The rise of greenery

Chapter 427 Another Record

"Ljungberg, Ljungberg even took out the earrings..."

"I feel that you donated too much to that charity just now, and everyone did it because of embarrassment."

"Another assist from Lampard and Gerrard..."

Luo Wu smiled awkwardly.

"I never thought it would be like this, but isn't it our personal wish to donate more or less? There is no need to worry about these."

"just do you best……"

If you don't have money, don't be taken advantage of...

Anyway, many people's faces are ugly, and it probably costs a lot to save face.

In the end, Henry donated 20 pounds, which is considered to have completed this embarrassing link.

But there is still a link, that is to conduct an online fundraising.

That is, fans can bid online, and the fan with the highest bid can get the chance to have dinner with their favorite players.

All start at £5000.

Arsenal's first-team players are on the list, along with the names of all the football legends present.

In the end, don't think about it, there are too many people who want to have dinner with Luo Wu.

In just 10 minutes, the price in front of Luo Wu's name has reached 50 pounds, which is really terrible.

In order to have dinner with Luo Wu, someone is willing to spend 50 pounds, which sounds too scary.

You know how many people may earn less than 50 pounds in their lifetime.

This must be the price offered by the rich...

Just don't know if it's a man or a woman?

The second place is Xhaka in the Arsenal team, and the price has soared to 12,000.

As for the others, there are no more than ten thousand.

Also quite embarrassing.

Especially for those celebrities, such as Arsenal's veteran captain Keown, no one bid.

Keown couldn't hold back his old face anymore, he hurried to the bathroom, and then escaped.

It seems that Henry didn't think carefully when organizing this charity event. He should invite some well-known active players instead of some famous people.

It's not surprising that some fans don't know these celebrities at all.

In half an hour, Luo Wu's price continued to climb, and finally reached 128 million pounds.

In other words, if he wants to have dinner with Luo Wu, he must pay 128 million pounds.

Of course, you don’t need to spend 128 million pounds for a meal. The money is eventually donated to charity, and you have to pay for the meal...

I have to say that foreigners really know how to play.

In recent years, due to the attention and influence brought by the celebrity effect, charitable fundraising methods similar to "celebrity auction meeting" are common. Among them, "celebrity auction lunch" is very popular and has become a new charity art for the rich. .

Even Luo Wu was very curious, wondering who was so boring and would spend 128 million pounds to treat him to dinner.

But even he doesn't know who it is, because the other party's information is secret and not public.

All I know is that the meal time is at 6 o'clock in the evening next Tuesday.

This price is crazy even in the world. As we all know, Buffett, the stock god, often plays this kind of auction.

Buffett's highest price is US$345 million, and Luohu's current price of 128 million pounds is only about half.

But people are willing to pay so much money for dinner with Buffett because they can get a way to make money from Buffett.

What is the picture of eating with Luo Wu?

Even Luo Wu himself can't figure it out, maybe it's because he has too much money, and he wants to have dinner with him when he's bored?

Soon the news climbed to the top of England's hot search.Naturally, everyone started talking violently.

"Crazy, isn't it? Paying 128 million pounds to have a meal with the Chinese? What's the point? If it's a male fan, he must be quite fanatical. If it's a female fan, does he want to have a meal with the Chinese?" bed?"

"I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out... This world is so crazy, who is so boring?"

"128 million pounds! This is enough to buy a luxury house in the suburbs of London! Ahhh, I really can't understand the thoughts of rich people!"

Maybe only poor people talk about this?

But unexpectedly, the stars are also paying attention.

The first one to stand up was Ronaldo.

After reading the news, this guy immediately jumped to lns and sent a message.

——I am also willing to launch a lunch price auction, the highest bidder wins, starting from 1 pounds.

It seems that Ronaldo also wants to try his appeal.

As he is currently the number one trafficked player, this price should not be low.

Sure enough, within half an hour of launching the auction, countless fans participated.

Prices are soaring.

In the end, it was fixed at 87 pounds.

Good guy, still not as good as Luo Wu.

But it's also pretty scary.

Ronaldo is quite satisfied with this statistic. Although he can't compare with Luo Wu, it also shows that his appeal is great.

Naughty him and then Att hit his good friend Marcelo, who he wants Marcelo to get involved.

Marcelo is also a treasure, and he also launched this activity.

Soon he also got the result in half an hour - 3 pounds.

People who want to dine with Marcelo are only willing to pay £30,000, no more.

Dismayed Marcelo then Aite the Brazil national team captain Neymar.

Of course Neymar is not afraid, he immediately launched an activity.

As a result, this guy's popularity is not inferior to that of Ronaldo. I don't know if it's because he looks too coquettish or what.

The final price reached 85 pounds, almost surpassing Ronaldo.

Satisfied Neymar et Messi...

Messi was a little hesitant after receiving the message because he has always hated the limelight.

What's it like to eat with strangers?

But Neymar has come to the door, can he respond to the challenge?

In the end, he still participated in this activity.

After all, he is the second most popular star, and there will definitely be crazy fans who will stand up.

In the end, Messi's price was 63 pounds within half an hour.

It is already very awesome.

This is not a contest on the football field, but a contest outside the football field. Messi must be a little bit disadvantaged.

Messi was already satisfied, and then he shared the activity with Suarez.

Suarez's figure is much less, only £15.

This is the gap between the stars.

But this event became more and more crazy, and more and more stars participated.

All of this originated from Henry and was planned by Henry, but it was Luo Wu who promoted it.

In the end, famous players participated.

But no one can surpass Luo Wu, and his 128 million pounds is still ranked first.

Accidentally, he created another very different record in the football world...

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