Full-time sword repair

Chapter 429: Immortal Ascension Conference Begins!

ten o'clock in the morning.

With the official opening of the Immortal Ascension Conference!

All players who choose to participate are teleported to countless secret realm spaces at the same time.

The first round is the play-in round.

Each player will be randomly matched with three opponents, and as long as they win two games, they will be able to advance.

[The random match is successful, and after 1 minute, the game will start! 】

Lin Jichen also received the news immediately, and the opponent's information was also announced in front of him.

[Player: Zhou Bawang]

[Boundary: Golden Core Middle Stage]

[Occupation: Sword Repair]

【Location: Huafeng Prefecture】

[Zongmen: Wanjianzong]

【Win: 0】

[Loss: 0]


This is the other party's information, and nothing else can be seen.

Lin Jichen lost interest after a casual glance, and quietly waited for the start of the competition. He was just a little worried about whether Qin Xiaowei and the others could advance.

On the other side, the sword repair player named Zhou Bawang was also confidently opening the opponent's message.

[Player: Lin Jichen]

[Boundary: Golden Core Middle Stage]

[Occupation: Sword Repair]

【Location: Muxian Prefecture】

[Zongmen: Tianyan Sword Sect]

【Win: 0】

[Loss: 0]

When he saw this name, Zhou Bawang's brain short-circuited.

&nbs!Playing around?send! "

This Zhou Bawang faced Lin Jichen in the first match, and he almost cried.

Zhou Bawang also posted his opponent's information on the Internet, which immediately aroused the sympathy of a large number of players, and everyone ridiculed: What are you playing after you voted.

1 minutes passed quickly.

As soon as the screen changed, Lin Jichen and a strange player were teleported to a ring.

The arena is big enough for players to flex their fists.

Lin Jichen looked at his opponent who looked like a concubine, smiled slightly, and said, "Brother, let's start."

Zhou Bawang said with a bitter face: "It's really you, God Lin, can you give me a hand?"

Lin Jichen quickly replied: "No."

Zhou Bawang also gritted his teeth, and said ruthlessly: "If you don't let me, I will fight for it myself! I don't believe it, they are all players, who is afraid of whom!"

"Very good, ambitious." Lin Jichen praised.

Zhou Bawang didn't hesitate any longer, he took out the flying sword in his hand, and slashed at Lin Jichen!


I saw a blank white sword energy piercing through Zhou Bawang's sword, cutting towards Lin Jichen head-on.

Lin Jichen's footsteps were preposterous, and his body skills were useless, so he easily avoided the sword.

There was surprise in Zhou Bawang's eyes, but in the next second, he saw that Lin Jichen hadn't approached or shot yet.

Unbelievable, he flashed into the air again, his sword was like a dragon, and in an instant, dozens of real sword qi strangled Lin Jichen!

"Flying dragon attack and kill!"

"I don't believe you don't need body skills!" Zhou Bawang thought proudly.

But what made him tongue-tied was that Lin Jichen really didn't use body skills, but once again relied on incredible positioning to dodge all the sword energy skillfully!

"Fuck! I don't believe it!"

After Zhou Bawang finished speaking, he still wanted to do something, but Lin Jichen appeared in front of him at some point, with a green flying sword piercing through his chest!

"Knowing blow! -17588!"

"Fuck!" Zhou Bawang was frightened by the injury and nearly lost his soul.

Outrageous!It's outrageous!

What the hell does this hurt?

With only more than 4 health bars, he lost half of his life in an instant...

The other party didn't do anything, and didn't release their skills, just... used a flat A...

Zhou Bawang let go of his body in seconds, and fled quickly, he still wanted to make a detour.

Just as he was about to release his skills and turn around to fight back, he found that Lin Jichen had already followed behind him.

With two simple sword strikes by Lin Jichen, Bawang Zhou became gg Smecta.

Lin Jichen easily won a victory, and the number of wins became 1.

Immediately after the battle, Lin Jichen was teleported away again, waiting for the second match.

The second game also started soon.

The opponent is still the same level and profession, and she is still a girl sword repairer.

[Player: Li Xiaohua]

[Boundary: Golden Core Middle Stage]

[Occupation: Sword Repair]

[Location: Yuehua State]

[Zongmen: Sifang Jianzong]

【Win: 0】

[Loss: 1]

This girl Jianxiu just lost one match, and then met Lin Jichen in the second match, she almost wanted to cry.

Losing two games is equivalent to failure to advance.

"Hey, little brother, can you let me win, please, you are so good, you will definitely win the third round anyway, if you let me, I will..."

Before the girl could finish speaking, Lin Jichen's sword had already slashed off her head!

Because the defense was too low, Lin Jichen directly gave him a sword...

"Sorry, you spoke too slowly, please speak faster next time."

The girl broke the defense on the spot: "Lin Jichen, I fuck you, even kill female players, I don't feel sorry for you at all, I'm really not a man!"

Lin Jichen shrugged, expressing his innocence.

Feelings are a cyber princess, disturbed.

The one who shouldn't have killed her just now should have tortured her before killing her.

Winning both matches, Lin Jichen was promoted without any suspense, and was teleported out of the secret space.

Not long after, Ren Lan also finished the play-in round.

"How is it?" Lin Jichen asked her.

Ren Lan smiled arrogantly, and said, "Then there's no need to ask, of course it's successful, and all the matches I got were rookies, so they didn't make any sense at all."

Soon, Gu Qiuxue and Niu Naitang also finished their trip to the finalists.

Both made it through.

In the end, Qin Xiaowei was the last one to come out. She struggled a bit, but she was not in danger. She won both games and won the victory.

All members were promoted, everyone was very happy, and decided to have a rubbing meal together at noon.

The first day of today's play-in competition ended so easily, and there will be a group match in the afternoon.

The group stage is much more difficult than the play-in stage. The group stage needs to face five enemies, three out of five rounds, and the randomly matched opponents will be of the same profession but of different realms.

In other words, you may be matched with someone with a lower level of cultivation than you, or you may be matched with someone with a higher level than you, depending on your luck.

Lin Jichen saw that Jiang Luoyu was also online, so he sent her a message: "Did you get promoted, rich woman Jiang."

Jiang Luoyu replied in seconds: "Of course, I won't ask Boss Lin, it's not necessary."

Lin Jichen laughed, and said again: "By the way, did my 'girlfriend' Su Wanling advance?"

Jiang Luoyu rolled her eyes and said, "Your 'girlfriend', why don't you ask yourself?"

"I'm afraid she will scold me angrily for failing in the promotion." Lin Jichen said with a smile.

"Excuse me, I just told her that she wanted to tear your mouth apart." Jiang Luoyu replied with a smile.

Lin Jichen didn't mind, and said, "Okay, it's fine for you all to advance, then I'll go offline for dinner first."

"Wait a minute." Jiang Luoyu suddenly stopped him.

"Is something wrong?"

"You haven't forgotten our agreement, have you?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten..." Lin Jichen said guiltily.

Jiang Luoyu on the other end smiled and said, "I'll be returning to Kyoto the day after tomorrow."

"Huh? So fast."

"Well, the headquarters has a lot to deal with, so we have to go."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, knowing that what should come is still coming, so he simply took the initiative.


Two more~

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Sake rejected all poker and ball games, just to give you an update!

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