Full-time sword repair

Chapter 520 Title Mother Said I Love You

For example, if you sign for one year, the monthly salary is more than 10, and you get [-]%;

Three-year sign, with a monthly salary of 20, and an increase of 15% year by year, with a [-]% share.

Five-year visa offers better treatment, with a monthly salary of 50 yuan, which increases by 20% year by year, and the share is [-]%. It also helps to pay five social insurances and one housing fund, as well as year-end bonuses and so on.

After reading these three contracts, it is difficult for these applicants not to be tempted.

With this job, you can be a professional gamer, why go out to work!

"This treatment is too good. My girlfriend is not as good as an alchemist in the Moon Shadow Guild."

"Yueying's remuneration is already the highest in the industry. You don't know that a friend of mine works as a refiner in the Zongheng League. He signed a five-year contract. The monthly salary is only 3000 yuan, and the share is 2%. It's almost dead."

"Master Lin, what if the game becomes pornographic within two years?" A player asked weakly.

Lin Jichen replied with a smile: "If this game is pornographic and the contract is still valid, I will take you to other games."

Although he knew it was impossible, Lin Jichen still gave them a dose of reassurance to make them feel at ease.

"Is there any ten years?" A greedy player asked with a smile.

Ten years of treatment is definitely better.

Lin Jichen replied with a light smile, "Not yet."

ten years?He's not a fool. Five years from now, the world will merge and the world will be in chaos. No one will care about a contract.

So Lin Jichen didn't expect them to be loyal to him after five years, even if they wanted to breach the contract, the contract would not be binding.

"I sign! Five years!"

"I also signed for five years, with a monthly salary of [-], haha."

"I've been here for five years, so I quit my food delivery job and I want to be a professional gamer."

"I'm a student at school and I'm going to do an internship next year. I can't sign for such a long time. I'll do it for a year."


Of course, in addition to the favorable treatment, the conditions are also clearly written.

For example, each person has a fixed amount of work every month, which must be completed, otherwise the monthly salary will not be expected.

This is to prevent those who are lazy and just want to mix their wages.

In addition, the liquidated damages on the contract are very high. If they break the contract and change jobs, they will have to pay everything.

Even so, everyone signed the contract readily.

Although the penalty for breach of contract is ridiculously high, it is understandable that the penalty for breach of contract is higher in the face of such good conditions.

Dozens of people signed contracts one after another.

Lin Jichen asked them to go to the store to report by themselves tomorrow, and the store manager will arrange for them.

Everyone signed the contract, except for Ulquiola, who was late in the end.

"Sorry, I was refining the weapon when you sent the message."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a beard and looked a little tired.

"It's okay, which one of the three contracts do you want to choose?" Lin Jichen sent the contract with a smile.

This uncle didn't only care about the salary and requirements like the previous ones, he read it carefully.

Lin Jichen didn't bother him either, and quietly waited for him to finish reading.

After 10 minutes, the uncle finished reading the three contracts.

"I've finished reading the contracts. To be honest, I can't find another company with better treatment than you in this game. Didn't you really set up these three contracts on a whim?" the uncle asked.

"Don't worry, it's written in the contract, there won't be any problems, and I won't give up halfway or give you a salary cut."

"But the few requests I made, you see...?" The uncle has not forgotten his conditions.

"No problem. You mentioned a few conditions. One is that the monthly salary is more than 1.5w, and the share is 15%. Even if you sign for a year, I will make a special case for you. As for the mid-range game cabin you want, there is no problem , you send me the address, and I will let the game company send it to you."

Lin Jichen accepted all of them. If it was just a player with ordinary talent, he would definitely not agree.

But this person is different. With the talent of turning waste into treasure, it is completely worth his initial investment. As long as this person is willing to work hard, he will definitely become a master of refining equipment in the future.

"Then I'm fine. I'll sign for five years." Uncle Wu Qi had no doubts and signed the contract decisively.

"Um...boss, can you reimburse me for my travel expenses? I came here from the sect, and it cost me three spirit stones. Can you reimburse me? I'm already penniless. "

Wu Qi said embarrassedly.

Lin Jichen asked a little strangely, "Don't you usually have a spirit stone in your pocket?"

Wu Qi said helplessly: "There is no way, the three children in the family need to eat, and the tuition fees for the next semester have not been paid yet."

"Aren't you actually working?" Lin Jichen asked puzzled.

Wu Qi smiled sadly, and said: "To be honest, I was originally a professional racing driver. I had a car accident two years ago, and my leg was crippled. I have been paralyzed at home. My wife supports the family, so I can't do anything."

"My wife is afraid that I will make trouble at home, so she bought me a gaming ring recently. I am thinking about my limbs in the game, and see if I can find something to do. I plan to make money in this game in the future. Help my wife Share it, so I will sell the spirit stone as soon as I have it, for fear that the price of the spirit stone will drop again."

After hearing this, Lin Jichen was silent for a while, then took out a bag of Lingshi and handed it over.

"This spirit stone counts as my extra signing fee for you. In addition, I will give you 5 yuan as a reserve fund. Since you choose to make money in this game, work harder."

"This... well, thank you boss." Uncle Wu Qi took the Lingshi with some emotion, his tone choked up.

The spirit stone and salary are undoubtedly a timely help for him.

"You don't need to thank me, God took your legs away, but also gave you such a good game talent, didn't you believe me, this game is very fun, and you have a bright future in the future."

"You're right, I know what to do."

"That's good. If you need anything in the future, just speak up and don't look outside."

"Okay!" Ulquiorra nodded heavily and smiled.

This is the first time he has laughed since his gloomy career in the past two years, and it is also the first time he is full of hope in life again.

Lin Jichen bid farewell to Uncle Wu Qi, bought some things in Zuixianlou, and then flew directly to Shiwanda Mountain.

There is not much time left for him, there are only three days left in the internal competition of the Immortal Ascension Conference, and he has to quickly find the last material, dragon bone green gold.

Dragon bone green gold is the rarest and the most expensive among the eight materials of heavenly props and spirits.

Now in the market, a keel green gold has been sold for 5 yuan in spirit stones, but still no one can get it.

Dragon bone green gold can only be found on the body of the alien beast Cangming Soul Snake, and the strength of the Cangming Soul Snake is not very strong.

The reason why is so rare.

The main reason is that this guy is extremely cunning, never shows up easily, is extremely fast, and has a bunch of escape skills.

Many people have tried everything they can, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Even if it can lure the other party out, but it can't really kill it, once the soul snake finds that it is dangerous to be defeated, it will run away.

This product also has the ability to escape from the ground, you can't do anything with it.

But Lin Jichen has a plan in mind.

Coming to the familiar Shiwanda Mountain again, Lin Jichen was not in the mood to browse the scenery, and quickly flew to the depths of Shiwanda Mountain.


Two more~

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