The rise of greenery

Chapter 52 The youngest captain in history?

Luo Wu didn't respond, just left with a smile.

In fact, he couldn't tell from the business card that she was Ukrainian at all, because he saw a trinket in Saidan's hand with the Ukrainian flag on it.

If Saidan is not Ukrainian, why would she use the Ukrainian flag as an ornament?Luo Wu figured it out with his heels.

Of course, it is impossible for him to tell Saidan, this is the scary thing about a man with details...

Flada Saidan stood where she was, bit her teeth lightly, looked at Luo Wu's back, but finally said nothing.

When other men see her, they pester her and are unwilling to leave. At least they need to get a mobile phone number or a social account, but Luo Wu doesn't.

This is a bit strange. He obviously showed a lot of interest in her just now, but now he doesn't please her, but arouses her anger. What's the reason?

It's a play hard to get game.

But Luo Wu really didn't know, it was just a subconscious reaction, and he was also in a hurry to see his old club captain Mertesacker.

He also hopes that Mertesacker can stay.

In fact, Kagigao and Emery are doing ideological work with Mertesacker, and naturally hope that Mertesacker can stay for another year.

The club's reserve of central defenders in the back line is still too thin. Mertesacker, as the most experienced player, is naturally quite dependent on the club.

It's a pity that now the injury has made Mertesacker retreat.

Originally, he wanted to transfer, and he didn't want to drag the club with a high salary, but then he thought of retiring.

No matter what the result is, it is not what the Arsenal Club wants to see.

Mertesacker can stay in the team in another way, such as a salary cut, and play on the bench with peace of mind.

But it seems that Emery and Kagigao have not convinced him now?

"team leader,"

"What the hell is going on in your head?"

Luo Wu is not those two old people, who don't speak politely.

He was almost straight to the point.

"It would be a disgrace if you left now, in whatever way."

This sentence instantly made Emery and Kagigao look at each other.What are you talking about, kid?Is it purely to prod Mertesacker?This is not a good idea to persuade people.

Mertesacker also stared, obviously he didn't think his departure was a shame, but an honorable farewell.

"What, you think you won a lot of glory at Arsenal? Come on, nothing, you won nothing, don't talk to me about the FA Cup, is that a trophy?"

"The Premier League champions?"

"Champions of the Champions League?"

"do you have?"

"You don't even have a Europa League title."

"You have played professional football for more than [-] years, captain. I am not insulting you, I just said the most honest words."

"It's not just you,"

"Including all the players at Arsenal, including all the managers."

your mother.

When you talk about players, you talk about players. Why do you bring the coach with you?Emery blushed immediately. Although he had several Europa League titles, no matter how he looked at it, he still failed.

Not to mention Kagigao, at this time he felt that the entire Arsenal had been insulted.

So is he himself.

But Luo Wu was not finished yet.

"Including Henry, the greatest player in Arsenal's history, he also failed. Although he won the league championship, he won the Champions League and runner-up. Isn't it a pity that he did not lead Arsenal to the top of Europe?"

"Arsenal is the most unrefined giant."

"Luo? Did your head twitch? How dare you talk like that!" Kajigao was really upset.

Although Arsenal is not as dazzling as other giants, it is not as unbearable as Luo Wu said!Anyway, it was brilliant around 2000, and it beat Manchester United.

Now Luo Wu is simply saying that Arsenal is useless.

"Am I wrong? Francis. We're Arsenal, we're not Cardiff City, we have a reason to aim for the highest and achieve it."

"If we have no pursuit and just want to get fourth in the league and participate in the Champions League every year, then there is a fart meaning."

Emery: ...

I'm dumbfounded.I thought to myself that if you hadn't come, my original goal was to strive for the top four in the Premier League...

The old face was hot.

So is Kajigao.

Luo Wu continued to stare at Mertesacker: "You don't want to say you have the World Cup, do you? Wouldn't that be even more regrettable? There are only national team champions but no club championships. Recalling such a professional player, tsk tsk..."

"Asshole, what medicine did you take by mistake today?" Mertesacker glared at him again.

"I left because I felt I was getting old and it was time to go and I didn't want to be a liability."

"If you think it's a shame, it's a shame."

Luo Wu suddenly shook his head.


"Stay here, and I'll take you to the championship."

"You have to make this decision, or you will absolutely regret it."

"You are still our most important captain!"

"Pell Mertesacker."

"we need you."

"You Germans are all like this. You always retire so early, and you don't know what you think."

Luo Wu shook his head again.

"Hope you're not."

"Look at our defense, can we do without you? We need to play in the finals, we need to compete for the championship! And you are our defense commander!"

"You are not a substitute, you are a spiritual leader!"

"We want to kill Manchester United, kill Chelsea, kill Manchester City and Liverpool, we just want to win the Premier League!"

"And then we have to win the first Champions League in the club's history."

"At that time, if you talk about leaving, you will have completed your mission!"

"Captain, I need to fight side by side with you now!"

Luo Wu's eyes were full of sincerity, and he stared at Mertesacker, as if begging him.



Kajigao and Emery looked at each other again, this time they finally gave Luo Wu a high look, they didn't expect Luo Wu to be so talkative.

The two of them have said a lot to Mertesacker just now, but it has no effect at all.But now Luo Wu said that they were all moved.

Not to mention Mertesacker, whose eyes regained their brilliance.

Luo Wu's words really touched his heart.

His lips moved a few times, and finally opened his mouth.

"it is good!"

"I stayed!"

"I am willing to continue playing for Arsenal and give my all!"


"very good!"


Emery was overjoyed instantly, he didn't expect Mertesacker to make a decision so quickly.

"Then I'm going to prepare a new contract now." The muscles on Kajigao's face trembled again and again, but he still didn't lose his mind.

"Congratulations, our captain!"

Luo Wu also stretched out his somewhat thin hand and held it with Mertesacker.

My heart is flattered.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully retaining Mertesacker and gaining an influence attribute value of 5!"


This attribute is actually not that important to Luo Wu, after all, this thing does not improve his skills in any way.

But it's a piece of meat...

And being able to keep Mertesacker, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

After that, Arsenal officially announced: Mertesacker, the old captain who has become a free agent, has once again become a member of Arsenal. Originally, he would continue to serve as the captain, but Mertesacker recommended Luo Wu!After the club meeting and research, we decided to make Luo Wu the first captain of Arsenal!Ramsey will be Arsenal's third captain.

The shorter the news, the greater the amount of information!

Luo Wu became Arsenal's first captain by accident?

Was the decision made by Arsenal a little too hasty?Luo Wu is just a little more talented, and he is still a young man, how can he become the captain?

But that's how it's official.

This is a fact. After Mertesacker signed the contract, he recommended Luo Wu. He believed that Luo Wu was the most suitable candidate. This does not prevent him from still being the spiritual leader of the defense, and there is a captain like Luo Wu in front. Going forward, Arsenal must be invincible and invincible.Just because he's young doesn't mean he can't be captain.

History is full of players who became great captains early on.

In English, the captain is "captain", and he also means the captain. The captain will never let his ship deviate from the course, will not get lost in the fog, and will not sink to the bottom of the sea in a storm.

With the development of football, captains are getting younger and younger, so who in the history of football became captains at a young age?

Xavi Alonso - Captain of Real Sociedad at 19.

Alonso has experienced two years of suffering in Real Sociedad and has gradually become a rising star in La Liga. At the age of 19, when the team was facing relegation, he did not fear the pressure to take on the role of captain of the team. And finally led Real Sociedad successfully out of the relegation quagmire, and led the team to the second place in La Liga the following year.

Torres - 19 years old became the captain of Atletico Madrid.

In 2001, 17-year-old Torres represented Atletico Madrid's first team. At that time, he was still a big boy with acne on his face. In just two years, he became the youngest captain in the history of the Sheets at the age of 19.

Van der Vaart - Ajax captain at 20.

Van der Vaart, who became famous at a young age, became the captain of the Dutch giants Ajax at the age of 20, and won the first Golden Boy Award in 2003. Even Robben and Kaka can only be placed behind him.

Podolski - captained Cologne at 20.

Podolski's career has been played in many teams, but there is only one home for him, that is Cologne. Podolski became famous in Cologne. In 2005, Podolski officially became the captain of the Cologne team. Only 20 years old.

Totti - Roma captain at 21.

In the 1997-98 season, Zeman became the coach of Rome. He appointed Totti, who was only 21 years old, as the captain of the team. Since then, the Prince of Rome has become a symbol of the team.He wore the captain's armband for nearly 18 years, during which he resisted temptation after temptation and stuck to Rome because of the red blood that flowed from his body.

Nesta - became Lazio captain at the age of 21.

In 1997, the newly appointed head coach Wenya-Golan Eriksson appointed the 21-year-old Nesta as the team's new captain. As the years increased, his skills became more sophisticated, whether it was area defense or Even personal defense can handle it freely, and his performance is like a master...

Cesc Fabregas - Arsenal captain at 21.

Xiaofa used to be the king in the hearts of Arsenal fans. After Henry left, Wenger appointed Xiaofa, who was only 21 years old, as the new captain of the Gunners. Xiaofa has gradually grown into a world-class midfielder.

Adams - Arsenal captain at 21.

Adams became the captain of Arsenal at the age of 21. At the age of 22, he won the league championship trophy with Arsenal. At the age of 35, he once again followed the team to lift the league championship trophy. He is Highbury A well-deserved legend on the pitch.

Gerrard - Liverpool captain at 23.

You never walk alone, I think that's what all Reds fans want to say to Steven Gerrard. Gerrard, who became the captain of Liverpool at the age of 23, believes that no one will underestimate his contribution and sacrifice for the team during the 12 years he led the Red Army soldiers. When the team was at a low point, he was A symbol of the spirit of the Red Army.

Ronaldo - 23 years old to become the captain of the Portuguese national team.

After Eusebio, there is Figo. After Figo, there is Ronaldo. Ronaldo not only got Figo's No. 7 jersey, but also got his captain's armband. At present, what Ronaldo wants most is to lead the Portuguese national team in the World Cup Breakthrough!

It has always been Arsenal's tradition to accept the fate of the young captain.

Fabregas and Adams are good examples, and now Luo Wu has not only set a record for Fabregas, but also set a record for the top five European leagues. He is the youngest club captain.

"The Times" reported the news with screenshots at the first time, but the title made people very uncomfortable.

——The youngest captain in history?It looks like the Chinese are not weaned yet!

——It is undeniable that Luo Wu's offensive ability is quite good, but becoming the captain of the Arsenal team is too childish.He didn't even know what the duty of the captain was.

Water?Yes, the tone of The Times is full of sarcasm.It stands to reason that "The Times" is a relatively serious and fair news media, and it is also a London media.But their words are full of sarcasm, saying that Luo Wu is a child who has not yet been weaned.

The comments under this news are also full of controversy.

Some Arsenal fans think that Luo Wu is competent, while some Arsenal fans say that Luo Wu is too young to be the captain.

Fans at other clubs were largely mocking.

"Since he's been promoted to captain, it means that Luo Wu is not far away from being sold, haha! I just don't know which club this guy will transfer to next year?" A guy with a Chelsea headshot left a message.

The following all echoed: "There is a high probability of Chelsea, Manchester City, Manchester United or Real Madrid!"

"I guess it's Manchester City, Mansour has money, and Manchester City lacks a finisher. As for Manchester United, it's impossible, the boss is too picky. For Chelsea, they are not competitive enough, and Luo Wu will not go. For Real Madrid, it depends on how they deal with Ah. How determined Zall's attitude is."

"If Arsenal can't keep it, Ronaldo will definitely go. If he dies, he can help Arsenal win the Europa League this year. After all, they can still fight in the European arena. As for the Premier League title, they still can't win it. Although they beat the Manchester City and Chelsea, but the league is a game that pays attention to stable performance, Arsenal's midfield is not stable, if Luo Wu gets injured, Arsenal will be completely finished."

"It can also be seen from the odds offered by the bookmaker that the bookmaker is optimistic that Luo Wu will be the top scorer in the Premier League, but the bookmaker is not optimistic that Arsenal will win the league championship. They are still only ranked No.4 in the league championship. In front of them are Manchester City, Liverpool and Manchester United."

"But no matter what, congratulations to the Arsenal fans. After waiting for so many years, Luo Wu is finally ushered in. Life must be much better than before. But how to put it, such days will still be very short. Because Luo Wu will leave eventually, and he will leave very quickly..."


The news of becoming the captain of Arsenal was also learned by Luo Wu through the Internet.

No one in the club told him!

This is too much fun!

If he hadn't watched the news, he wouldn't have known he had become the captain.Shouldn't this be a very sacred thing, hey...

He was a little caught off guard after finishing decorating the honor room of the mansion, but he still enjoyed the honor.

All this will come sooner or later, and sooner is definitely better than later.

Suddenly, I felt that my responsibility had grown.

But did the news in The Times go too far?

It was written by that woman!

Definitely is!

Luo Wu thought with his heels and guessed who was targeting him. Besides the beauty in the morning, who else could it be?

Gotta fight back.

If he didn't fight back, he wouldn't be Luo Wu.

A bad idea popped into his head immediately, and he logged into ins immediately.

Immediately after the search, an English name was found: Flada Saidan.There is a photo on the name, and Luo Wu confirms that it is the Saidan he met in the morning.

He @弗拉达·赛丹和《时代》, and wrote a sentence: The reason why I am not weaned is because of you.

Now it's really hot.

Under the attention of tens of millions of fans, everyone ran to see who Flada Saidan was.

Why would the Times report be associated with a woman?

As a result, when I saw Saidan's ins, it suddenly became clear.

Saidan is a trainee reporter for The Times, so he wrote this news, right?

Why didn't Luo Wu wean?Wasn't that just because it was Vlada Saidan?

"This... Is this idol Chi Guoguo molesting this reporter?"

"By the way, this reporter looks really good-looking. Nako really looks good. Have you ever eaten an idol?"

"Is this a new girlfriend? Or..."

"Why did I think of Casillas? I always feel that the reporter's girlfriend is not very good..."

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