
"It's definitely fake, look at when he stopped the ball with his chest."

"UEFA conducted a test once, and Pirlo was involved. The video was standing outside the penalty area and not reaching the center circle, kicking the crossbar. Pirlo kicked a total of ten times, and I remember six or seven times."


"It's true that he has top-level footwork, but the video is fake."

"I believe that he can hit the crossbar continuously, but I don't believe that the ball returns to him obediently every time."

"It's impossible to bounce back to the original position every time."

"It's not too difficult for a player with good footwork to kick the crossbar when no one is defending. The fake is to bounce back to the original position every time."

"Even Ronaldinho can't do it. Luo Wu can really do it? I think they both have similar footwork. Ronaldinho said that his video is fake. Luo Wu can do it." it is true?"

Believe it or not, it is the main theme of the fans.

Although Luo Wu's video surprised everyone, rational fans thought it was impossible.They have reference characters, Ronaldo can't do it, and Luo Wu can't do it naturally.

This is not to blame the fans, because human cognition is limited.

Stronger than Ronaldinho even said he couldn't do it, why should they believe that Luo Wu can?

The next day, even Cohen, a famous physicist in the world, expressed his views on social networking sites.This cohen was a person who studied Ronaldo's elevator ball through scientific means. He said that he spent a whole night demonstrating the possibility of Luo Wu hitting the goal post five times, and finally believed that this video was true. Luo Wu really did it.

However, the proof of the "Daily Mail" is much simpler. They hired computer experts to prove the authenticity of the video, and the result is that the video is real, there is no possibility of fraud, and it is genuine.

Afterwards, Flada personally wrote an article in The Times to prove the authenticity of Luo Wu’s video—I took the video myself. After we returned from Nottingham that night, Luo Wu said that he would shoot such a video. He and the two security guards on the scene were all witnesses, and he accomplished an incredible achievement.I think a genius like him is always capable of inhuman feats and this video is one of them!

The two security guards described the incident in their respective circles of friends last night. They said they could swear before God that what they saw was true.

Luo Wu didn't continue to respond to this matter, anyway, believe it or not, he doesn't care, as long as he can do it himself.

Instead, Mendes called him and said that Adidas decided to use his video as the latest product advertisement, and it seemed that they wanted to learn from Nike.Ronaldinho's consecutive four-footed hits to the crossbar were concocted by Nike himself.

Now that Luo Wu is giving a genuine performance, it will naturally cause a huge advertising effect.

And Ronaldinho, who is far away in Brazil, also took the initiative to jump out and post: Crazy!Incredible!To be honest, I can't do it. I tried before, but I can only hit the crossbar by kicking the ball on the turf. It's too exaggerated to play like Luo Wu. I must worship him!

Subsequently, Ronaldinho followed Luo Wu's ins.

Even Ronaldinho worships Luo Wu!

In China, the fans are also ecstatic.In their hearts, Luo Wu was already a god-like existence.When the famous international footballer Fan Zhiyi was interviewed by the football emperor, he had a lot of cheerful chats.

"If we had a Luo Wu in 02, we would definitely be able to qualify for the group stage, beating Costa Rica, and even winning Turkey would not be a dream."

"I have always believed that the level of Chinese football is constantly declining, and one generation of players is not as good as the next generation, but Luo Wu, it is a bug, as if sent by God to save Chinese football, maybe God really can't stand it anymore."

"But can Luo Wu alone really save Chinese football? I think it is impossible. Maybe he can maintain the lower limit of Chinese football in ten years, but what about ten years later? Do we have the next Luo Wu? We actually What the world needs are tens of thousands of Luo Wu, not just one Luo Wu."

"Of course, I have seen it now and I am content. I hope we can go to the World Cup in Qatar in 2022..."

Another legend, Li Weifeng, talked about Luo Wu on Penguin.com: "I am most impressed by Ronaldo, and I am talking about Ronaldo in Brazil."

"He is the kind who is not on the same level as us at all. He can't hold back, can't defend, and blows us up."

"Now Luo Wu is also such a player."

"I think we will be full of expectations for the 2022 World Cup."

"Maybe, next January, we can win the Asian Cup."



Europe, Azerbaijan, Baku.

It was cold and windy.

Arsenal's bus moved slowly on the road, and it took nearly an hour to arrive at the hotel where they were staying.

This time Arsenal's away trip is estimated to be the furthest journey of the season, away to FK Karabak in Azerbaijan.

The opponent is not strong, but Emery did not dare to be careless, and brought all the main players who could come.

Although the wind was strong and the weather was very cold, there were still many fans holding banners and standing at the entrance of the hotel to welcome Luo Wu.They shouted Luo Wu's name, almost going crazy.

Luo Wu, who was dragging his luggage, didn't leave them behind and satisfied them one by one despite the cold.

He did not expect to have so many fans in Azerbaijan.

When he was about to enter the hotel lobby, there was a loud shout behind him.



"and many more!"

"Wait for us!"

Luo Wu turned around, just in time to see a middle-aged woman pushing a wheelchair, running over out of breath, and on the wheelchair, a little boy tilted his head and looked at him earnestly.

"Mr. Luo Wu, I'm really sorry, can I take a photo with my son?"

"Of course." Luo Wu smiled slightly.

Squat down.

"Hey little guy, what's your name?"

He tried to interact with the little boy.


"Izzydin Babayev."

Before the little boy could speak, the child's mother introduced him first.

"I'm sorry, it's not that the child is rude, it's that his reaction is a little difficult."

After talking, mother actually cried?

This scene, Luo Wu did not expect it, only then did he realize that the child in front of him was sick, and he didn't look too young.

And the child's mother continued to tell.

"Izzin used to like playing football very much and determined to enter a local professional club. However, due to a traffic accident at the beginning of the year, he injured his head and damaged the cerebral cortex. Now he has epilepsy every day."

"But since you showed up, he's made you his idol and what you've done on the pitch has been an inspiration to him over the last few months."

"We've been waiting here for three hours today."


Luo Wu was moved.

How difficult it is.

At this moment Izzydin Babayev finally opened his mouth.

"Ro... Luo..."

"It's... nice to see... see you."

Ezzin couldn't even speak well.

Luo Wu felt a little sad for a moment, and couldn't bear this kind of tragedy in the world.

He rubbed Izzedine's little head.


"everything will get better,"

"Come on."

"I'm also very happy to see you here, maybe it's arranged by God!"

"We must firmly believe that the world is a beautiful place."

"It's not the worst."


Then Luo Wu took a photo with Izzytin Babayev, and wrote him several words of encouragement.

Then, he stood up and asked Izzedine's mother with great concern:


"Can he be cured?"

"Can it be cured by surgery?"

Izudin's mother hesitated to speak, she seemed a little embarrassed to speak, hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded:

"Yes, but I can't afford his fee. The operation fee is too high."

Luo Wu showed a smile:

"That's good."

"It's not a bad thing to be cured."

"Ma'am, I'll bear the cost of the operation. You ask the doctor to arrange an operation for him quickly."

"Here is my phone number, you can contact me anytime."

"Children are the future, and the future must be beautiful." After Luo Wu gave her the phone number, he lightly pressed his left chest.

Izudin's mother didn't react at all. She didn't expect Luo Wu to pay for her child's medical treatment!

This is so unreal.

Luo Wu at this time is an angel sent by God.

Then Luo Wu also asked for the phone number of Izudin's mother.

When Yizidin's mother still felt that she was stepping on the clouds, Luo Wu had already walked into the hotel with a suitcase...


In the locker room, Luo Wu found a signature pen, and wrote a line of big characters on his white vest.

Smith Luo, who was on the side, glanced sideways and read out: "Izzedine, come on!"

"Izudin, is that the little boy at the door just now?"


"What happened to that boy was terrible and I had to help him."

Luo Wu nodded.

"Oh, but you can't just write a slogan, you have to have substantial help." Smith Luo rolled his eyes.

"Of course, I will help him pay for the operation, it's very simple."

"I was thinking, I should set up a fund for children, I want to help them who are seriously ill."

"I suddenly felt that I was so fucking happy."

"Smith, you too. We are really blessed to be able to stand on the court and do what we love."

"の, I'm not used to you like this, but what you said is right." Smith Luo was also touched, "It's really not easy."

"let's work hard together……"


Tofik Bahramov Stadium, a stadium that can accommodate 3 people, is full of seats.

At that time, the wind reached level five, but the game started as usual.

The runner-up of the Azerbaijan Super League looked so weak in front of the mighty Arsenal.

In just 3 minutes of the opening, Luo Wu completed his sixth goal in the European competition. He rarely appeared in the middle of the road. Broke fk Kabarak's goal.

Then he showed off his white vest with the inscription on the chest:

"Izzin, come on!"

Who is Ezzin?

The commentator doesn't know, the fans don't know.

I only know that in the 19th minute, when Luo Wu completed his second goal, he came out again.

Then, a third came on in the 35th minute.

Three goals, the same way of scoring, made people remember the name Izzedin thoroughly.

Luo Wu's number of goals in the European war has increased to 8, and the total number of goals in the season has reached 25.

But after the game, people wanted to know who Izzin was.

At the press conference, the paparazzi forgot the number of Luo Wu's goals in the game, and asked directly: "Ro, who is Yizidin?"

"A very sweet little boy,"

"A young boy who loved soccer a lot,"

"Unfortunately, he is seriously ill and I hope to motivate him with goals,"

"I also believe that he can return to beauty and return to football."

This question is more serious, and the paparazzi have also become serious.

"You reached out to him, didn't you?"

"Of course, I can't stand idly by. Children should be happy, and the future is bright." Luo Wu nodded, "For this reason, I will set up a fund association, and I hope more people can participate."

"Like my good friend Smith Rowe, when I first proposed it to him, he agreed."

"I appreciate his noble character and I must applaud him."

In the visiting team's locker room, Smith sat on the bench, staring blankly.


Did he tell me about it?

Did I promise this?


You are forcibly tying me up.

Well, let me bully you once...

Smith Luo finally accepted it calmly, although Luo Wu forced him into the gang.

At the press conference, there was warm applause, and such a good deed naturally won the respect of everyone.

And the voice of the system immediately appeared in Luo Wu's mind.


"The host triggered a temporary task, and established the [Children's Charity Relief Fund Association], and will receive corresponding rewards."

“[Sub-quest]——Become the image ambassador of the United Nations Children’s Fund.”

Good deeds are rewarded, rewards should come.

After the press conference, Mendes called him and expressed his appreciation for Luo Wu's behavior.


"you have grown up."

"I'm really happy for you."

"That's what a good player should do."

"Izudin's mother has already called me, and we will find the best doctor to operate on Izudin."

"Thank you, Heerhao." Luo Wu was also very happy.

"Also, I want to set up a children's charity fund. You can plan this one! I really want to help those children who are suffering."

"Ah, that's fine."

"But I have better news for you."

"The people from UNICEF called me just now, and they want you to be the image ambassador of UNICEF."

"Ah? So fast?" Luo Wu was very surprised. How long has it been since the branch mission was released by the system, and the United Nations has come to the door?Tsk tsk, do you know that I have a system?This will be delivered to your door automatically?

"Huh? What fast? I don't understand what you mean." Mendes over there was a little dizzy.

"It's nothing, then agree to come down! Very good!" Luo Wu directly ignored this question.


"Then Messi will be miserable."

"If you become an ambassador, then Messi's identity is cancelled." Mendes said.

"Ah, this..." Luo Wu did not expect this.

There can only be one image ambassador?

Or grab Messi's title?doesn't seem so good...

"Is it bad?"

"It's nothing, anyway... Anyway, he doesn't have as much money as you donate."

"Donate money? Uh, when did we donate money to the United Nations?" Luo Wu was also a little dizzy.

"It is definitely necessary to donate money. This is not a bad thing, and the donated money must be used for charity. This is not a problem. It is still under discussion. The specific amount of donation will be discussed with you when the time comes." Mendes explained.


"But what belongs to the United Nations belongs to the United Nations, and what belongs to me is mine. My charity must be established as soon as possible, and my motherland also needs my help."

Luo Wu is protecting his weaknesses, he cannot ignore his motherland...


Spain, Barcelona.

Old Macy, that is, in the mansion of Messi's father, Herr Howe Macy.

Old Macy was smoking and cursing.

Because he received a call from the United Nations Children's Charity Fund, saying that because of the expiration of the contract, they no longer appointed Messi as the image ambassador, and only let Messi serve as the ambassador of the Argentine branch.

Helhou Messi felt the anger, felt that the funds would abandon Messi.

Messi is still the most powerful football player on the planet, why should he be treated like this?

He was very upset.

But this is the fact.

He said to himself:


"We've donated $10 a year over the years!"

"Nearly a million!"

"These white-eyed wolves!"

"Ambassador for the Argentine chapter? Send homeless people? Oh, God, damn it!"

He didn't know that when Mendes communicated with them, he was directly talking about the million-level...

Although it is a bit disgraceful, it must be that the more money you give to charity, the more status you have.

Messi can only give up this title...

It has been proved countless times that a professional broker is definitely more reliable than an ordinary broker.

Haven't figured out what happened to Heljo Messi's taxation in Spain all these years?

At least Mendes is packing his players, he said second, absolutely no one dares to say first...

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