Full-time sword repair

Chapter 497 No one wants this woman!

The game is still going on.

In the seventh game, it returned to normal again, and encountered a 100th place crane tail, who was still a piano repairman.

Lin Jichen won effortlessly, and the battle ended in less than ten seconds.

Because of the popularity of the Eight Desolation Ascension to Immortals Conference, almost all the players participating in the battle have started a live broadcast.

Some are officially opened, while others, like Lin Jichen, hand over the broadcasting rights to others.

The big anchors of the major live broadcast platforms, in order to catch the popularity of the eight wastelands, they are showing their special skills.

Their own strength is mediocre, so naturally they can't enter this kind of competition.

So they all learn from Liu Xiazi, find those master players, and buy broadcasting rights.

This approach can become famous, make money, and attract a large number of fans, which is a win-win situation of mutual benefit.

So no one wants to do it.

In addition to Liu Xiazi's most popular live broadcast, there are actually many live broadcast rooms that are quite popular.

For example, the live broadcast room of this old anchor named Brother Kai.

He is over 40 years old, and he is still passionate about the live broadcast and game industry.

He bought the rights to broadcast Song Xinghe, the third sword repairman.

And this time, the player Song Xinghe lined up was Ren Lan, the first puncher.

Brother Kai excitedly uttered the familiar baboon call.

"Brothers! The show is about to begin! The first fist repairer is fighting the third sword repairer! This is a comet hitting the earth! Son, quickly pour me a cappuccino, I want to watch slowly!"

And Song Xinghe in the competition was also full of enthusiasm.

The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is.

He has always been arrogant and unruly, except for Lin Jichen, in fact, he doesn't pay attention to anyone.

In his opinion, the first fist repair is only mediocre. Before that, he ranked first in the finger repair, and he also won.

This time, in his opinion, was no exception.

However, when Song Xinghe saw Ren Lan's appearance, his heart was inexplicably shocked, and his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

"You... hello, my name is Song Xinghe, please give me your advice." Song Xinghe found himself stuttering.

Ren Lan was not polite at all, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, start now."

"Wait a minute, I still have something to say." Song Xinghe hurriedly stopped.

Ren Lan said impatiently: "If you fart, let it go."

Song Xinghe blushed, not confident enough to say: "After this game, can you add a friend?" kΑnshuwu.ξà

Ren Lan refused without even thinking about it: "I want to eat farts! Let's fight!"

As soon as the words fell, Ren Lan leaped high and crashed towards Song Xinghe like a missile, her fist smashed down from a high altitude with raging flames!

I rely on!So violent!

Song Xinghe exclaimed in his heart, and immediately dodged.


Ren Lan's fist hit the ground, and the nearby ground cracked and collapsed like a spider web!

Ren Lan didn't get discouraged when he missed a punch, and continued to chase after Song Xinghe with punches and greetings.

Song Xinghe also realized that if he didn't show some real skills, the girl wouldn't even look him in the eye.

"Okay, then I will defeat you first, and then ask you for a friend seat."

Song Xinghe made up his mind and began to fight seriously.

From the sky to the ground, the two fought non-stop, which was wonderful.

Because Lin Jichen was playing too fast and bored, he undoubtedly found Ren Lan when he was looking at the live broadcast room, so he immediately watched carefully.

Song Xinghe, who has the body of a sword demon, and Ren Lan, who is Fudo Mingwang, fought in the dark.

Although he had lost to Lin Jichen before, it was undeniable that Song Xinghe's strength could rival Chen Yuan's in sword cultivation.

However, with Ren Lan, Song Xinghe's strength was a question mark.

A few minutes passed, and Song Xinghe quickly realized that he was no opponent, and was suppressed by Ren Lan throughout the whole process. His skills were so fierce that he would vomit blood and fly out if he was punched carelessly.

Even the body of a sword demon can't stop this terrifying woman.

"I rely on this woman, why are you so fierce? Who can conquer her?"

Just as he was distracted, Ren Lan suddenly came and punched Song Xinghe in the face.

Directly smash Song Xinghe into the ground from mid-air.

This is not over yet.

Ren Lan stood in the air, showing a devilish smile, while Song Xinghe trembled slightly, showing horror.

"True Dragon Devil Hand!"

Following a dragon roar, Ren Lan threw out a fist, and with the momentum of crushing, it hit Song Xinghe on the ground.


Song Xinghe vomited blood wildly, he was extremely embarrassed, and he was no longer as chic as before.

Seeing that he had less than a few thousand blood left, he knew he had no chance.

"I surrender."

Hearing that Song Xinghe had abstained, Ren Lan didn't make things difficult, she curled her lips in disdain and said, "With this little strength, you want to tease my old lady? You can't kill me!"

Song Xinghe smiled wryly, but said without losing his grace: "I lost, I am convinced, but I still want to say, give me a chance? I..."


Before he finished speaking, Song Xinghe flew out directly, and died in a miserable state, he didn't dare to attack Ren Lan anymore...

Before dying, Song Xinghe had only one thought: "This woman is too violent, no one will dare to want her in this life!".Κanδhu5.iá


Lin Jichen watched Ren Lan win against Song Xinghe, and couldn't help laughing, this crazy woman is a hundred times more violent in the game than in reality.

Fortunately, I am not afraid of her because of my superior strength in the game, otherwise I would really be bullied by her in the game.

After exiting this live broadcast room, Lin Jichen went to look at other live broadcast rooms to see if he could run into a few more acquaintances, but unfortunately, he couldn't find them. .kanδhu five.lá

The eighth and ninth games.

Lin Jichen was lucky. One of his opponents was a low-ranking medical cultivator, and the other was a middle-ranking sword cultivator.

It was unremarkable and ended super fast.

Every time he finished a game, he would watch the live broadcast, hoping to see the live broadcast of Gu Qiuxue and Niu Naitang.

Unexpectedly, he really let him see it.

In a fat and fat anchor room, Gu Qiuxue's match was locked.

Of course, the anchor didn't buy Gu Qiuxue's broadcasting rights, but the players he bought for broadcasting rights happened to match Gu Qiuxue.

"I'll go! She's so beautiful~ This girl is too beautiful! Fuck, is she still the number one doctor? I love it!"

The fat anchor let out an exclamation, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

Lin Jichen looked at these yelling bullet screens and dismissed them.

A bunch of old dicks, how dare his people covet them?Especially this middle-aged fat man, if you meet him in the game, you have to teach him how to behave.

Gu Qiuxue's opponent is a number one ranger.

The first in the two professions, but not many people are optimistic about Gu Qiuxue.

After all, as a medical trainee, he knows everything he knows, and his profession is too disadvantaged.

I thought it was a battle that would end soon, but I didn't expect that Gu Qiuxue fought back and forth with the ranger without any haste.

After fighting fiercely for nearly 10 minutes, Gu Qiuxue was helplessly defeated.

Although he still lost, Gu Qiuxue conquered the audience with his strength.

It's really rare for a medical practitioner to be able to compete with a ranger like this. He deserves to be the number one medical practitioner!

Lin Jichen couldn't help sending messages to praise Gu Qiuxue again and again, praising her for being too powerful, unexpectedly powerful!

Gu Qiuxue's depressed heart immediately dissipated, and she just wanted to reply to Lin Jichen.

But in the next second, both she and Lin Jichen were dumbfounded.

Because... for the last scene, the person Lin Jichen lined up... was Gu Qiuxue!


Three shifts~

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