The rise of greenery

Chapter 78 The Butterfly Effect

"Ro, when you scored your first goal, were you paying tribute to Cantona?"

"No." Luo Wu flatly denied it.

"It didn't occur to him at all," he explained. "It was just a sudden urge to do it."

"There is no necessary connection between this and Cantona, it is purely a coincidence!"

These words may reassure those who think Luo Wu is a Manchester United fan.

"Are you a Manchester United fan?"



Luo Wu shook his head, he is not a fool, even if he is a Manchester United fan, he would not speak up, how much does this hurt the hearts of Arsenal fans?

"I come from the Saints youth training, of course I support the Saints."

This sentence will not offend Arsenal fans, because Luo Wu was originally trained by the Saints. Although he was abandoned, there is no need for him to hide it.

As for whether he is a true saint?Then I don't know, which star doesn't have a club he yearns for?

"Would you play your entire career for Arsenal?"

Luo Wu raised his eyebrows, feeling that the reporter was setting traps for him everywhere, asking tricky questions, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled strangely.

Then he asked back: "Ma'am, I'm also curious, have your previous boyfriends promised you that they will love you forever?"

"Ah, this..." The paparazzi was instantly stunned.

The scene burst into laughter.

"Isn't it the same?" The paparazzi still wanted to quibble.

"Although I feel sad for you, is that different? Since your previous boyfriends have promised, but failed in the end, do you still believe in a man's mouth?" Luo Wu smiled. "So I can't talk nonsense. No one can say for sure about the future, right? So I won't make promises easily. I believe this is also a respect for Arsenal and Arsenal fans."

Luo Wu's emotional intelligence is getting higher and higher, and he doesn't talk nonsense anymore.

The paparazzi's face was extremely ugly, probably because she remembered all the sweet words that her previous scumbag boyfriends cheated on her...

After finishing the press conference perfectly, Luo Wu slipped away early again.Originally, Bellerin wanted to invite him to have a drink or two to relieve the feeling of being sent off with a red card today.

But since Luo Wu and Flada fooled around together, Luo Wu didn't go out with everyone to high.

Gaye sent a message on ins after the game. He said: "I think I can score 10 points in this game. I have tried my best. I really want to say that Luo Wu is not a human being. I almost Blocks all the routes, but he always finds a way to score. He is completely different from other players, he is directly independent of the team's tactics, you run into any corner of the front field, and we can't always Run like him, then the whole team is in a mess, and he takes advantage of this to complete the goal. I think any team will have a headache when they encounter him. If they want to keep an eye on him, all People are going to be close to him all the time, and there is no slack. I think he is the best football player at the moment."

Looks like Luo Wu has Gaye convinced.In fact, after the game, he immediately ran to find Luo Wu and exchanged jerseys with Luo Wu.

The enemy is on the court, but not off the court.

However, his actions were despised by Richarlison, and the two had a quarrel after returning to the locker room. Richarlison could have been a hero, but unfortunately he failed to complete the hat-trick in the end, and Guye actually went to lick Luo Wu. Of course I'm very upset.

Luo Wu's bravery has naturally been praised by all the media.

"The Times": Luo Wu staged a hat-trick, Arsenal point to the Premier League champions!

——Although two goals fell behind and one player was missing, relying on Luo Wu's heroic performance, Arsenal still scored three points at the Emirates Stadium. Facts once again proved that as long as Luo Wu plays healthy, Arsenal will win a big victory over their opponents!This is a law.

"Manchester Evening News": What's stopping this guy?Luo Wu is omnipotent in the audience, and he can even run back to participate in defense?This guy is improving every day, he's growing like a rocket!

Daily Mail - Liverpool want to win the league?Then you must beat Arsenal. If you can't beat Arsenal, it means you have at least one more point than Arsenal!

Italy's "Turin Sports News" stimulated Ronaldo-Cristiano, did you hear that?You are already ten goals behind Luo Wu!

The same is true for Spain's "World Sports Daily"-Leo, have you heard, someone is going to break your scoring record!

Ronaldo and Messi must also pay attention to the news. They are the two most popular stars in the world, and both of them are very likely to win the Golden Globe this year. Naturally, they will pay special attention to these news.

Ronaldo, who was far away in Turin, frowned after reading the news. He didn't like the number 10, because it reminded him of his old rival Messi instantly!Now there is a difference of 10 goals in the league with Luo Wu, which is a bit big.He feels the pressure.He even felt that Luo Wu said it deliberately in the media, just to hurt himself.


"You little guy made a wrong calculation, do you think I will surrender early?" he said to himself.

"Just wait and see, I'm going to disappoint you tonight."

As we all know, Ronaldo is best at hitting faces.Luo Wu seems to have the chance to win, but in fact the game has just begun! Ronaldo's competitive spirit will never allow himself to lose like this.What's more, now that we have entered the most critical moment of the Golden Globe selection, he must not lose the chain at this time, especially when there is news about Gong Shi, he must score more than anyone else!

If it weren't for the inability to cooperate with Juventus teammates now, his current number of goals can definitely increase a lot.


damn it……

He is now a little annoyed at why he made such a stupid decision to join Juventus. It was only because the Juventus fans responded to his barb with applause. He was deeply moved and did not think about anything else this summer. I chose Juventus.

But after coming here, I realized that I really miss Modric, Kroos, Casemiro and Benzema, and my teammates are not at the same level at all!

Those Bentancur and Bernardeschi, can these two bastards play the main force?Pass the ball back to Chiellini at every turn!

They obviously ran out of position, but they just didn't pass it on!

And that guy Cuadrado knew how to dribble the ball with his head down, he didn't pass the ball to himself at all, and then he shot xj,b abruptly!

What a shit.

Only Mandzukiki is reliable and can cooperate with himself...

There is also the idea of ​​​​the head coach Allegri. I really don’t understand it. I like to play 1:0.

With just a few mediocre players, can they really hope to win the Champions League?

Oh, God.

It's crazy!

Ronaldo is a hundred dissatisfied.

But these bitterness can only be contained in the stomach, and it is impossible to tell anyone, including my girlfriend.

But now that I'm on a thief ship, what can I do?

I can only think of a way, otherwise this year will really be over!

Ronaldo thinks a lot. He struggles after getting up every day, but he has no other choice. He has to find a way out for himself and eliminate negative emotions.

So after returning to the training ground, he buried his emotions.

He will also attend the pre-match press conference.

He still had a smile on his face, it was really not easy.

"Cristiano, have you noticed what Luo Wu, the Arsenal club in England, said?"

"I see." He smiled slightly, "The little guy is very motivated."

"We did take a bet, it was a big bet, but I think he was too happy, he thought he had won me now, which is absolutely wrong. All I can do is to use more goals to make it better. Respond to him."

"The game has just begun, and there are still many, many rounds in the league. Who will win in the end will definitely not be known until the last round."

"But what if you continue to widen the gap? After all, you are playing in Serie A, and scoring goals in Serie A is not as easy as La Liga."

"I don't think there is much difference. I can still score as many goals as possible. It won't affect me much. My condition is getting better and better, and I will naturally score more and more goals."

"I don't care who the opponent is!"


Ronaldo is full of confidence, no matter what league you are in?He just wants to score.

Is Barcelona strong enough?He doesn't know how many goals he scored at Camp Nou.

Are Bayern strong enough?Different hat trick?

Is it enough for Atletico Madrid?Became his favorite scoring target.

And in Serie A, is there a stronger team than Juventus?No!So scoring goals will be difficult?

Even if there are difficulties, we must get rid of them!

"Heh, let's wait and see?"


Spain, Barcelona, ​​Messi also faced similar problems at the press conference.

The shy Messi spoke quietly into the microphone, his voice very calm.

"I noticed what Luo Wu said,"

"I think he has the ability."

"But I think this matter itself needs to be based on facts. When you achieve it, it can become a fact. If you fail to achieve it, it is not a fact. So whether you can break my scoring record, then use Let the results speak."

"He still has to work hard."

"50 goals in a season, I didn't even dare to think about it myself, and I never thought that I would be able to reach this number one day. But someone will break the record, maybe Luo Wu, maybe the next little guy."

"The same is true for 91 goals. This is also a statistic that can't be expected. If I try again, I will probably not be able to do it. Now someone wants to challenge. It's great. The football world is going to be so crazy!"

Messi seems to be quite indifferent, he doesn't care about these.

"Then what do you care about most now?"

"I want to win the Champions League again." He put it bluntly.

"And the World Cup winner."

Only these two honors are left to be full of hunger and thirst.

There are four Champions League titles, but one was won by soy sauce. It was Ronaldinho's team at the time. He only contributed a little in the group stage, and then got injured in the knockout round. It has nothing to do with him.

The old rival Ronaldo has five seats, and the real five seats are all obtained as core status.

As for the Hercules Cup?

If you want to become king, you must get the Hercules Cup.I lost the championship four years ago, and I still feel very distressed. I thought I could make another impact this year, but who knew that I was beaten by that young man Mbappé.


A year is not as good as a year...

Messi's mentality is really too quiet and lonely now. Although he has motivation, his teammates are unreliable?

&nsn was dismantled in this way.

I miss it very much!

Want to buy Coutinho now?Can he match Neymar's role?

What other Griezmann, the Frenchman's technology can compare with Neymar?

His mind wandered a little far.

So much so that the paparazzi asked questions, but he forgot to answer them.



Coach Ernesto Valverde had to give him a little push.

"Huh? What did we talk about?" Messi was embarrassed and could only ask once.

"Leo, what are your thoughts on this year's Ballon d'Or?"

"I don't have any ideas this year. We didn't win any honors." Messi squeezed out a smile and shrugged.

It was a helpless smile.

"Barcelona is not strong enough, we have lost some important players and have not added good ones, we will have a difficult season."

"Are you disappointed with the club?"

"No, no, no, I'm just stating the facts, the club's decision is not up to me, I'm just a player, playing for the club. But it's true that we haven't won the Champions League for a long time."

Isn't this the Mai Tai club?I almost scolded...


Three hours later, the double pride match started at the same time.

Barcelona take on Athletic Bilbao at Camp Nou.

Juventus take on Parma at the Allianz Arena.

Messi scored a goal in the opening 5 minutes, and Ronaldo opened the scoring in the 9th minute.

Then Messi scored twice in the 21st minute, and Ronaldo also scored twice in the 27th minute.

After changing sides, Messi scored a hat-trick in the 57th minute and scored a free kick.

And Ronaldo completed a hat-trick with a penalty kick in the 71st minute.

In the end, both of them completed a hat-trick.

I don't know if he was stimulated by Luo Wu?Anyway, in excellent condition.

This is not the only hat-trick in the top five leagues.

In France, the young Mbappe did the same, he also completed a hat-trick.

And in Norway in the north.

An 18-year-old teenager is also very tough.

He scored five dollars in a league match in Norway!

His name is Harland...

It seems that Luo Wu caused the butterfly effect, and the butterfly effect fermented in the European league?

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