Full-time sword repair

Chapter 508 Are you talking about Liang Shanbo?

"Jinghui, you violated the precept of anger."

At this time, an elegant voice came from the highest temple on the top of the mountain.

Jinghui put her palms together immediately, and said with shame on her face, "Master, Jinghui knew it was wrong."

"Go back and think about it, you don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, Master."

Jinghui honestly agreed, and left in despair.

Chu Hongling smiled at Lin Jichen: "Let's go, with my master covering you, you will be fine."

Lin Jichen withdrew the sword, his mouth was still stiff: "Do I need it? I have a master mask myself, and my teacher is Leng Feiyan!"

As he spoke, he held his neck high, very proudly.

Before Chu Hongling could speak, the voice just now came from the top of the mountain again: "Jianzong disciple, take a look at your storage ring, is it still usable?"

Lin Jichen was taken aback for a moment, looked at the storage ring, and was stunned.

[Xuan Pin·Zi Yuan Jie]: Disabled state, blocked by secret method, lasts for 1 hour.

Lin Jichen: "...."

"Hey, I'm just kidding, don't mind, they are all righteous sects, why are you making them look like enemies of life and death, so you will be out of touch, I am really here to help, if the head of Xuanqing minds, I will Just go."

Lin Jichen felt bitter, the head of Cihang Jingzhai was too stingy, he just filled a cup casually.

Baby master, come and save me, your apprentice may be planted today~

"Hong Ling, take him to the main hall for class." Mrs. Xuanqing didn't seem to have any intention of embarrassing Lin Jichen.

"Yes, Master." Chu Hongling suppressed a smile, made a face at Lin Jichen, and led him to the main hall.

Lin Jichen followed suit, looking around from time to time, for fear of someone sneaking up on him.

The two came to the hall.

Lin Jichen probed first and glanced secretly, good guy, the scene inside is too spectacular.

Thousands of female disciples sat on futons, waiting for their teacher to teach them.

Chu Hongling walked in with a smile, and said, "Seniors and sisters, this is the teacher I invited to teach us, everyone applauds and welcomes."


Scattered applause sounded.

Lin Jichen could only bite the bullet and walk in.

Wow ~

In the main hall, there was a lovely exclamation immediately.

Countless gazes were thrown at Lin Jichen, as if the camera was locked on, with splendor.

Lin Jichen smiled embarrassedly, nodded slightly, and showed his signature big white teeth.

With this smile, many female disciples' hearts were pounding like deer, and their faces turned red.

A bunch of prompts sounded in Lin Jichen's ears.

【Ding!Little nun Jingyi's favorability towards you is +5! 】

【Ding!Little nun Huiyin's favorability towards you is +5! 】

【Ding!Little nun Ling'er's favorability towards you is +5! 】


Lin Jichen was happy, it seems that my brother is still very attractive, and he is fascinated by these little nuns.

Chu Hongling smiled and said: "Let me introduce to everyone, this is a famous..."

Lin Jichen thought she would say 'famous handsome guy', he was a little complacent, who knows...

"The well-known Huaxin Daluobo is very sentimental and plays with emotions. Let him tell everyone about his relationship history. Everyone should take warning."

With this statement, the eyes of all the disciples immediately changed, and they all became disgusted.

【Ding!Little nun Jingyi's favorability towards you is -5! 】

【Ding!Little nun Huiyin's favorability towards you is -6! 】

【Ding!Little nun Ling'er's favorability towards you is -10! 】


Lin Jichen's smile froze on his face, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he had the urge to scold his mother.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Lin Jichen gritted his teeth and said softly to Chu Hongling.

Chu Hongling laughed dryly and said: "It's okay, they are all little nuns, what are you afraid of, that is to keep them away from men, why don't you make a sacrifice, and treat it as my favor."

Lin Jichen had a wonderful expression, but in order to repay the favor, he still endured it.

Forget it, if you are misunderstood, you will be misunderstood. Anyway, you have nothing to do with these little nuns.

"Okay, everyone be quiet, class is over." Chu Hongling immediately found a futon and sat down with everyone, waiting for Lin Jichen to speak.

Lin Jichen could feel that everyone's eyes were completely different from just now, and everyone looked at him with disgust.

Alas, I am so tired, I want to be hugged by my nun sister to sleep.

Lin Jichen brought up the bitter story, just thinking about it, but suddenly changed his mind.

No, our old Lin can't suffer from this!

At this moment, Chu Hongling seemed to have received a call, and immediately ran out of the hall.

No one was watching, Lin Jichen seized the opportunity, and Lang Lang read.

"In ancient times, there was a Zhujiazhuang. There was a member of Zhujiazhuang in Zhujiazhuang. Zhuyuanwai had a youngest daughter named Zhu Yingtai. Zhu Yingtai was able to read and write at home since she was a child. Year after year, she grew up to 16 years old... "

Following Lin Jichen's narration, the eyes of all the little nuns changed from disgust to focus, and each listened more and more fascinated.

Especially when Lin Jichen told about the part where Ma Wencai stopped Zhu Yingtai and Liang Shanbo from being together, all the little nuns looked sad and angry.

Finally, when hearing that Zhu Yingtai committed suicide by taking poison, Liang Shanbo died in front of her grave, and both of them turned into butterflies.

In the hall, there were sobs, and thousands of eyes were filled with tears.

"Woo, Liang Shanbo is too infatuated, Zhu Yingtai is too pitiful, Ma Wencai is really hateful!"

"Yes, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are the best match, and Ma Wen is too bad!"

"This story is so moving, I want to hear it again."

"Well, teacher, can you say it again?"


Lin Jichen held back a smile in his heart, who said he wanted to tell a nun a drama about bitterness?If he doesn't, he wants to tell a touching love story!

Take a look, you will know the effect. It is estimated that after this story is told, these little nuns are not in the mood to become monks and chant Buddha, hehe.

"Tell me again? Okay, no problem, I'll say it again."

Lin Jichen cleared his throat and was about to do it again.

At this time, Chu Hongling walked in after making a phone call, and found that everyone's expressions were a little off.

"Hey, what story are you telling?"

"Bitter drama."

"Misery? Why does it feel wrong? Why are they all crying?"

"It's bitter, it's too bitter, so I cried."

Chu Hongling nodded half understanding.

At this time, a little nun couldn't wait and said: "Teacher, tell me quickly, we still want to hear the story of Zhu Yingtai and Liang Shanbo."

Chu Hongling stared beautifully, and said, "Lin Jichen, tell them about Liang Shanbo?"

"That's right, enough bitterness, right? This is a classic bitterness drama." Lin Jichen said confidently.

"You... I've convinced you, you run away, if my master finds out, I'll have to skin you." Chu Hongling clutched her forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Let's go, get out of class is over, all you little girls, I'll talk to you next time."

Lin Jichen put down these words gracefully, strode his legs quickly, and ran down the mountain, faster than a rabbit.

He left, but it made the little nuns in the inner hall excited, their imaginations flashed, and they became more curious about emotional matters.

I heard that not long after, several little nuns met boys they liked when they went out to practice, and they resolutely returned to vulgarity.

Later, Cihang Jingzhai completely blocked Lin Jichen.


Three shifts~

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