Full-time sword repair

Chapter 495 I will win the chapter!

"-12000! Trigger paralysis."

"Paralysis: Opponents will be unable to use basic attacks for 10 seconds."

With Ling Qing's unique skill, she successfully hit Lin Jichen.

But this is far from what Ling Qing expected, because the damage is too low.

Previously, this stunt was guaranteed to cause more than [-] damage against other players, even late-stage players.

But facing Lin Jichen, the damage was greatly reduced.

But seeing that Lin Jichen was under the paralyzing effect, Ling Qing stepped forward without hesitation, and the dagger fluttered like a butterfly in her hand.

The sharp dagger cut through the air suddenly, and went straight to Lin Jichen's throat.

She just wanted to take advantage of Lin Jichen's weakness of not being able to attack normally during this time, and take advantage of it.


The dagger sliced ​​across Lin Jichen's throat, but there was no injury, not even blood.

On the other hand, he lost a lot of blood.

And the figure of 'Lin Jichen' began to erratically, like a reflection in water, getting fainter and weaker.

Ling Qing suddenly realized that she had been fooled!


Behind her, a sword qi shot towards her silently.

Although Ling Qing didn't turn her head back, a crisis instinct in her body was triggered, she didn't turn her head, and immediately fled sideways.

But the speed was still half a beat slower, and a cut was cut on the arm.

Harumoto didn't pay attention, but soon, she was surprised to find that ice began to form on her hands, and quickly spread to her whole body.

"Frost Moon Slash! -5145!"

"Trigger deceleration, freezing!"

Ling Qing was horrified, and there was only one thought left in her mind: It's over!

The next moment, she was frozen into ice cubes.

Lin Jichen smiled slightly, and he knew that the talent of the King of Desperation could not be immune to control all the time, otherwise it would be too buggy, and it should only be available within ten seconds after being triggered.

Seeing her frozen, Lin Jichen would not be polite, and the dizzy sword energy caught her.

The last simple Fenglei sword completely emptied Ling Qing's blood volume!

[Lin Jichen wins!It takes 04 minutes and 58 seconds!About to enter the next game! 】

Another victory.

Compared to the first round, Lin Jichen's round took a lot longer.

Ling Qing is indeed the number one thief and is very powerful, but it is a pity that the opponent she meets is him.

Cheers resounded in Liu Xiazi's live broadcast room again, and the audience's blood was boiling with enthusiasm.

Compared to Lin Jichen's crushing victory in the last match, this match is simply a fight of gods.

The first collision of the two professions made everyone hooked.

On the other side, Ling Qing stood in the Temple of War, staring blankly at the reminder of her failure.

The Temple of the God of War is the territory of the God of War Guild, and all members of the God of War are settled in it.

Shang Wanhe, who also won a victory, was beside her.

"What's wrong? Lost?"

Ling Qing nodded: "Yeah."

"Oh? Who did you meet?" Shang Wanhe was very surprised. He knew the strength of his daughter very well. There were not many people who could beat her.

"Lin Jichen." Ling Qing replied.

"Oh, that's understandable. It's no shame to lose to him. Who made this kid the number one expert?" Shang Wanhe comforted with a smile.

Ling Qing curled her lips, although she was not convinced, she still admitted in her heart that Lin Jichen was indeed ridiculously strong.

Although it seemed that she and Lin Jichen were fighting back and forth, Ling Qing knew that the guy didn't use all his strength.

"I will always win it back." Ling Qing swore secretly, engraved Lin Jichen in her mind, and encouraged herself all the time.


Next, continue to match and continue the game.

After another three rounds in a row, Lin Jichen never met an opponent like Ling Qing, they were all relatively ordinary.

Victory is just as common as every day.

This is how the morning passed.

The game system announced a temporary break of two hours. After all, such a high-intensity game will consume a lot of mental energy for the players.

Although failure in the game will not be punished by death, and skills will be recooled, but mental consumption is essential.

For everyone's consideration, the game is suspended for two hours, and it is also for those players who use game rings to adjust their meals and recover.

Lin Jichen exited the game, only to find that Tangtang had also come out from the next game cabin.

She was not as lively as before, and she was a little listless.

"What's the matter, Tangtang?" Lin Jichen picked her up and asked with a smile.

Tangtang said depressedly: "Tangtang has lost a lot."

Lin Jichen smiled and said: "It's okay, your profession itself is not suitable for duels, just do your best, and the same is true for Sister Gu, each has his own strengths."

"But Brother Lin, Tangtang has never lost so many times before." Niu Naitang was still not very happy.

Lin Jichen was dumbfounded. This little guy was extremely intelligent. From childhood to adulthood, he was among the best in everything he did and studied, including exams and chess.

Now that he has suffered so many failures at once, it is inevitable that he will be hit.

"Then keep going, as long as you work hard, you will lose less and less in the future." Lin Jichen encouraged.

He was happy to encourage Niu Naitang to work hard for Ba Huang.

In fact, Niu Naitang himself did not play this game for the purpose of pk and fighting with others.

She just wanted to play chess, and went for the game of chess, so naturally she neglected the battle.

She lost so much in the Immortal Ascension Conference this time, which hit her hard.

"Hmm! Tangtang has to work hard in the future, and try not to let myself lose again!"

Encouraged by Lin Jichen, Niu Naitang also decided not to focus only on playing chess, but to improve his combat effectiveness!

In fact, Niu Naitang didn't lose a lot. She met opponents of various professions, except for the difficult ones of weapon and physical training, she won all the opponents of law and medicine.

The two calmed down and opened the door to go out.

Gu Qiuxue and Ren Lan also just came out of the bedroom.

The four of them met, of course to chat about their achievements.

Lin Jichen and Ren Lan won all five games.

Gu Qiuxue was lucky, the opponents he was matched with were not strong, and he only lost one match, while Niu Naitang lost two matches.

This record was also within Lin Jichen's expectation, and it was completely acceptable.

The four made some lunch at home, took a break after eating, and then went back to the game.

The afternoon game still started on time.

In the sixth match, Lin Jichen was matched with a talisman.

[Player: Meaning]

[Boundary: Mid-stage Spirituality]

【Occupation: Fuxiu】

【Affiliation: Yongning Prefecture】

[Zongmen: Taiqing Fuzong]

【Occupation Rank: 5】

【Win: 4】

[Loss: 1]

【Points: 4】

Talisman repair is a new profession, and piano repair, ranger, hammer repair, etc. are all new types of professions added later.

But I have to say that as a branch of the law repair profession, it is definitely not inferior to other law repair professions in terms of damage.

Talisman repair can store talismans. For example, before you fight, make more talismans, and when the battle starts, just throw them away.

Of course, the shortcomings of talisman repairs are also obvious. They are as crispy as dharma repairs, and consume a lot of mana. Stronger talismans take a long time to make, which is very troublesome.

And once the talisman is thrown away, the combat power will drop greatly, and one has to use spiritual power to draw the talisman temporarily.

Fortunately, every game, the talismans consumed by the talisman masters will be refreshed, otherwise, it is estimated that the talisman cultivators will run out of ammunition and food in two games.


One more~

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