Full-time sword repair

Chapter 406 Fixing the bear's appearance!

The ghost clan does live by sucking aura and essence.

But Lin Jichen didn't expect that his ghost servant Xiaowan would want to suck his energy?

Ah hello, did you make a mistake, I am your master, did you kill me with all your might?

"Nonsense, how can you suck my energy? Can't you change someone else?" Lin Jichen blamed.

Xiaowan shook her head aggrievedly, and said, "No, Xiaowan only wants to absorb the master's energy, not other people's Xiaowan."

"Pull it down, you'd better inhale spiritual energy, this is for you, enough for you to inhale for a long time."

Lin Jichen quickly took out a mid-grade spirit stone and gave it to her as food.

Just kidding, let her suck his energy, then he really becomes Ning Caichen?

Although it’s no big deal to get sucked a few times, but you can’t open the mouth, what if you become addicted to it.

"Okay~" Although Xiaowan was a little disappointed, she obediently took the Lingshi, but she would not give up on this wish!

The owner looks so good-looking, the spirit must be the most delicious~

One day she will absorb the spirit of her master! fighting!

Lin Jichen still didn't know that she was so stubborn, so he took a short rest, took two pets and a ghost servant, and began to search for the treasure house of Great Heaven in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Lin Jichen didn't know the location of the Great Heaven Treasure House either, but he only remembered that it was somewhere west of the depths of Shiwan Dashan.

Lin Jichen didn't expect to be able to find it all at once, his first task was to attack the mid-stage Golden Core, as for whether he could find the Great Heaven Treasure House, it depended on his character.

Although he is already in the Golden Core Realm, Lin Jichen, who has already stepped into the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, still needs to be careful, unlike fighting on the periphery before.

The power of monsters or evil spirits here cannot be underestimated, and if you are not careful, you may suffer a big loss.

Unlike monsters that can be encountered everywhere on the periphery, the monsters in the depths all have their own territories. Lin Jichen walked for a long time without encountering a single one.

Xiong Zang gradually let go of his vigilance and began to relax. Attracted by a butterfly, it gradually left Lin Jichen's sight and ran away without a trace.

Lin Jichen didn't call it, and let it go, anyway, it was itself the unlucky one.

Sure enough, not long after, a roar was heard from the jungle.

Then, the bear ran out in a panic, with a disheveled face and a paw print on his body.

The panicked bear ran out miserably, and came to Lin Jichen's feet. The bear's claws grabbed his trouser legs, raised its clumsy head, and babbled.

With grievance and anger in his eyes, Xiong pointed at himself with one hand, and pointed at the direction of the jungle with the other.

It seems to be asking Lin Jichen to avenge it.

Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this. This guy looked like a bullied elementary school student who came back to complain to his parents.

"I told you to run around, you deserve it." Lin Jichen cursed with a smile, then looked towards the jungle.

A huge black shadow emerged from it, and Lin Jichen took a closer look. It was a black bear, to be more precise, it was an eight-silver ground bear.

The eight-silver ground bear belongs to the spirit realm monster, and this eight-silver ground bear is an adult, with a huge body, several times the size of a bear.

The strength is also in the middle stage of Gu Ling, no wonder Xiong Zang ran back for help after being flattened by someone.

It seems that the territory around here belongs to it.

Seeing that the eight-silver bear dared to chase after it, Xiong Zang immediately became unafraid, turned his head, raised his chest, and yelled provocatively at the other party.

It was cowardly just now, but now it is no longer cowardly, and there is a big brother standing behind it!

If it is accompanied by barking, it is a proper act of grooming.

Lin Jichen was very disdainful of it's tricks, but after thinking about it... every time he is next to Leng Feiyan, isn't he doing the same thing...

"Master, Leng Feiyan!"

"Master, they bullied the apprentice, saying that they will kill the apprentice so that you will have no apprentice!"


Lin Jichen felt embarrassed when he thought of Lin Zhan's coldness when he was beside Leng Feiyan.

Bear looks like he will not inherit his 'excellent tradition'?No, it must have brought him down, he is the victim!

Seeing that the bear dared to provoke him, Bayin Dixiong roared angrily, and then rushed towards them like a hill!

"Come on, you're a bear too, so you're afraid." Lin Jichen kicked its big butt.

The bear looks like it's not doing nothing, with Lin Jichen behind it, it is also full of confidence, immediately roars, activates absolute defense, and collides with it!


The two bear monsters collided with each other and fought immediately.

Although the bear's state is much lower, it is the blood of the iron-eating beast after all, and it eats hot and spicy food with Lin Jichen, and often eats top-grade demon pills and exotic beast meat. People can be enemies.

Although it is still a bit difficult to fight against the eight-silver ground bear in the middle stage of Gu Ling, in a short period of time, it can still fight back and forth with the opponent without losing.

Lin Jichen didn't want to make a move, so he asked Big Fly and Little Wan to help, to train their fighting ability and experience.

Three golden core pets, fighting against one spiritual realm pet.

This was a crushing victory in the spirit realm, but here, it didn't work.

Lin Jichen's three pets are not ordinary, they are all elites.

On the contrary, the eight-silver ground bear was beaten and retreated steadily.

The bear looks like a meat shield, the big fly releases poisonous needles, and the little Wan plays control.

The two beasts and one ghost cooperated very tacitly, each performing its duties.

With the cooperation of the three of them, the eight silver ground bear was almost powerless to fight back.

Seeing that the opponent won't win with more fights than fights, Bayin Dixiong didn't want to fight anymore, and turned around and ran away.

However, there is Lin Jichen to finish it off.

This brother Xiong, who had been running around in this area for many years, was easily killed by Lin Jichen and his pets.

Leave a soul grave, nothing good.

After the death of the eight silver ground bear, the bear looked proud and came to its corpse, feasting on its flesh.

The poisonous bees also shared this rare spiritual food.

It didn't take long for the giant bear to become a pile of bones.

Lin Jichen directly said that he should come to this kind of leveling point more often, otherwise, according to the appetite of the bear and the poisonous bee, he would have to sit and eat.

After they were full, Lin Jichen took them on their way.

Along the way, for a whole day, Lin Jichen stayed in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, searching for the treasure house and leveling up monsters.

Because the depths are basically golden cores and monsters with spiritual realms, Lin Jichen's experience has also increased rapidly.

It's a pity that the treasure house was not found.

Going further in, you will reach the core area of ​​Shiwan Dashan.

Lin Jichen didn't dare to leave, the monsters in the core area were stronger, and if he encountered someone in the Nascent Soul Realm, his life would be in jeopardy.

"Forget it, if you can't find it, come back next time. Let's find a few more spiritual monsters to advance to the middle stage of Jindan."

Lin Jichen made up his mind, but at this moment, the big fly that flew out to search for information flew back with his younger brothers, circling around Lin Jichen non-stop.


Two more~

Recommend a friend's new book "I Crawled Out of the Grave". It is a supernatural new work with wonderful writing and exciting plot. You can go and read it!

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