit detrimental, Chu Hongling felt that it was just a falling out with an npc, and it was no big deal. Lin Jichen must have other npc spare tires.

When Ji Tongyin came to the courtyard, he saw Fang Qingzhu chatting with Lin Jichen, and Chu Hongling beside him.

Ji Tongyin was taken aback for a moment, then mustered up the courage to walk over.

"Mr. Lin, are these two...?"

Like Fang Qingzhu, Ji Tongyin didn't care about the purpose of coming, she just wanted to know who these two women were.

He keenly felt that these two women had an unusual relationship with Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen called Alexander in his heart, why are they all getting together...

It's a good thing the master didn't come, otherwise I would have to overturn the little jealous jar again.


One more~

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