The rise of greenery

Chapter 424 For


A very simple lore, Luo Wu's little effort.

Smith Field fell silent in the final moments.

Huddersfield fans had a happy 90 minutes, but finally waited for a nightmare.

Luo Wu personally gave them a gift.

Simple and straightforward.

His raised index finger provoked everyone's nerves.

The sound of abuse was everywhere, and the anger was unstoppable.

Incapable of fury.

At the end of the game, Arsenal took three points.

Manchester City is also very depressed. They also thought it was a draw. In this case, Manchester City's points will overtake.

But Arsenal won. In the standings, Arsenal is 1 point ahead of Manchester City and is still at the top of the list.

Are you angry?

The Manchester City team, like the Huddersfield fans, waited for the end of the game to cheer, but in the end they were disappointed.

Luo Wu did not attend the post-match press conference.He's already slapped everyone in the face with his actions, which is better than anything.

Emery was pretty dazed at the press conference.

"Facts have proved once again, don't always provoke Luo Wu verbally, the result every time...haha!"

He couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"When the game time came to the 90th minute, I was ready to give up. I thought it would be a draw, but I saw the opportunity of the set piece in the front field, so I quickly put him on the field, and the goal came naturally. Here we come."

"His free kick has the same hit rate as a penalty kick. I am full of confidence in this. If this situation still occurs next time, I will decisively replace him."

"Why take 1 minutes to solve a problem that can be solved in 90 minute?"


Miraculously, after the game, the media wailed and felt worthless for Huddersfield.

There was no mention of Luo Wu's stunning performance...

Not to mention the headlines.

Could it be that their news media have reached a tacit agreement and formed an alliance?

It doesn't matter to Luo Wu, if you don't report him, you will be quiet.

But Scotland Yard did not seem to want to quiet him, and a police car was on the doorstep of his mansion the next morning.

After showing him the relevant documents and materials, they questioned him in Luo Wu's living room.

Precisely because the police suspected that he was behind it.

This is quite excessive. Luo Luowu called Mendes and asked Mendes to find a lawyer to deal with it.

He will not cooperate with the police.

Simply sick.

That incident had something to do with him.

The news media's nonsense, the police still take it seriously?

He threw the police out.

And this news was quickly spread on the Internet, it seems that an insider leaked the rumors.

Anyway, the Internet is buzzing again.

Someone is going to make trouble.

Make trouble against him.

This time it was the BBC who took the lead - the Chinese refused the police investigation of him and did not cooperate at all.Impossible without shit on him.

This was an affirmative tone, and he immediately gave Luo Wu a hat.

The "Sun" also came to join in the fun, reporting that they had received an anonymous phone call. The person on the phone admitted that Luo Wu was the mastermind behind the threats against Pearson, and Luo Wu ordered him to do it. For this, he also got 10 million pounds.

The Sun is unreliable when it comes to football coverage, but when it comes to players' private lives or other nonsense, the news is accurate.

So everyone took it seriously.

I really thought it was Luo Wu who instigated it.

Even the police came to the editorial office of the "Sun" to find relevant clues, and then tracked down.

But it seems that the process is not smooth, otherwise Luo Wu may have to be taken to the police station.

But the "Sun" report has a different impact from the previous media's random speculation.

Mendes is still in London.

He rushed to Luo Wu's house quickly.

"Someone is targeting you,"

"It was a premeditated event."

Can the seasoned Mendez not understand what's going on?

"Just to piss you off."

"Especially the anonymous phone call from The Sun, it must have been made out of nothing."

"You know what I mean, like that thing with Ronaldo in America."

"I understand." Luo Wu nodded, "Then let the lawyer sue all these bastards, and make them bankrupt."

"I will not give in to these bastards and let them slaughter me."

Luo Wuru's eyes showed a fierce look.

Anyway, he has never done it, and he is not afraid to face these non-existent things.On the contrary, he wants to fight back, to fight back fiercely.

"You make a blacklist for me, specific to each person, expose everyone's scandals, put them on the Internet every day, and see who is more ruthless."

"Money is not a problem, and things that can be done with money are not things. Any company or individual who has provoked me cannot let go."

"Hiss~" Mendes gasped, he didn't expect Luo Wu to be so ruthless.

This is simply against the whole world.

The last guy who did this was Ronaldo, but Ronaldo has kept a low profile now.The more you do this, the more black fans you will have, and there will be no peace, and even your status will be affected.

I didn't expect Luo Wu to be even more crazy.

So Mendes offered a different opinion.

"Personally, I think we should calm down. The more we do this, don't those guys dance more happily? They like to see us in a hurry."

"If your emotions are led away by them, your state on the court may be affected. Isn't that what they want?"

Luo Wu waved his hand:

"No, no, you misunderstood, I'm not in a hurry."

"This is what I call vengeance."

"They can't fix me, but I can kill them. Isn't that just hiring more private detectives? They don't have much money. You just need to boldly help me do this."

"And these things will definitely not affect my state. The more they are like this, the better my state will be. Look at me so far, have I slapped everyone in the face?"

Luo Wu has a well-thought-out plan, how could it affect his state, he has the ball king system in him, so there is no such thing as good or bad state.

But Mendes doesn't really believe it. Although everything Luo Wu is doing is awesome, once it really affects the state, it will not be so simple.

Anyway, he felt that Ronaldo was very tired when he was alive, but Ronaldo couldn't persuade him, no matter how much he said, he would only follow his own ideas.

It seems that Luo Wu is also like this, and it is impossible to persuade him.

"Okay, then you can train and play football with peace of mind. All these things are left to me and the lawyer. You don't need to ask at all. I will do a great job..."


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