Full-time sword repair

Chapter 409 It Feels Like My Kidneys Are Hollowed Out

Lin Jichen never thought that he would kiss a female ghost in the game.

But that's all he can do right now.

Otherwise, his own ghost servant will be sacrificed just like that.

Ghost servants are different from pets, they cannot be revived normally.

If Xiao Wan died, Ke would disappear completely.

In desperation, Lin Jichen had no choice but to give up his energy.

When the two lips were pressed together, Lin Jichen only felt the coldness around his mouth, and it felt invincible to the touch, like a popsicle sticking to his mouth in hot summer, a strange feeling crawled all over his body.

Lin Jichen swallowed involuntarily, wondering why Ning Caichen was so obsessed with Xiaoqian's pomegranate skirt, it turns out that the x ghost is so energetic...

However, this kind of thinking was quickly stopped by Lin Jichen. Even if he, Lin, died alone and was a bachelor all his life, he would not fall in love with a ghost!

Xiaowan, who was kissed by Lin Jichen, let out a groan, blood color quickly appeared on her face, and a wisp of energy floated out of Lin Jichen's mouth, and she started to suck without a teacher.

And he became addicted quickly, wrapped his arms around Lin Jichen's neck, and sucked greedily with his eyes closed.

1 minutes passed.

5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.


Lin Jichen's face began to turn pale visibly, and his already weak calf began to tremble...

He wanted to push Xiaowan away, but he found that the little ghost seemed to be completely addicted, and hugged his neck desperately.

The whole body was also entwined, a pair of slender legs wrapped around Lin Jichen's waist, like a koala, hanging on Lin Jichen's body.

Maybe it was the first time to inhale the essence, this little girl was like a child who just came into contact with the glory of the king, she couldn't stop at once.

Her condition is getting better and better, but Lin Jichen is miserable.

Lin Jichen thought sadly, wouldn't this ghost servant want to suck him dry all at once?To die at the hands of one's own ghost servant is really a joke in the world.

Fortunately, just as Lin Jichen felt more and more exhausted, Xiaowan recovered from his obsession and let go of his hand quickly.

Lin Jichen was able to break free, and sat down on the ground, his hands and feet were limp, and there was no hard part on his body...

It feels like the kidneys have been hollowed out, which is even more outrageous than being Ren Lan's sandbag.

"Master, are you alright?" Xiao Wan asked with concern.

Lin Jichen said weakly: "Your master is about to be sucked to death by you..."

Xiao Wan blushed and apologized endlessly: "I'm sorry master, this is Xiao Wan's first... no... no experience, I promise I won't do it next time..."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, and next time?I believe you ghost!

"Okay, how do you feel now?" Lin Jichen asked, too lazy to care about these things.

Xiaowan smiled happily, and said: "Xiaowan is fine now, and now I feel that my body is full of strength, and I can absorb spiritual energy to heal myself."

Lin Jichen slandered: These powers are all mine!mine!

"Okay, since it's all right, go back and recuperate quickly, so as not to disturb the monsters here."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he took Xiao Wan back.

Before being taken back by Lin Jichen, Xiao Wan gave him an affectionate look, as if she regarded him as a very important person in her heart.

It doesn't even feel like I'm looking at the eyes of the 'master', but rather like looking at...

After taking Xiaowan back, Lin Jichen quickly took out a lot of medicine and stuffed it into his mouth, and also began to heal his wounds.

In addition to the elixir for returning blood and blue, Lin Jichen also took out a bunch of treasures from his Kidney Treasure Pharmacy.

After hesitating for a moment, he stuffed it into his mouth.

Alas, I started to invigorate the kidney at a young age, how can I rectify it from now on...

Just like that, Lin Jichen hid in the tree hole for three days.

For three days, Lin Jichen didn't dare to move, didn't dare to sleep, and didn't even dare to log off.

He has been hiding in the tree hole for fear of being discovered.

Fortunately, there was no danger, and the three long days were spent.

The time of weakness was finally over, Lin Jichen felt that he couldn't go on like this anymore, when would it be the end to wait like this.

He had to go, even if he was discovered, there was no other way. Who told him that the teleportation talisman was now restricted, otherwise he would have run away long ago.

Lin Jichen came out of the tree hole on tiptoe, secretly sacrificed the Qingming sword, and Yujian flew into the air, wanting to escape.

However, the second he had just used his mana, a white bird flew out from a distant valley, and rushed towards Lin Jichen at an incredible speed.

The speed of this bird is more than ten times faster than that of Ziyan Longshi!

Before Lin Jichen had time to see the bird clearly, he was grabbed by the opponent's claws, and then twisted up into the sky like a chicken.

Lin Jichen wanted to cry but had no tears, why is he so unlucky these few days.

Ever since he took the Juntian Treasure House, he has been in trouble.

Either being chased and killed by Ziyan dragon and lion, or being sucked dry by his own ghost servant, now he finally endured hunger and starvation for three days, trying to escape.

However, he was still targeted by another monster.

Lin Jichen could see the aura of this flying bird at once, the realm of enlightenment, damn it!

Lin Jichen's heart was ashamed, he didn't plan to live, he just lay down and died.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that there would be monsters at the Dao Realm haunting this wretched place like the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Strange, he remembered that Shiwan Dashan was just a leveling point for the highest Nascent Soul Realm.

Why do monsters at the Dao Enlightenment Realm appear?

Damn, if he knew, he wouldn't be able to come even if there were ten Great Heaven Treasure Houses.

Destroy it, hurry up.

However, in the next second, the bird suddenly let out a whine, and instantly let go of Lin Jichen's claws.

Lin Jichen fell from a high altitude for a certain distance before reacting. He hurriedly controlled the air to stabilize his figure. When he looked up, he saw that the white flying bird just now had a terrible wound on its body.

A demonic beast in the Dao Realm was seriously injured by one blow!Who made the move?

Just as Lin Jichen looked left and right to find the person who killed him, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Teacher, what are you looking for?"

Lin Jichen looked back, who else was it but Leng Feiyan!

Seeing Leng Feiyan standing in front of him, Lin Jichen suddenly felt that the world brightened up.

An inexplicable feeling welled up in his heart, tears filled Lin Jichen's eyes, and he couldn't help rushing over to hug him.

"Master, you've come. If you don't come, the apprentice will be separated from the master, woo woo woo."

Lin Jichen flung himself into Leng Feiyan's arms, weeping bitterly, because he was emotionally excited, not trying to take advantage of Master.

Leng Feiyan was caught off guard, Yurong blushed instantly, and quickly pushed Lin Jichen away, shyly saying: "You traitor, what are you doing? There are no rules."

Lin Jichen restrained himself a little, pulled out his smiling face for the first time in the past few days, and said, "Master, you don't know how I got here these few days."

Leng Feiyan said with a smile: "How do you know if you are a teacher?"

"Ah? Master, you have come already?"

"Of course, I knew about it the first day you hid in the tree hole."

"Then...why didn't you come out earlier?" Lin Jichen complained.

Leng Feiyan said with a half-smile: "I'll come out earlier, can you still kiss me and me with the female ghost?"

Lin Jichen: Death!


Two more~

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