Full-time sword repair

Chapter 500 The Finals Begin!

The next day, a ray of sunshine poured in from the window frame, and shone into the bedroom through the screen.

The sun shines on the sleeping girl in front of the bed, outlining her hair with a faint golden edge.

Gu Qiuxue's eyelashes trembled slightly. Waking up from sleep, she opened her eyes and stretched as usual, but today her movements stopped abruptly.

Because she found that she was lying in a warm embrace, and the other's hand was still very skillfully and restlessly pressing on her towering place.

If it weren't for the other party's breathing evenly, accompanied by a slight snoring sound, she would definitely suspect that it was intentional.

Last night Gu Qiuxue was forced to sleep in the same room with Lin Jichen.

Moreover, the young man who was full of vigor couldn't hold back a few times. Thinking of Lin Jichen's aggressive eyes last night, Gu Qiuxue was flustered at that time.

But with Ren Lan and Tangtang next door, she didn't let Lin Jichen succeed, and made an agreement not to cross the boundary on either side.

But looking at it now, Lin Jichen didn't know when he fell asleep by her side, and hugged her tightly.

"Smelly little dust, it's beyond the limit..."

Gu Qiuxue's face was as red as blood, and her body trembled a little.

In order to avoid embarrassment, she carefully removed Lin Jichen's 'bad hand' from her body, then got up quietly, and fled the bedroom as if flying.

Just after going out, Ren Lan also woke up, unlike Gu Qiuxue who slept soundly, Ren Lan was yawning with dark circles under her eyes, listless.

"Morning sister Qiuxue."

"Good morning, Xiaolan, why do you look sluggish, didn't you sleep well last night?" Gu Qiuxue asked.

Ren Lan smiled wryly, saying she was fine, but complaining in her heart that she didn't blame you all.

Last night, she was very curious about what would happen to Lin Jichen and Gu Qiuxue, so she secretly leaned against the wall and eavesdropped all night, but nothing happened.

She even wondered if Lin Jichen was dying?

She had brought Gu Qiuxue, a great beauty, to his mouth, but this kid could resist eating?

"Sister Qiuxue, did you sleep well last night?" Ren Lan asked with a smirk.

Gu Qiuxue blushed and said angrily, "I blame you, Xiao Lan, why don't you let me sleep in the same room with you?"

This smelly little dust didn't know how dishonest he was last night.

Ren Lan laughed and said: "I'm not helping you. You helped me so much last night. I will repay you. I have to match you two no matter what."

"Fuck you." Gu Qiuxue was even more ashamed, wishing to crawl into the cracks in the ground.


Knowing that Gu Qiuxue was thin-skinned, Ren Lan didn't say anything, but an imperceptible sense of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

The two simply washed up.

"Xiaolan, I'm going to make breakfast, you go and wake up Xiaochen and Tangtang, today is the final."

"Oh well."

Ren Lan agreed, and went to Lin Jichen's bedroom first, and found that this guy was still sleeping soundly.

Ren Lan didn't wake up Lin Jichen first, but secretly looked around in the bedroom, glanced at the bed several times, and finally tiptoedly looked at the trash can.

After finding nothing, she was relieved a little, and after waking up Lin Jichen, she turned around and went to call Tangtang.


nine in the morning.

The player finals of the "Eight Wilds" Ascension to Immortals Conference officially begins!

This is also the last day of the foreign competition. At the same time, the game updates a new list, which is also the most authoritative [Eight Desolation Heaven List] in the previous life.

This list is almost the most authentic and accurate strength list, but it is only on the personal combat power list. It is more accurate to look at the professional list between different professions.

Zeng Jin Lin Jichen ranked No. 10 in the Eight Desolation Heaven Ranking at the highest level, and it was also the time when his combat power was at its peak. At that time, he was just a Dharma cultivator.

In terms of personal combat power, Dharma cultivation is still inferior to weapon cultivation and physical cultivation.

It is not easy to be in the top ten.

Now, the first Tianbang is about to be announced, and the time is today.

The top ten contestants have their own live broadcast rooms today.

As Lin Jichen, who is most likely to win the top spot, Liu Xiazi's live broadcast room is naturally the most popular, and the number of viewers has soared to more than 800 million!

This also made other anchors envious. If they had known that Lin Jichen was such a potential stock, they would be happy to become Lin Jichen's fans.

In this competition, Liu Xiazi's fans increased several times by broadcasting Lin Jichen's match, and the gift was even softer.

Which anchor would struggle with popularity and money?

In fact, many female anchors have already made up their minds to find opportunities to build a good relationship with Lin Jichen after the game is over. Maybe it will be their turn to have such a beautiful event in the next Ascension to Immortals Conference.

When the game time is up, ten people are randomly divided into five groups and enter the secret space at the same time!

[The random match is successful, and after 1 minute, the game will start! 】

Lin Jichen looked at the other party's message, his eyes froze for a moment, coincidentally, he was an acquaintance again.

[Player: Chu Hongling]

[Boundary: Early stage of spirituality]

[Occupation: Buddhist cultivator]

【Location: Muxian Prefecture】

【Zongmen: Cihang Jingzhai】

【Occupation Rank: 1】

Unexpectedly, in the first final, they would meet Chu Hongling.

The number one Buddhist cultivator in the eight wildernesses, old friend.

As the ring appeared, the two faced each other from a distance, and standing opposite Lin Jichen was Chu Hongling in a red cassock.

This cassock was familiar to Lin Jichen, it was the tin rod cassock that she had given her a few days ago.

Chu Hongling spoke first, and said with a smile: "Sword God Lin, if you don't talk, you won't want me to give you a hand?"

Lin Jichen smiled awkwardly. He really owed Chu Hongling favors, but he was unwilling to let No.1 go just like that.

"Just kidding, don't let me, or I will break up with you. Besides, I also want to see the demeanor of the number one sword god, so don't let me down."

Chu Hongling smiled, and casually glanced at her peach-like eyes, which seemed to have an indescribable charm.

Lin Jichen was also polite, and responded solemnly: "Okay, I won't hold back."

"Alright, let's get started."

After Chu Hongling finished speaking, her expression became serious, and she saw her palms forming a seal, and a phantom of a lotus suddenly fell towards Lin Jichen!

Lin Jichen took a step forward, and the Qingming sword slashed across the sky, the sword energy collided with the lotus flower, and exploded, both of which dissipated into the sky.

Both of them didn't exert their strength immediately, but tried each other, their martial skills collided with each other, their movements were dodged, and the fight was evenly matched.

Seeing that both sides are purely consuming mana.

Chu Hongling couldn't sit still at first, she didn't think her mana would be higher than Lin Jichen, and if she continued to consume like this, her mana would be empty.

Chu Hongling flew forward, forming seals again, and lotus blossoms bloomed in front of her.

"Wanlian Seal!"

The sky is full of lotus waste, mysterious and unpredictable, gathering abundant spiritual power, whizzing out like falling sparks!

Lin Jichen did not show any weakness, countless sword shadows flew out, and the surging mana broke through the sky through the blade!

"Blade Storm!"

A large number of sword shadows spread at an astonishing speed, flying towards those lotus flowers.

Boom boom boom!

There was a violent explosion on the ring, like cold water dripping into hot oil, boiling instantly!


One more~

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