The rise of greenery

Chapter 61 Who Will Difficult With Money?

"If you follow the previous rules of the Premier League, there is no problem with Ronaldo being suspended for five games. You know, Suarez only took a bite of Chiellini in the 2014 World Cup, and he was suspended for four months." BBC Forum On the day, Manchester United star Neville, who has been kicked out by Valencia for three years, expressed his support for the FA.

"His behavior is absolutely unacceptable. If revenge is possible, then the world football world will be completely chaotic."

"No, no, no, Gary, if you get slapped in the game, do you have to bow your head and tell the other party, I'm sorry? Say I'm sorry? Only Japanese people do that, and I disagree with your opinion Understood. I don't think there is any problem with Ronaldo's counterattack." Although he is a club teammate, Ferdinand's point of view is different from that of Gary Neville.

"Would you still say that if he was a Manchester United player?"

"Yes, I will." Neville nodded seriously, and he still insisted on his point of view.

Ferdinand frowned, but he couldn't organize any words to refute him.Is this really the Manchester United teammate he has fought with for so many years?


He doubted it himself.

"Okay, Gary, I won't discuss this issue with you anymore, but I still insist on my opinion. Why don't we talk about the next Premier League game?" Ferdinand didn't want to quarrel with Neville.


Not only the bbc, but the official website of The Times is also discussing the issue of Luo Wu's suspension. They did a survey and statistics.

a. Luo Wu's five-game suspension is too many.

b. Luo Wu's five-game suspension is less.

As a result, in the survey of 16 people, 78% of the people chose a, but 22% of the people thought that Luo Wu's suspension was less.Public opinion shows that Luo Wu has a lot of support.

But this is just the opinion of the fans, and it may not be the same as that of the club's celebrities.

At this time, it is also the time for Arsenal's famous players to stand up.

Dutch Ice Prince Bergkamp was the first to express his position on ins: "This is simply a crime."

"The FA never wanted Arsenal to win the title. They always wanted to kill us. Yes, they always did. Like what happened to us in the Champions League, but UEFA was targeting the whole of England. You know, from 2006 to the present, only Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester United and Liverpool have entered the final, but I really can't understand why Arsenal has suffered such injustice in China? Didn't you see the racial discrimination? De strangled Luo's neck, is Luo going to kneel down and suffocate to death instead of fighting back? God, where's the justice?"

Bergkamp said it all, and Ljungberg naturally said: "I agree with Daniel, it's really not fair at all, it's like someone stabbed you in the chest with a knife, and you counterattacked and killed the opponent , In the end you went to jail, where is the justice? Why not impose a heavy fine on the Cardiff City club, and a heavy fine on a player like Reid who has no professional ethics?"

Pires: "I am used to it. Whenever Arsenal can achieve good results, the FA will always let Arsenal lose an important player. I really hope that this kind of thing will not happen again. Fortunately, the professor retired, otherwise Gotta have an ambulance for him pitchside."

Gun King Henry: "The FA's decision to make such a penalty will make the Premier League lose its best players, because there is no fairness at all. In the face of racial discrimination, we can fight back in any way. In the face of life threats, we You can fight back any way you want, there is nothing wrong with that. I feel very sad right now...”

Basically, the most powerful Arsenal legends all stood up to support Luo Wu.

Only Vieira expressed a different opinion.

"Did Cantona's kicking the fans back then mean that the fans made mistakes first? But Cantona was also severely punished. I think one thing is another thing. Cantona was punished, and Ronaldo should be the same. The FA There is nothing wrong with the punishment."

"We must reject violence!"

Vieira is a famous man of Manchester City, but he is also a famous man of Arsenal. It turned out that he was on the other side. This is really unexpected and embarrassing.

Isn't this the legendary anti-bone boy?Can't figure out why Vieira would be on the other side...

Another Manchester City star Dikov is even more direct: "The punishment is too low, he should be suspended for at least one year! I have never seen such violence!"

Chelsea star Joe Cole: "We can be passionate, but we can't be rough. Although I am against racial discrimination, Luo's behavior is really undesirable. I also think the punishment is too light."

"I think he should be suspended for at least ten games!"

It's tough enough.

Carragher held a similar opinion. Carragher also took out what happened to Suarez back then: "Just look at how many games Suarez was suspended that year. I think Ronaldo should be punished even more!"

"You can't make bigger mistakes just because the other side is wrong. It's not fair."

Maybe, for the sake of the champion of his own club, he can even lose his face, or maybe, these guys have been brainwashed by the Social Democratic Party?

But to be honest, Luo Wu's incident this time can indeed rank among the historical level.

In world football, there will inevitably be some violent incidents. Some players can't hide their disappointment and anger and lose their reason, so they resort to violence against their opponents.

The famous bad boy Barton in the Premier League, Pepe in La Liga, and Gattuso in Serie A are all popular players among them. They have all made dangerous and threatening attacks on the field and were expelled by the referee. At the same time, they were chased by the Football Association. suspension.

In addition, in addition to violence, for the sake of harmony, fairness, civilization and cracking down on doping incidents in football, there have also been cases of being banned for some reason in football, such as taking doping, racial discrimination, illegal betting, etc. .

The longest suspensions in history are actually quite famous.

Former Manchester United midfielder Keane is one of them. He was suspended for eight games for violent malicious fouls.

In April 2001, in the Manchester derby in the Premier League, Keane, the captain of Manchester United, deliberately kicked Manchester City midfielder Haaland in an interception. At that time, Keane also got a red card and was punished by the FA. A fine of £4 and a three-match ban.In the end, Keane's "retracting the foot of the mountain" really seriously injured the old Harland, who could not recover for a long time, and finally retired at the age of 29.Later in Keane's autobiography, he admitted that it was a retaliatory action, because as early as four years ago when the old Haaland was still playing for Leeds United, he had kicked Keane and ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee and had to recuperate several months.After the release of his autobiography, the Football Association of England finally imposed another five-game ban on Keane and a fine of 5 pounds.

Keane is cheap, and the trouble comes from his mouth. If he didn't say so in his autobiography, he wouldn't have been added five more games.

However, Keane's suspension is not the longest, and former Southampton player Pluton's suspension is longer.

Pluton, an English player who played for Southampton in the Premier League, in a game against Arsenal in 2005, because he was dissatisfied with the referee showing him a red card and sending him off, he took the initiative to argue with the sideline referee. But this time the theory was intercepted by the referee, and Prutton pushed the referee fiercely in a rage, causing the opponent to lose his balance and fall.Prudton was subsequently suspended by the English Football Association for ten games.It is worth mentioning that in Pluton's Premier League career, he received a total of 10 red cards.

Italian Di Canio's suspension is even better.

In a similar situation to Prutton, Di Canio was sent off against Arsenal on Sheffield Wednesday in 1998 after arguing with Keown and poking him in the eye with his finger.At that time, the angry Italian pushed the referee to the ground before leaving the field.Subsequently, the England Football Association sentenced Keown to a three-match ban for injuring Keown with his small actions, and an additional 8-match ban for pushing the referee, a total of 11 games and a fine of [-] pounds.

Of course, the most famous should be the Uruguayan Suarez. Suarez has experienced three long suspensions during his time at Liverpool.

In 2011, when Uruguayan forward Suarez represented Liverpool against Manchester United, he was intercepted by opponent defender Evra and insulted the opponent with the word "black". As a result, he was banned by the English Football Association for 8 games.Then in a contest with Chelsea in 2013, Suarez was defended by Chelsea defender Ivanovic in the penalty area and failed to get the ball. Suarez was given a 10-match ban by the England Football Association for leaving deep teeth marks on his face.

After that, Suarez continued to make old mistakes.

In 2014, Suarez did not change his nature, and the nature of the "venomous snake" who likes to bite people reappeared. In the 2014 World Cup, in Uruguay's match against Italy, Suarez was also intercepted in the opponent's penalty area, and finally "punished" Chiellini in the same way, almost biting off Chiellini's arm.FIFA finally sentenced Suarez to a total suspension of up to 4 months.In fact, as early as 2010, Suarez had become addicted to biting while playing for Ajax. In a 0:0 contest with PSV Eindhoven, he once opened his mouth and bit the opposing player Bacal, but He was only suspended for two games at the time...

Now, Luo Wu's behavior has also detonated on the Internet, ten times hotter than Suarez back then.

The discussion on the Internet has become like this, and Luo Wu can't help it anymore, especially when so many so-called celebrities are bombarding him, he will be in bad shape if he doesn't stand up and fight back.

On ins, he wrote calmly: The guys who said they supported my five-game suspension usually wear cuckolds, right?What is it like to be cowardly?Don't you just want to help your club?So what if I let you play a few games?Innocent!Ban me for a year if you have the ability!I believe fairness still exists!

Luo Wu will never bow his head.

After the news was sent out, he thought about it and added another sentence.

"Since England doesn't like me so much and tolerates racial discrimination and crime, it's a big deal not to play in the Premier League. It's okay to go to other countries' leagues! Buy! Please leave in winter!"

This sentence seems to be just a very ordinary angry statement, but after it was sent out, it caused a huge response.

The young and vigorous Luo Wu did not consider Arsenal's feelings, and made this sentence.However, Arsenal executives did not call Luo Wu after reading Luo Wu's post on ins, but chose to remain silent.

Because they knew that Luo Wu was just out of anger and didn't really want to leave the Premier League. After all, he just signed a new contract and the liquidated damages were raised to 1 million.This is nothing more than putting pressure on the FA.

Luo Wu is now the best player in the Premier League, does England want to let Luo Wu go?Absolutely impossible.


It's not the same for clubs in other countries.

Especially Spain.

"Sell Radio" disclosed for the first time: Real Madrid is willing to spend 8000 million pounds to introduce Luo Wu this winter!

"Aspen" said that Barcelona is willing to introduce Chinese stars for 7500 million pounds.

"Marca" also said that Real Madrid Chairman Florentino is full of interest in Chinese players.

I don't know if it's true or not, but the media has already hyped it up.

&nn combination.

The FA always really didn't expect that this matter would affect the whole of Europe, and it even affected La Liga and Ligue [-].

They also received an appeal from the Arsenal Club for the first time, and an emergency meeting is being held at this time.

"We cannot give up the correct decision we made because of the pressure of public opinion. We must stick to the original decision. I even think our punishment is too clear."

"Eizel, you are a Manchester City fan, I think your personal opinion is a bit too much. We should consider that Hazard is likely to go to Real Madrid this winter. We will lose the top of the Premier League and Ronaldo. Now the hottest player in the Premier League, if Ronaldo also leaves because of our penalty, it will not do us any good!"

"Walter? If you want to accuse me of being a Manchester City fan, then why don't you ask yourself, you are an Arsenal fan, and you can have no discipline in order to safeguard the interests of Arsenal?"

Apparently Manchester City and Arsenal are using reps to quarrel...

The chairman of the disciplinary committee kept his mouth shut and said nothing.This is not the time for him to speak. He still wants to hear other people's opinions. He glanced at the secretary-general next to him.

The secretary-general held up the golden glasses frame:

"This punishment is not a big problem, but it is also a big problem."

"I want to remind everyone."

"The day after tomorrow, the Chinese consortium will transfer a huge amount of cooperation fees. It will be nearly 5 million pounds in five years." The secretary was the most thoughtful!

"This is a share that everyone can get. 20 teams can get at least 2 million."

To be honest.

There was no sound in the meeting room for a moment...

Who would have trouble with money?

£2000 million...

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