Full-time sword repair

Chapter 1028: The 9 Houses of Suits Are Complete!

Shoubao these days, Lin Jichen has not been idle, but according to the map, looking for the location of the Nine Palaces Sealing Soul Belt.

Nine Palaces Sealing Soul has a series of tasks, from simple to difficult, the previous tasks are mostly collecting, exploring, killing some mobs and so on.

For Lin Jichen, it was very simple, but it took a lot of time.

But for the last suit, Lin Jichen had to follow suit.

The difficulty of the subsequent missions also began to increase. Either he was required to kill the boss, or he was required to find rare materials, and he was even required to send letters to people thousands of miles away.

Tianpin equipment is not so good, if you don't toss the dead, you won't give up.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen has long been used to torture. In his previous life, he could waste half a year for a piece of material, so how could he care about those few days in the game.

Fortunately, with a spiritual-level Tianpin, no matter how difficult the task is, Lin Jichen can't stop him.

The last task was to clear a cave full of Nascent Soul Realm monsters, and Lin Jichen did it without much effort.

Finally, after nearly half a month of tossing, Lin Jichen finally got the last piece of the Jiugong suit!

[Tianpin Gold Equipment Nine Palaces Sealing Soul Belt]: Qi and blood +25000, defense +300 points, heart protection +200, blood recovery speed +30%, tenacity +11%, every time you receive damage from a normal attack, defense +5 , up to 40 stacks.

[Nine Palaces Sealing the Soul]: After killing an enemy, you can seal its soul for 49 hours and gain its loyalty. It will disappear completely after 24 hours of effectiveness, and it will cool down for 7 days.

[Nine palaces against enemies]: Summon a shield that can resist 20000 points of damage, cool down for 12 hours.

[Nine Palaces Protecting the Heart]: Within 10 minutes after opening, the heart protection point will be fully charged instantly, and will not be hurt by knowing the heart again, and the cooldown is 6 hours.

Requirements: It can only be used with a sword master above the spiritual realm.


The last Jiugong suit, let's work together!

It's a pity that Shoubao's wit was triggered again, so Lin Jichen couldn't put it on for the time being.

He really wanted to see what effect it would have if all the Jiugong sets were assembled.

But even if you want to see it again, you have to wait another seven days.

Lin Jichen was used to it, and was about to continue running around, only to remember that today seemed to be the time to hand over the goods to Zuo You.

He had no choice but to change his outfit again, put on a familiar mask, and rush to the appointment.

At the foot of the Luoxia Mountain that is still familiar, Zuoyou was still waiting there early.

After working with Lin Jichen for half a month, Zuoyou's equipment has changed, and he has changed to decent knife repair equipment.

He was also holding a black-grade long knife in his hand, the blade was shining coldly, obviously it was a good knife.

She was completely different from when she was in Guiling.

Seeing Lin Jichen appearing, Zuoyou smiled happily, revealing a row of big white teeth, a little cute.

"Boss, you are late."

Lin Jichen said with a sneer, "I'm sorry for the delay."

"It's okay, I just arrived too."

After Zuoyou finished speaking, he took out the things he bought for running errands this time, and there were a lot of them.

"This is the material you want me to buy in Yuehua State this time, and there are quite a few of them. Boss, please order some."

Lin Jichen didn't bother to count, so he accepted it casually and handed her a bag of spirit stones.

Zuoyou happily accepted it without ordering it.

The two have cooperated many times in the past half month, and it seems that they have formed a tacit understanding and trust.

"Thank you boss, is there any other tasks?"


Lin Jichen handed over another order of running errands to Zuo You.

After Zuoyou recorded it carefully, he accepted the purchase fee and promised to complete the task.

Lin Jichen hesitated for a moment, and said, "Next month, I plan to open a store in the main city of Yuehua State. How about you being the store manager for me?"

"Huh? Be a store manager? I'm afraid I can't do it...I've never been a..." Zuo You was surprised, and then quickly declined.

But Lin Jichen insisted: "Whoever is born is the store manager, they all learn from scratch. I believe you can do it, so let's make it so."

"This..." Zuo You was a little dizzy, and was really caught off guard.

Seeing that she was still undecided, Lin Jichen had no choice but to persuade her patiently.

"You can make a little money by running errands for me, but it's not a long-term solution. Besides, I don't have errands every time. You have to learn to look forward and take a long-term view."

"Besides our cooperation these days, it can be seen that you are very serious in your work and have a sense of responsibility. You don't need any special skills to be a store manager. Your attitude and seriousness are enough."

Lin Jichen's words really had an effect, Zuoyou was a little moved.

Lin Jichen once again offered her an offer she couldn't refuse: "As a store manager in my place, the treatment is very good. The monthly salary is 5 in cash, including five insurances and one housing fund, and can share 1% of the store's profits."

Zuoyou opened her small mouth in shock, looking dumbfounded, as if she had been tapped.

A monthly salary of 1... including five insurances and one housing fund... [-]% of the store's profit...

Is there such a good thing in the world?

"Boss, are you kidding me?"

Lin Jichen laughed and said: "Do you think I have ever joked with you? Just say that this condition is okay?"

"Yeah! That's great! I never would have dreamed of a job like this."

"Then it's settled. I'll go to Yuehua Prefecture with me next month. You can finish the errands for the time being. I'll pick up the goods in a few days. If I'm too busy, I'll arrange for someone else to come."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

But Zuoyou stopped him and said, "Boss, why don't you add a friend? Last time you said you only cooperated once or twice, and now we have cooperated so many times, should we add? I still call you I don't know anything."

Lin Jichen smiled mysteriously at her, and said, "I'll tell you when I go to Yuehua State next month."

After all, Lin Jichen disappeared again.

Zuoyou was a little disappointed, and muttered: "This boss is so mysterious, what's the point of adding a friend, it's so strange~ Hmph, I want to see your true face in Lushan Mountain next month!"

seven days later.

Lin Jichen finally ended the time limit for keeping the treasure, and successfully put on the Nine Palaces Sealing Soul Belt!

And at the moment when the Jiugong suit was assembled, something unexpected happened to him!

【Ding!Congratulations on collecting the Nine Palace suits!Hereby give +1 to all your outfit upgrades!All equipment basic attributes +50%! 】

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, he didn't expect that the Nine Palace suits could be upgraded!

The upgrade here is not his cultivation realm, but the level of these nine palace suits.

Previously, the Nine Palace suits were equipped with spirit-level equipment, but now that they have been upgraded to a level, it means that they have become the equipment of the Nascent Soul-level!

The difference in equipment level is different from the product rank, and the characteristics and equipment skills carried by different ranks of equipment are different.

The only difference between different levels of equipment is the difference in attributes.

The biggest regret of the previous Jiugong equipment is that the added attributes are a bit low, and it can't keep up with Lin Jichen's realm.

But now, this regret will no longer exist!

Lin Jichen can at least last to the God Transformation Realm with this set of equipment!


One more~

Everyone vote for me, I will definitely not disappoint everyone's expectations!

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