After dinner, Lin Jichen wanted to sit on the sofa with Gu Qiuxue and watch dramas and live a happy life.

By the way, let's see if I can take the opportunity to take advantage of something (bad bad)~

ding ding ding...

The phone rang inappropriately at this time.

Lin Jichen picked it up and saw that it was Tang Ning calling.

After Lin Jichen, who was in doubt, connected, Tang Ning's voice came: "Lin Jichen, I want to ask you something."

"Officer Tang, tell me."

Tang Ning said: "This employee named Xu Ziyi you recruited, who did you offend?"

Lin Jichen asked strangely, "What happened to him, Officer Tang?"

Tang Ning said unhappily: "He was attacked again just now. A killer sneaked into the hospital to assassinate him. Fortunately, our colleagues have been secretly protecting him, so he was saved."

Lin Jichen was taken aback, and said, "Have you caught the murderer?"

"Oh, don't mention it. There are two killers in total. One was killed by me on the spot, and the other saw that there was nowhere to run and shot himself. He refused to disclose any information at all, but we checked the information and fingerprints of the two killers. , I can be sure that they are all overseas killers, from the same killer group." Tang Ning said with a headache.

"Is Xu Zigui alright?" Lin Jichen asked with 'concern'.

This is his shield, it's a pity to die.

"He was shot again, but he was only shot in the leg. There was no danger of his life. He had already been sent to the operating room, but he was crying all the time. I felt a little sympathy for him." Tang Ning smiled wryly.

This was the first time she had seen such an unlucky person. She always felt that Xu Ziyi must have done something important, otherwise why would he attract top killers to assassinate him?

Did he accidentally pick up a box of diamonds from the gang?Or put the daughter of the killer group to sleep?

Isn't that how it's done in movies?

And she really couldn't find any reason, the reason why Xu Ziyi was assassinated.

The bureau has investigated everything that Xu Ziyi has done since opening the crotch pants, and the three generations of ancestors have also investigated.

But there's just no clue that he's worth the hitman's assassination.

To put it simply, he is not worthy of being dealt with by a killer at all.

They even checked all the things that Xu Ziyi had done, although they were sure that this person was a scumbag and had done many disgusting things.

Even the things he did in the original auto repair shop were found out, but these things can only be said that Xu Ziyi's character is very bad, but they are not unforgivable crimes.

How could the killer organization spend so much energy on dealing with an ordinary person?They really can't figure it out.

She asked Xu Ziyi many times, but this guy would only say that he didn't do anything.

Tang Ning had no choice but to come and ask Lin Jichen, the boss, to see if he could find some clues.

Of course, Lin Jichen also had an 'innocent' face: "I don't know, I just hired him to help me refine weapons."

"Okay, it's okay, you should be careful, I feel that these killers will not give up."

"Alright Officer Tang."

Lin Jichen hung up the phone, leaned on the sofa, stared out the window in a daze.

He was almost sure that it was Wang Jinghao who did it.

He just snatched Wang Jinghao's guild building token, so it's no wonder this guy would let it go.

He really wanted to trouble Jiang Luoyu, but because of his family background, he didn't dare to take revenge, so he could only vent his anger on Lin Jichen.

The facts were just as Lin Jichen thought.

In Kyoto, in Wang Jinghao's villa.


Wang Jinghao smashed the expensive antique ornaments angrily.

"Failed again? What are you killers doing! Why haven't you dealt with him yet!"

Wang Jinghao cursed into the phone.

The person on the other end of the phone was not in a good temper, and replied in a cold voice: "I said earlier, it's not easy to do anything during this time, Jiangling City is on high alert, and there are many policemen ambushing around this person, if you don't listen, I have lost money now." Are you satisfied now, two generals?"

"You killers claim to be powerful, and even a group of ordinary policemen can't handle it, and you still blame me? Don't you think it's ridiculous! I paid so much money, and even an ordinary person can't be killed. You have nothing to gain. You still have the face to be here. Blame me?" Wang Jinghao sneered.

Both of them were silent, and after a while, a voice came from the other end of the phone.

"This time our action failed, but we will definitely get things done after we get the money. Next month will be the Spring Festival in China. At that time, the vigilance around him must be the most lax. We will do it at that time, and we will definitely do it." Give you a satisfactory explanation, that's all."


The other party hung up the phone after finishing speaking, not giving Wang Jinghao another chance to speak.

"Damn it! Idiot!" Wang Jinghao cursed, but he could only swallow his anger, helpless.

"Just let you dance for another month!"

Wang Jinghao threw away the phone, and immediately threw himself into the top-equipped game cabin beside him.

Since Lin Jichen can't be dealt with for the time being, the top priority now is the territorial battle. He must gather all his strength to snatch the token from Yueying again!

On the other side, Lin Jichen hung up the phone and gave up his plan to watch TV with Gu Qiuxue.

Although Xu Ziyi temporarily blocked the arrow, Lin Jichen also knew that Wang Jinghao would find out about this matter sooner or later.

In reality, he is still in danger at any time.

Before the game merges with reality, he can only be passively defensive.

That being the case, if you have time, you should exercise more. If you improve your strength, you may be able to save yourself from danger if you encounter danger.

"Sister, I'll go to the fitness cabin to exercise."

"Okay, let's go, after you finish training, I will also practice for a while, staying at home every day, I'm going to grow fat." Gu Qiuxue said with a smile.

Lin Jichen looked at Gu Qiuxue who was cleaning up, and his belief in becoming stronger also strengthened.

Even if it's not for himself, but for Gu Qiuxue not to repeat the mistakes of his previous life, he must do his best to protect himself and the people around him!

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen gave up this rare and warm world for two, and resolutely walked into the fitness cabin to practice hard.


The next day.

For ordinary people, it is just an ordinary day.

But for the Moon Shadow Guild, it was an unprecedented challenge and the pressure was enormous.

Hundreds of miles away from Fengqu City, in a very simple and simple town, there are many female players.

Tens of thousands of female players are stationed on the city wall in an orderly manner, and everyone is ready for the upcoming battle.

Almost all members of the Moon Shadow Guild were present.

"Remember, don't panic when the enemy comes. Everyone do their own thing. The president said, all those who participated in the territorial battle today will not let you participate in vain. If you fail, each person will be rewarded with 5000 yuan in cash. If you successfully keep it, you will receive a cash reward of 2 yuan per person!"

Su Wanling came from the sky to cheer up the members.

Hearing this, the girls cheered one after another, shouting that the president will grow up.


One more~

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