After turning left and right, the two finally stopped in front of the most luxurious villa.

Su Wanling got off the driveway: "Let's go, the president is waiting for you inside."

Facing such a luxurious villa, Lin Jichen looked left and right like a bumpkin, and said in admiration: "Is this the life of a rich man?"

Su Wanling gave him a blank look, and said, "Please, you are now the richest man in the world, and you can become rich immediately by selling any shop or some spirit stones."

Saying that, Su Wanling asked with a smile: "Why don't you sell us a shop? This villa belongs to you, how about it?"

When Lin Jichen heard this, he immediately shook his head like a miser, and said, "Don't, I'm a bitch, I'm not used to the life of the rich, and I have nowhere to shop if you want me."

Su Wanling was discouraged, and muttered: "I really don't know what you are playing the game for. The things in the game will depreciate sooner or later. If you don't sell them now, the price will fall to see how you cry."

Lin Jichen didn't answer, just smiled calmly, after a few years, you won't think so.

The two of them stepped into this super mansion, immediately bursting with the smell of vegetables, Lin Jichen sniffed it, and his stomach growled in disbelief.

"Where is your president?" Lin Jichen looked around.

Su Wanling pointed to the oversized kitchen and said, "I'm cooking in it."

"What? Your president can still cook?" Lin Jichen looked shocked.

The daughter of such a rich family can cook?It's unbelievable.

Don't rich people hire a bunch of world famous chefs at home?

The daughter of the richest man in the world still needs to cook with her own hands, and no one will believe her.

"Why don't you say that you are lucky, our president can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, there is no more perfect girl than her in the world, if I were a man, I would have stalked my president long ago, just you Guy, if you don’t know how to cherish, you deserve to be alone.”

Su Wanling spoke with a bit of jealousy, Jiang Luoyu usually didn't cook.

Lin Jichen was coming today, but he immediately cooked for himself.

As her personal assistant, she has been a good friend with Jiang Luoyu for so many years, and she hasn't eaten a few times.

This stinky man can enjoy this kind of treatment as soon as he comes, and she is so mad at her!

Lin Jichen smiled awkwardly, wondering what to say.

Several beautiful maids came out of the kitchen carrying dishes.

Then Jiang Luoyu took off her apron, walked out of the kitchen, and saw Lin Jichen smiling.

"Boss Lin is here? He's on time. It's just the right time. Let's sit in the restaurant."

Lin Jichen was stunned.

This was the first time he had seen Jiang Luoyu in real life. He had to say that Jiang Luoyu was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in real life.

Although Gu Qiuxue and Ren Lan were not bad, Jiang Luoyu was impeccable from the perspective of appearance, her face was like the morning glow, her eyes were like autumn water, her skin was like creamy fat, and her smile was like a flower.

It's too perfect!

Blessed by nature, loved by God.

Lin Jichen couldn't help asking: Which window did God close for her?Isn't it said that no one is perfect?

"Have you seen enough?" Su Wanling laughed from the side.

Lin Jichen woke up from his daze, feeling ashamed, and hurried to the restaurant.

There are six or seven maids standing in the dining room, and exquisite delicacies are placed on the table.

Lin Jichen sat in his seat, looking at the maid beside him, feeling very awkward.

It was the first time he had a meal and needed a maid to accompany him.

Jiang Luoyu saw that Lin Jichen was not used to it, so she waved her hand and let the maids go out.

There were only three of them left in the restaurant.

Lin Jichen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Drinking?" Jiang Luoyu asked.

"I won't drink that one, I have to drive later." Lin Jichen found a lame reason, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to go back when he was drunk...

Su Wanling asked amusedly, "Where did you get the car? Shared bicycles?"

Lin Jichen was embarrassed again, so he could only bite the bullet and nod: "Yeah, it's not good to drive an electric car after drinking too much. I'm a good citizen, and I'm the most law-abiding."


Jiang Luoyu couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: "If you don't drink it, don't drink it. I was going to give you a taste of the top-quality red wine from my winery, but it would cost millions of bottles. If you don't drink it..."

"Drink! I haven't drunk it yet!" Lin Jichen changed his words instantly.

Damn, he has never heard of millions of red wines, he must try them if he has this chance.

Don't worry, he promises not to drink too much, just taste a little.

Jiang Luoyu called the maid and asked her to get the wine.

Lin Jichen was so enticed by the aroma of the dishes on the table that he just wanted to use his chopsticks.

I heard noises coming from outside.

A maid immediately came in and reported: "Miss, there are two sneaky people outside trying to sneak in, but they were caught by the bodyguards, what should we do?"

"Eldest sister, you have a lot of skills. What kind of kung fu did you learn? Why are you so good? Let go of me, and I will compete with you again."

A girl's voice came from outside.

As soon as Lin Jichen heard the sound, he knew who it was. He quickly put down his chopsticks and ran out of the room.

Outside the door, several female bodyguards surrounded the two girls. One of the girls was too much trouble, and was directly trapped by a female bodyguard, preventing her from moving.

Lin Jichen was shocked when he saw these two people.

"Crazy lady, Miss Xiaowei, why are you here?"

Isn't this just Ren Lan and Qin Xiaowei?

Qin Xiaowei blushed, not knowing what to explain, Ren Lan also smiled embarrassedly.

"Let go of them, they are my guests."

Jiang Luoyu who came out ordered the bodyguards.

Ren Lan was able to get away, she waved her hands, glanced at the female bodyguards, and muttered, "How do these guys practice, they are so good, can't they all be female soldier kings?"

Jiang Luoyu smiled and said, "That's right, you just let me do it?"

"It's me, you are..." Ren Lan looked at Jiang Luoyu, her eyes froze, and she said to herself, what a pretty girl!

"You are Jiang Luoyu?" Ren Lan couldn't believe it. She had seen Jiang Luoyu's game image before, and thought that the other party just had a better-looking game image.

But looking at her in reality now, she is not much different from the game. Although her costumes have changed, what remains unchanged is her beautiful facial features.

"It's me." Jiang Luoyu nodded with a smile.

A feeling of frustration suddenly surged in Ren Lan's heart, this guy is so beautiful, it's over, Xiao Linzi will definitely fall.

He couldn't even resist Guo Jie's charm, so what could he use to resist Jiang Luoyu?

Let alone Xiao Linzi, if she were a man, she would fall too.

Jiang Luoyu didn't know what was going on in her heart, so she kindly invited, "You are a guest, let's come in and have dinner together."

Ren Lan shook her head and said, "No need, we're just checking to see if Xiao Linzi is in danger, as long as he's fine, we're going back."

Qin Xiao blushed slightly and bowed: "I'm very sorry for disturbing you."

After finishing speaking, Qin Xiaowei hurriedly pulled Ren Lan to leave.

"Wait a minute." Ren Lan stopped in her tracks, turned her head and said to Jiang Luoyu: "We have been to your house before, and we know where you live. If something happens to Xiao Linzi at night, we will be witnesses, so don't try to mess with him kidney!"

Jiang Luoyu: "Huh???"


One more~

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