Full-time sword repair

Chapter 424 1 against 3!

The broken ground flew sand and stones, and countless flowstones splashed out.

Lin Jichen avoided the heavy blow of the broadsword and used his body skills.

"Sword of wind and thunder!"

The whole figure rushed away, such a short distance, and arrived in an instant.

Before the third master could react in the future, his chest was already pierced by the sword!


Blood gushed out from his chest, and the third master endured the severe pain, and finally used his birth method to dodge.

"Looking for death!" Seeing that his brother was injured, the head of the family left an afterimage on the spot.

In the next second, he had appeared behind Lin Jichen!

The head of the family is full of power and power, and a short dagger in his hand is like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole, as fast as thunder!

"Phantom Assassination!"

Lin Jichen knew that there was a sneak attack, but he didn't panic at all, instead he smiled contemptuously.

Just try the skill effect of Soul Sky Cloak.

"The golden cicada escapes!"

Lin Jichen instantly left a fake body on the spot.

This avatar is different from the previous nightmare cloak, there is no need to wait, it is completely released in seconds.

The master who didn't know why didn't realize that Lin Jichen had changed.


The dagger pierced the back of Lin Jichen's heart, and the master showed a triumphant smile.

However, he found that Lin Jichen who was stabbed was indifferent, and not a drop of blood flowed from the wound.

Just when he was in a daze, a voice sounded from beside his ear: "Are you trying to assassinate me?"

Realizing that he had been duped, the big boss reacted quickly. He immediately slapped Lin Jichen next to him, and retreated immediately.

How could Lin Jichen let him go so easily, as the Qing Ming sword shook in his hand, countless cold lights bloomed on the edge of the sword in an instant.

"Frost Moon Slash!"

Even though the big master dodged in time, his arm was still hit by the sword energy.

"-3544! Trigger deceleration!"

Although the freezing effect was not triggered, Lin Jichen's goal had been achieved.

The master's speed suddenly slowed down, and at the same time Lin Jichen was able to find time to check his attribute panel.

【Bandit: Savage Gold】

[Level: boss level]

[Strength: Late stage of the spirit]

[Health Volume: 106456/110000]

【Strength: 990】

【Defense: 850】

【Speed: 930】

【Knowledge: 240】

【Heart protection: 100】

[Dodge: 25%]

【Toughness: 15%】

[Skills: Phantom Assassination, Death-Racing Strike, Poisonous Throat Sealing, Thousand-Ren Gust, Absolute Mist Killing Technique]

This master is not too strong, even worse than Ti Wushen.

But at this moment, the second master and the third master have come to double-team. Compared with Fengxue Prison, Jiang Luoyu, Ren Lan and the others share the pressure, so that Lin Jichen doesn't have to be distracted from the 1v1.

It was different now, Lin Jichen had to face the combined attack of the three alone, the difficulty can be imagined.

Facing the encirclement situation, Lin Jichen temporarily avoided the edge, and retreated, not giving the three of them a chance to join forces.

Lin Jichen simply jumped up and stood in the air.

Erdangjia let out a cold snort, and at the same time shot up into the sky, making a palm print in the air.

Lin Jichen's sword energy soared into the sky, and he quickly slashed through the air. The sword energy and the palm print collided in the air.

Boom!The air then exploded.

The big master and the third master also rushed towards Lin Jichen again.

The three fought in mid-air, Lin Jichen's sword energy was like a rainbow, and he used the Guiyuan sword art to fight two against one without losing the wind.

The second leader stayed on the ground quietly, looking for the most suitable opportunity.

Just when Lin Jichen was restrained by the two of them, the second leader realized that the opportunity had come.

Taking advantage of Lin Jichen's lack of time to attend to him, he temporarily played the role of an assassin and launched a sudden attack!

When he got closer, the mana in the palm of the second master surged, and he took a photo with his back!

"Soul-fixing palm!"

Seeing this, the eldest master and the third master both showed smug smiles.

If they got hit by the second master's soul-fixing palm, they would fall into a coma for a long time, and they were already waiting for how to chop Lin Jichen up next.

"Brother Lin! Be careful!"

Yang Yirou, who had been staring at the battlefield, shouted hastily.

Lin Jichen had already sensed the crisis behind him, and turned around, his sword burst into flames!

"Heart of Sword Control!"

A emptiness sword aura ejected from the Qing Ming sword, and the palm print touched the sword aura, and it seemed to be swallowed directly.

Moreover, after swallowing the palm of Dinghun, the sword energy of nothingness continued to move forward at an extremely fast speed, and instantly hit the second master with a smug face.

In the next moment, Er Dangjia fainted directly.

"-10588! Trigger deceleration and stun effects!"

"Slowdown: 40% slowdown for 30 seconds!"

"Dizzy: Dazed for 3 seconds."

This new skill Sword Controlling Heart, I didn't expect it to be so easy to use.

Lin Jichen seized this rare opportunity and activated Qing Mingjian's [Heart Eater] skill.

Heart Eater: Mind damage x300%, lasts for 1 minute, cools down for 10 minutes.

The sword body of Qing Ming Sword was red, as if wrapped in flames. Under Lin Jichen's cast, a sword fell mercilessly on the second leader.

"Knowing blow! -12455!"

"Knowing blow! -11884!"

"Knowing blow! -12233!"


With each sword strike, the second master felt severe pain from his body, but he just couldn't control his body and could only let others slaughter him.

Seeing this, the smiles of the first and third masters gradually disappeared, and they immediately flew over to help.

But this time Lin Jichen seemed determined to kill the second master, but he was indifferent to their attack, and still attacked the second master with all his strength.

Just when the offensive of the top master and the third master landed on Lin Jichen, the soul sky battle robe on his body lit up with golden light!

"Desperately resist!"

After Lin Jichen turned on the defensive skills of the shirt, he continued to output crazily at the second leader.

Desperate Resistance: Summon the soul of the battle robe to protect Allah. Within 10 seconds, the defense power is doubled, and the spell damage is -50%, and the cooldown is 1 day.

When the attacks of the top master and the third master landed on Lin Jichen, they did nothing but fixed skill damage.



This damage can only be a piece of cake for Lin Jichen with 10+ HP.

Lin Jichen didn't care, and continued to strike at the second master!

The big master and the third master became anxious, and began to attack even more frantically.

In less than three seconds, nearly [-] blood bars of the second leader disappeared.

On the other hand, Lin Jichen only lost less than [-] blood points.

The second leader, who was relieved from the dizziness, saw that his blood volume was less than [-]%, his face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly escaped with his birth method.

Lin Jichen didn't chase him, the second leader was a self-cultivator, and his defense was the highest among the three.

Even if you activate Heart Eater, you still have to play knowing damage.

Just now, the Second Master was in a stunned state, so if he allowed him to output, he could easily hit high critical strikes.

But now as long as the second master defends with all his strength and protects his weaknesses, it will be very difficult to hit a critical strike casually.

He has less than [-] blood left, and it may take a lot of effort to wear it off.

Lin Jichen decisively gave up the pursuit and turned to deal with the other two.

Although he didn't kill the second leader, there is no need to worry about this guy daring to do anything in a short time.

Lin Jichen can concentrate on dealing with the first and third masters.

Compared with the second master with amazing defense, the third master, as a tool repair, has the lowest realm and the lowest defense.

Lin Jichen locked his target on him.

Seeing the look in Lin Jichen's eyes, the third master suddenly felt the chrysanthemum tighten...


One more~

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